A/N: Hey guys! Long time no see! I hope you guys don't mind that I do some editing to this lovely story. I want to do it justice and you guys as well. Hopefully proper spelling and grammar will make this story better. Don't worry I won't change TOO much of the plot ;P All the chapters are inspired by a song, and if you can figure out who the singer is, I shall love you forever! Anyway Enjoy!
A friendship can grow out of a hate, and a hate can grow out of a friendship- quotes by Brookelle Willow
"Brookelle!" A young woman called from the bottom of the stairs. A girl, about the age of five ran down the stairs. Her brown curls trailed behind as she ran with speed and energy. The young girl was going a little too fast, the woman picked the girl up just when the girl was surely about to fall.
The girl laughed and her dark blue eyes looked at the woman's brown ones. "Yes, Mommy?" A smile still shining brightly on her face, this was their usual game.
"Brookelle, come on." Her mother place Brookelle down and grabbed the young girl's hand leading her into the living room. There, another young blond woman with brown eyes and a boy, about a year older than Brookelle sat quietly on the cream colored couch. The boy had the same color hair as the woman but had bright green colored eyes. His eyes fascinated Brookelle; they shined like the stars in the sky. The five year old then wondered why the boy was even here.
"Brookelle these are our new neighbors." Her mother announced, speaking about the two strangers. "This is Mrs. Starr, and this is her son, Devon." Mrs. Starr stood up from her place on couch. She bent down to Brookelle's height.
"Hi, Brookelle." The blond woman greeted. "It's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too." Brookelle smiled brightly. The woman then turned to her son who was hiding right behind his mother's legs. Mrs. Starr pushed him towards Brookelle in attempt to get him to introduce himself. Though, it was useless. Devon simply returned back to behind his mother. Mrs. Starr tried once more.
"Come on, Devon. Say hello." The woman pleaded. Devon shook his head a retreated once more. This time Brookelle followed him. Devon returned to the front of his mom, again Brookelle followed. Brookelle was determined to talk to the boy even if it meant playing cat and mouse. Up until now there were no children on the block that she could play with, and she hadn't started school yet. There was no way she could pass up an opportunity like this.
Devon stopped behind his mother after the fifth lap. Curious to if she had won the battle, Brookelle stopped too. Devon mentioned for her to come close to him. The sudden change in character confused the girl and she of course went in close.
Devon then flicked her nose. "Girls have cooties!" He laughed, happy that he bullied the young girl. Before his mother could say anything Brookelle slapped him. The two started to lunge towards each other, getting ready to attack. Luckily, both of the mothers caught their child before they could even touch each other once more. The boy and girl struggled to get out of their mother's grasps.
"Brookelle Willow!"
"Devon Starr!" Brookelle stuck out her tongue at Devon and Devon mirrored her. Brookelle's mother looked apologetically at Mrs. Starr.
"I'm so sorry she is never like this. I have no clue what has gotten into her." Mrs. Willow apologized. Mrs. Starr shook her head at the young woman.
"No, no. I should be apologizing. This is unusual for him. He really is a sweet kid." Brookelle's mother smiled and walked away with her daughter as Mrs. Starr followed with Devon.
They brought the two into a room that was almost bare. There were a few toys they could play with and a television. Brookelle knew this room well… The time out room. Brookelle's mother sat her daughter on one end of the room while Devon was seated on the other. Brookelle's mother looked at the two with a stern expression on her face.
"Now you two will stay on these sides until you decide you can play nicely with one another." The young women started for the door. "We will be right here and we will know if you two are fighting or not." Then they left the room, leaving the two children alone in silence. Brookelle turned to see Devon, who was still faced to the wall. Brookelle glared at him. Devon then turned to face Brookelle, glaring back at the girl.
Devon broke the staring contest and turned his attention at a red fire truck that was nearby. He grabbed it rolling it around on the hardwood floor. He dared not push any of the buttons fearing that it would make a noise. Brookelle just sat there quietly, watching the boy play on his own. But it was only a matter of time before he got bored with it and rolled the plastic toy across the room. The fire engine landed in front of Brookelle's feet. She was curious to why he would even roll it over to her after all they would of hurt each other if it wasn't for their mothers. Her blue eyes looked at the boy suspiciously. What exactly was he trying to do?
Devon then made a motion for the girl to push the fire truck back over to him. She shrugged not knowing what else to do and rolled it back, not expecting to him to roll it back to her. Maybe it was a mistake and he didn't mean to roll it to her. Brookelle was wrong and he rolled it right back. This little exchange went on for a few more minutes before Brookelle smiled that big smile of hers and Devon stood up walking over to Brookelle.
Brookelle's smile instantly faded. She stood up preparing to fight again. Devon watched as the petite girl went into a defensive position. He laughed and held out his hand. Brookelle instantly dropped her defensive pose and looked at hand. She took it and smiled. It was a truce.
Just like that, what happened only minutes before was past them. The two started playing with the few toys in the room. They started laughing loudly and making a lot of noise. The mothers knowing full and well what they had accomplished checked up on them. Smiles on their faces as they watched the five-year-old and six-year-old play with each other. The budding friendship seemed as almost as if they knew each other for all their young lives.
Devon's mother turned to Brookelle's mother. "Wouldn't it be something if the two grew up together and fell in love." Brookelle's mother only smiled, not responding to the statement. That smile said it all.
There you have it! A revised Prologue! Happy Thanksgiving everyone, and a revised first chapter will be out soon! (Especially since it is already revised!) So Please review and eat lots of turkey! (Unless you're vegetarian or Vegan of course!)