"Starlit Garden Confessions"
Everyday all summer long it's been the same routine for me: wake up, do the chores then head downtown to spend the day in the Japanese Tea Gardens. I know it's weird for a teenaged girl to hang out alone in a garden away from home for hours on end but I always feel at home here. Here I could feel closer to my father, who's been away on a mission for about seven months now and I could get some peace to write my stories. Trust trying to be creative in my house is impossible.
My mother has always been the one to hate the fact that I wasn't like my older sister. I was the child that wanted to go outside and play in the mud with the guys, where my sister always stayed inside attached to my mother's hip. As we grew up mother started to teach us how to be a proper young ladies but as mother would her lessons I would be seeking out the wood and into the yard. It would always piss off my mother when I wouldn't listen to her but I never really care. I always knew I was the different child since I took more after my father then anyone else in my family. He was my idol but sadly I hardly get to see him due to his job within the FBI. So needless to say I was left alone with the two evil witches that I'm related to live with and that was truly a living hell.
So just like every other day I was planning to go to the Tea Gardens once I finished all the house work that my mother gave me to do. However, today it took me longer to finish the chores but I managed to finish them with enough time to get to the gardens before the sun would set. Yet before I could leave, I checked making sure my mother was busy cooking dinner and that my sister's bedroom door was closed before I took off up the stairs towards my room. As soon as I got to my door I pushed it opened grabbing my old denim massager bag off the floor than turned around running back down the stairs for the front door. Before I could even get out the door my mother yelled to me from the kitchen,
"Miyoko! Where do you think you going at this time of day?!" I flinched slightly before turning away from the door looking at my mother, who was now standing in the hallway with her arms crossed over her chest glaring at me. Just by the look in her eyes I could feel the anger and hatred that is always increasing every time I ditch out on the "Family" dinner or something that involves the family.
"I was just going out for a walk and probably meet up with my friends." I lied to her as I slowly stepped backwards out of the house trying to make sure she didn't notice. Yet sadly I was wrong because next thing I knew she was quickly making her way towards me screaming,
"Miyoko Rion Lee, you are not going down to that garden again and you will stay home and for once in your pointless life learn how to be a proper young lady!" She reached out to grab my arm but I saw that coming and pulled away at the right moment than ran out the door towards the bus stop not stopping once to look back.
When I came up to the bus stop I dropped my bag on the bench as I looked down the street checking for the bus. I didn't see it coming yet I sat back and waited a couple minutes hoping that it would arrive soon but it seemed like luck wasn't on my side today. Leaning back against the bench I have a great view of the sky to watch the clouds slowly drifted by and let my mind wander while waiting. Once I started to zone out the bus pulled up in front of me with the bus driver yelling out the door,
"Hey you girl, Are you getting on this bus or can I keep going?"
I jumped at the sound of his raspy voice and looked up at him stretching the back of my neck, "Yea . . . sorry." I muttered grabbing my bag quietly making my way onto the bus without glancing at the driver. Once I got seated the driver snorted glancing back at me before driving off again. Looking around I notice that everything was pretty much the same as usual for this time of day. The bus was pretty much empty beside the usual old lady heading home from somewhere and the few bums sleeping in the back of the bus keeping most decent people from sitting back there.
So in order to kill time I placed my iPod in than let myself slip away into another daydream ignoring the world around me. By doing this it usual didn't seem to take as long as it did if my mother or sister decided to drop me off. When I noticed that the bus was driving in town, I started looking for the first stop to come into sight. Once I saw it I stood up waiting for the bus to stop so I got off continue my way. Since the stop wasn't that far from the gardens I decided to walk instead of waiting until the next stop. Looking back I smiled at the driver before stepping off the bus and letting him go about his way.
Once the bus was out of my sight I smiled happily to myself and crossed the street taking the short cut through the back streets towards the gardens. These streets are always quiet, no children running around the streets yelling and screaming or is there any sign of life. The only way someone would be able to tell that people lived here was the fact that people would watch you as you walked down the street. Some of them could be seen with phones in their hands waiting to call the police at the sign of trouble, where others would just smile and continue what they were doing.
By the time I reached the entrance to the Tea Gardens I noticed that there was no one I sight of the entrance or within the area around it. At first I just shrugged it off like it was nothing and continue my way inside but the further I walked inside the more I noticed that no one was here.
"Well this is weird . . ." I whispered to myself looking around the gardens walking through trying to see if there was any one else around. Yet there wasn't a single soul here at all, not even the animals made themselves known.
It was really unusual the gardens were always packed around this time with couples out on their first dates along with the random people, who come to watch the sun set but today it seemed like a complete dead zone. Not that I really minded or anything it just meant that I could sit and write my stories in peace not having to worry about anyone reading over my shoulder or getting hit with a ball. Smiling to myself I thought,
'This day can't get any better can it?'
I continued my walk to my favorite spot within this whole park, by the river bank underneath the overgrown cherry bloom tree that rested near the edge of the river's outer banks. It was an extremely peaceful place to hide out the only thing you could hear was the waterfall that was off a bit in the distance along with the koi fish swimming around it the river. Not many people wandered this far into the gardens, so the flowers and plants around the area were untouched which added to the beauty of the area.
I didn't even know of this place until my father started taking me here when I was younger. Back when he didn't have to go to work all the time, he use to bring me here all the time to play ball and telling me stories about all the places he has been. Yet I knew we were never alone when the two of us came here. Whenever my ball would disappear into behind the bushes before either me or my father could go to get it someone would always throw it back. At first it scared the living shit out of my father but I thought it was something magical. So instead of just me and my father playing catch I would throw it back towards the bushes so whoever was throwing it could join the game as well.
Over the years I noticed that the person that was hiding around this little hide away of mine was still there, yet every time I tried to call out to the person but I never got any form of response. When I became a teenager I stopped trying to call out to someone I never knew if they were really there. However to this day I still feel like someone was still watching over me. I was always thinking of that mysterious person that hung around my secret hide away and most of my stories were based on my ideas of what this person was like.
It only took a couple of minutes before I reached the river and made it to the Cherry Blossom Tree. Once I got there I took my place against the tree pulling out my notebook and continued my story from where I last left it off.
'There he was leaning against his sports car like always waiting for his friends. As for me I sat across the parking lot waiting on my father to come and pick me up on his way home from work. I know it's pretty sad but I can't seem to stop starting at him but before he could catch me I looked down at the ground . . .' I wrote before looking back up at the sky trying to think.
Looking back at the page and reading over it a couple times, I ripped it out of the book throwing it into one of the pockets in my bag. I tried writing something again but it didn't sound right when I read it back in my mind. Sighing I ripped another page out of my book before putting the book away.
"Why does writer's block have to fucking suck so much?" I questioned out loud.
The whole point in me coming here today was to try and rid myself of this damn writer's block, but it seemed like it didn't want to go away. Figuring I wasn't going to be writing anymore today I stood up and made my way over to the river side. I sat down on one of the rocks removing both my socks and shoes before rolling up the bottoms of my jeans and sticking my feet into the water.
As usual the water had a slight chill to it but it was refreshing to say the least. I laid back on the rock looking up at the sky watching the sun set behind the trees and buildings but I heard someone moving around in the trees around me. I jumped into the sitting position looking around the area trying to figure out what was there but all movement stopped and everything was quiet again. I looked back at the overgrown tree and noticed that there was someone hiding in the shadows looking at me.
"Can I help you?" I slowly stood up calling out.
The person didn't make a move, so I believed that I was seeing things. Shaking my head I sat back down looking back into the water trying to think. Things were silent once again within the area but for some odd reason I still had a feeling that I was being watched. I laid back on the rock trying to ignore the feeling but it still didn't want to go away; however, when I heard the sound of footsteps gliding across the grass towards me. I chose to ignore it believing that it was nothing more than my mind playing tricks on me. However; when a shadow appeared above me blocking the sunlight I knew that my mind wasn't playing tricks at all. Jumping up off the rock again I looked over at the person, who was standing in front of me with a small smile showing on his face.
He stood tall, probably about seven inches taller than my small five foot five height. He seemed to have mid-length jet black hair tied back in a black leather thong, but with his hair pulled back it showed that he had a pair of black gray dog ears on his head. When I looked into his clear blue eyes I see that they held years of pain and wisdom within them. As I let my eyes travel away from his face I saw a leather necklace holding a bone craved medallion was tied around his neck. Also his board chest and shoulders stood out along with a nice six pack he seemed to have going on. Though there was another thing that stuck out about him and it was the three distinct claw mark scars that started at the top of his right shoulder and stopped at the top of his left hip.
It seems that the only pair of clothes this man owned was a pair of traditional hakamas, which were hanging dangerous low on his hips. I looked back behind him noticing a black grey tail matching the ears on his head wagging slightly behind him. I was so amazed at looking over his features I almost for got that he was standing in front of me watching over my every move.
It wasn't until I heard a husky, heart filled laughed I snapped my eyes back up to meet his with a noticeable blush showing across my face. The man seemed to notice this and took a couple small steps closer to me.
"Do you enjoy what you see, Miyoko?" he questioned while giving me a once over with a smirk starting to show on his rugged features.
I took a couple steps back trying to distance myself from him a tad frightened that he knows my name,
"Umm . . . how do you know my name because I sure as hell don't know you?" I quietly question while not watching my steps.
He slowly continued his way closer and closer towards me while I continued to keep out distance between us. However I stepped onto one of the rocks that was wet due to the river and slipped falling into the river. Though it seemed like I was going to fall into the river, I was proven wrong when I felt him grabbed a hold of my wrist holding me about a foot from falling into the river. Once I noticed I wasn't floating around in the river I opened my emerald green eyes to meet his clear blue eyes. As I was looking deep within his eyes I saw that he was worried but also afraid for some reason. While I was staring into the deeply into his eyes, he slowly pulling me away from the river side and back toward the Cherry Blossom Tree, where was stuff was located.
"Are you alright, Miyoko? You're not hurt or anything right?" He quickly questioned as he pulled me down to sit at the base of the tree next to him.
I glanced over at him still a bit confused but when his ears popped back into my sights, I sat up on my knees reaching out to grab a hold of them. At first the man froze under my touch probably afraid I was going to pull at his ears to see if they were real or not. Once he figured I wasn't going to yank on them his muscles loosened up allowing him to relax against the trunk of the tree and allowed me to continue what I wanted to do. His ears were soft and twitched involutedly with every touch, but he didn't seem to mind it at all. His eyes were closed, body relaxed, and he had a weird look of pleasure on his face.
"Are you enjoying this?" I laughed as I pulled away from him sitting back on the ground.
He opened one eye and glanced over at me,
"Yes, I was … so why did you have to stop?" He husked smirking at me as my face turned a bit red showing my blush.
"Umm . . . because you seemed to be enjoying it a bit too much." I stated slowly moving away trying to give us some distance.
The guy raised an eyebrow at me before reaching his hand out grabbing hold of my elbow keeping me from moving away any further.
"Why are you moving away, missy?" He sneered pulling me back next to him.
"Well do you want the short or long version of why I should be moving away?" I sarcastically questioned trying to move away from him once again.
"I'll take the short list and you're staying right here." He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder locking me in closely to his side, leaving me with no way to escape easily from him.
"Fine but if your arm moves off the shoulder you're dead. Now for the short list, number one: I don't know who the fuck you are? Two: The touchy – feely crap is starting to get really annoying. And lastly three: how the fuck do you know my name?!" I stated glaring at him.
The guy gave a heart filled laughed,
"Well Miyoko they don't sound like reason as to way you keep moving away from me." His eyes had a spark of amusement within them as he looked down at me.
"I don't care reasons and questions are the same thing in my book so answer them!" I demanded struggling to pull away from him.
He pulled me back against him once again leaning his head on top of mine,
"To start off my name is Yukio; I'm part of the old black wolf tribe. Next I don't care it the 'touchy – feely crap' as you say it is annoying to you because it feels right to me. And as for how I know your name it's because I use to hear your father say all the time while the two of you were here, also you told me it more than once yourself."
I was in shock all the times me and my father would come here to find peace from our hacked and annoying home lives, there was someone who was spying on us. I tried more than once to speak but my mind wasn't letting me. He seemed to notice my internal struggle and spoke up,
"Don't you remember all the times you and your father spent here playing with your 'invisible' friend? You always called out to me telling me or name and everything."
I pulled away standing up so I wasn't next to him and looked him deep in the eyes,
"But I can I know that you're telling me the truth? I mean I never met my invisible friend, so how can I know that you're not some creeper who's been following me?" I questioned as I took a seat in front of him awaiting my answer.
He glanced over at the waterfall and down at the ground before he even looked back up at me. There was nothing but silence that surrounded the two of us when he looked back into my eyes. I was starting to get really annoyed with the silence and went to speak, but as soon as I opened my mouth Yukio placed a finger over my lips silencing me.
"I never wanted to show you what I look like. I mean I'm a demon not a normal human like you. The very first day I saw you and your father you have to be no older than five years old. I couldn't help but feel a need to protect you and keep you out of harms way. I know its weird and all but that's how I felt at that moment, but as the years went by my feeling towards you started to change." He calmly stated, "As the years went by I notice I had this undying feeling to make you mine. It took all of my self control not to answer you when you called for me and it's taking even more of my self control not to jump and take you now." He husked staring at me with an undying passion burning within his eyes.
I was completely speechless; I mean who wouldn't be after they learn something like this. But that wasn't the worst part of it … I believe deep in my heart that I loved him but I didn't understand why. Before I slipped into another daze I moved away from him and moved back to sit by the Cherry Blossom tree in hopes that I could get my thoughts towards in peace. However it seemed like he wasn't ready to give me the peace that I want since I felt his presence behind me once again. I sighed asking,
"Yukio …. What do you want from me?"
At first he didn't answer he only continued to move closer to me until his arms were wrapped firmly around my waist pulling me against him.
"What I want …" He whispered as he hid his face within my hair trying to drag out the silence that was starting between us.
As the silence continued on I was beginning to feel uncomfortable so I decided to break it.
"Yes I want to know what the hell you want from me. Is it really that right to answer?" I questioned as I struggled against him trying to get free and put some distance between us again.
However no matter how much I struggled I learned that it was useless. He was as he said a demon and I was human. I knew I didn't have the strength to fight against him and win but my stubborn pride would not let get it the way of me getting free. As I continued to struggle Yukio remain oddly silent until he grabbed a hold of my shoulders spinning around in his arms to face him.
"I want you. I want to be inside you as you struggle under me trying to hold your pleasure within you. I want to watch you cum for the first time while I please your body. And that's not all." He stated pulling my even closer to feel growing erection causing a blush to return to my pale face.
"W-what? Why would you say something like that?" I stuttered looking away from him towards the ground not wanting to look into his eyes.
Even though I wasn't looking I felt him move his head closer to mine and whisper into my ear,
"Because I want to make you mine and mine alone."
After he said that he pulled away a bit from me as if he knew that his words were replaying themselves within my head. Once everything finally clicked within my mind I snapped my head back to looking up at him completely stunned and at a loss of words. I mean what could a person really say after they learn something like that.
As he continued to watch my movements I slowly back away and against the tree staring at him. After another staring contest he advance towards me until he had his hands on either side of my head blocking all means of escape then leaned in and lightly placing his lips on top of mine. At first I didn't know what to do since it was my first kiss but it didn't take long for me to start kissing him back but before we could get into it he pulled away smirking. Pouting I opened my mouth to yell at him but I was caught off guard by his lips crashing back on to mine and his body pressing mine harder against the tree.
Even with the added pressure he was causing the lower half of my body by keeping me pinned to the tree I let out a quiet moan against his lips. At my reaction to it he smirked against my lips before tracing them with his tongue asking for entrance. Shyly I opened my mouth to him allowing his tongue into my mouth as he did he kept his left hand on the tree to the side of my head as his right hand cupped my cheek while lightly letting his thumb rub small circles there. As he deepened the kiss I snaked my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers in his long black hair pulling it free from his leather tie. While I let my hands play with his hair his hands began to roam down my sides to the bottom of my shirt then lifting it up enough to touch the bare skin underneath.
Shivering at his touch I moved my hands away from his hair and gripped onto his shoulders trying to pull him closer. Smirking into the kiss again he moved his right hand from under my shirt down to the side of my right thigh and began rubbing it up and down slowly. Moaning slightly in his mouth as I really started getting into it, I dragged my fingers down his shoulders to his chest and stomach, until I reached the hem of his pants.
As his muscles tensed under your touch he decided to take more control of this. So he moved his right hand back up to your shirt and quickly ripped it off leaving me in nothing but the plain black bra for the world to see. Without breaking the serious make out session we were in, he grabbed a hold of my legs and lifted me up so I was forced to wrap my legs around his hips as he began to move away from the to lay me back on the ground. Once we were finally settled on the ground he removed his lips from mine but he soon reattached them onto my neck, nibbling at it slightly as he slowly trailed his hands back up my stomach towards my chest only to stop underneath my aching breast. I groaned at the lack of contact between us and looked up at him frowning slightly hoping he would understand that I need him to at least touch me. He smirked as he reached up towards my bra then took his claws and cut the straps. A small gasp in surprise left my throat before I could stop him he pulled the now worthless piece of cloth away from my breast allowing them to became visible. However I couldn't help the blush that chose to make itself known on my face as he greedily stared at my breast. When I finally got the courage to look back up at him it looked as if Yukio was finally getting something he's wanted for a long time now. And it seemed like I was finally willing to give it to him though I hardly knew him.
He slowly brought his head down and took my left breast in his mouth. I moaned and arched my back as he sucked and bit my nipple while his hand was rolling the other occasionally pinching or tugging at it. After a couple minutes he switched to the other breast and I threw my head back moaning in sheer pleasure at that he was letting my experience. I knew Yukio was enjoying all my reactions because I could feel him growing harder on the side of my leg. While I was in a daze so focused on what Yukio was doing with your breasts, I failed to notice that his other hand finding its way towards the zipper of my jeans. And without me noticing he popped the button while undoing the zipper then slid his hand through the opening and finally towards my core. However when I felt him lightly trail a finger up and down my slit causing me to jump.
Soon after me reaction he quickly removed his mouth from my breast and started kissing down my stomach while pulling my jeans and underwear down my legs to my ankles, where I kicked them the rest of the way off. Once the last barrier of clothing was out of his way he immediately stuck a finger into my wet core causing another moan to rip itself from my throat. My back arched at the unexpected invasion and Yukio didn't wait long before he added another finger trying to stretch me out while using his thumb to rub my clit slightly to continue to keep me wet and begging. Without think I sat up without removing Yukio's fingers from within me and pulled him into another tongue war as I continued to moan into his mouth.
As we started another make out session Yukio quickly removed his fingers and separated from the kiss causing me to pout looking up at him. With a smirk on his face he slid down my body until his face was right in front of my weeping entrance. As I watched his movements he glanced up at me before sticking his tongue out and lightly he drug his tongue up my slit getting a taste causing my head to falling back.
"Do you enjoy that Miyoko? Do you enjoy it when my tongue it the one in you or do you want me to fuck you with my fingers again?" He lustfully husked as his hands rubbed back up my sides towards my chest.
Unable to answer him I looked away turning to hide my blush again while nodding at him and biting on the tip of my thumb. However when he didn't receive a verbal answer from me he began to pull away and grab a hold of my hand.
"Miyoko … love answer me."
I blushed even more before quietly answering,
"Yes … I enjoy your tongue …"
He smirked,
"What was that love I didn't quite hear you?"
"I want you tongue inside of me." I loudly stated while blushing even more.
"That's what I wanted to hear."
He smirked as he slowly brought his mouth back down to my core and darted his tongue inward. I bucked my hips in ecstasy, but he stopped that by grabbing a hold of my hips holding them down. Because he knew that he was going get what he wanted soon. And just like he thought an unknown boiling sensation began to build within my stomach as I continued to moan and groan.
"Yukio … mor--"
I climaxed, releasing my fluids into his mouth but some onto his face. While I was still short of breath but continued to groan as he began to lick me clean. As he continued licking me clean, he quickly removed his pants, allowing his erected and pulsating manhood freedom from its confident. Once he was freed he removed his face from my core then moved back up my body the pulled me into another kiss. As he played with my tongue I was able to taste myself on his tongue.
Suddenly without any warning a sharp pain ran down my spine as his manhood was jammed into me. Screaming out I gripped onto his shoulders digging my nails into his back trying to block out my pain. After a couple minutes of him remaining perfectly still though it seemed to cause him great pain I began panting hard as my body was starting to get used to him. As if noticing my pain and discomfort he started leaving light kisses on my neck making his way up to my ear.
"It's okay Miyoko. The pain will all be over soon and you'll never have to deal with it again." He groaned seductively into my ear before nipping at my earlobe causing a shiver to run down my spine.
Holding onto his body above mine he slowly began to move back and forth, in and out. The pain became pleasure as he continued at a slow steady pace. Wanting more, I wrapped my legs around his hips and bucked my hips forward; causing both of us to moan loudly in pleasure. The two of us started to gain speed steadily as we continued to move in synch with one another. Every moan grew louder and more breathless with each passing second.
I bit my lip feeling my climax resurfacing. Yukio seemed to feel it s well and began to speed up increasingly, as he began to feel his own coming soon. He held my body close to his and dug his face into the crick of your neck biting and sucking on the tender skin. In reaction I dug my nails into his back as both of us climaxed together. He bit harder in my neck causing it to bleed as he began to release his warm seed into me. After taking a few minutes to regain out breath, Yukio slowly removed himself from me and flopped down on the ground next to me and quickly cuddled me into his chest.
Once the two of us regain our breath he looked down at me with a smile showing on his face before he leaned down again and kissed my forehead. Even with everything that the two of us went through just moment's ago I still blushed at the innocent action of him kissing my forehead.
"You know I love you Miyoko." He stated pulling my closer against him.
I smiled at him and hugged him tightly gazing up at the moon before looking back up at him.
"And I think I love you too Yukio."
He smiled kissing my forehead once again.
"That's a good thing because I have another important question for you."
Confused I sat up a bit looking directly into his eyes,
"Ummm … okay, what's your questioned?"
"Will you run away from this world with me?"
He gazed into my eyes silently pleading with me not to break his heart. Not to cause him anymore pain that he has always had to deal with before I came into his life. Smiling I leaned down and lightly kissed him before pulling away again.
"Where will we run away too?"
He smiled,
"We'll leave this world for the demon one. There you'll be able to see the lands of my family and where we could start our own family away from your mother and sister."
I smile again and nod at him,
"Alright … I'll go with you as long as I'm able to come home to see my father whenever he returns."
Yukio smiled pulling me down on top of him again.
"I will bring you back whenever you wish to love."
I laid my head against his shoulder smiling, slowly starting to drift out into a world of sleep.
"Then take me away wolf boy. Take me to a world I never since before." I muttered before fully falling asleep not able to stay awake long enough to hear Yukio's reply. But all I knew that when I would wake up I probably won't be in this world, living in a house were people don't care about me unless my father was home.
A new world was waiting for me in the morning along with a new life. I can't wait to wake up.