Hello! This is my new story I have been working on for a while now and decided to post it up on Fictionpress.
This story does have a warning though…
WARNING: This story contains Slash, yaoi… shōnen-ai or however you call it. If you don't like it I suggest you press the back button right not.
For those who did not push the back button enjoy! :)
- 3 - October 24, 2000 - 3 -
Cold snow fell down from the sky around Aiden, some flakes hitting his winter jacket and some hitting his face as he walked down the sidewalk. His arms were crossed as if trying to get warm, he had no idea how long he had been walking back and forth down the sidewalk but every time he looked into his front room window, his parents were still screaming at each other, he could even hear them from outside. They had no idea he was outside, he had snuck out his bedroom window right as the fighting began. He was used to it though they fought almost every night when his father got home. He didn't know why they fought and he didn't want to know why, he just didn't want to hear them anymore.
All the fighting started when a letter came in the mail, he didn't know what is said but he heard his parents fighting over it, yelling that someone was spending too much money and they were in something called 'Debt.' He didn't understand what that was but he knew it was something bad. During the fights, he heard the words divorce and get out a lot, sometimes either his mother or father left. If his father left, his mother would usually sit down on the couch and start to cry, but if his mother left, his father would just pace back and forth in the front room.
His father did most of the yelling while his mother tried to get his father to lower his voice because they would only fight when he went to bed and his mother didn't want him to walk up and hear them. They never gave him the chance to fall asleep though, the moment his door clicked shut, his father's yelling sounded throughout the whole house. He barely got any sleep at night, with his father's yelling or loud footsteps when he paced or his mother's crying, the only sleep he got were the short cat naps during the day.
It had been a couple of months since they had started fighting and he was already sick of it. The only way so that he didn't have to hear it was to sneak out his window when the yelling started. But it didn't really work out; he mostly just walked on the sidewalk, walking corner to corner. Every time he stopped in front of the house, looking into the big front room window, he could see them fighting and he could hear the yelling.
Finally the cold was starting to get to him, he cupped his hands around his mouth, breathing deeply into them, he forgotten his gloves in his drawer and it would have made too much noise to go back in and get them. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, watching his parents through the front window. He watched for a few more seconds before deciding to go back inside and try to get some sleep when a deep familiar voice spoke behind him, the person saying his name.
He froze; no one was supposed to find him outside. The voice sounded familiar so it had to be one of his neighbors but since he didn't recognize the voice right away, it must be a neighbor he didn't see regularly. He flinched then shifted slightly when the person came to stand next to him, probably to watch his parents fight as well. He took a quick glance to see who it was; it was his neighbor from two houses down, Mr. Moore.
Mr. Moore was said to be a scientist but nobody believed him, rumors about him were spread all the time throughout the neighborhood. The teenagers said that Mr. Moore's science lab that he had in his basement was actually a meth lab and sometimes when they walked past that house they would hear screams coming from the basement. They avoided him like the plague but the younger kids loved him, he was nice and gave out sweets and there was always a smile on his face.
Aiden looked up at Mr. Moore, keeping his eyes on the man's face; there was no smile tonight, just a frown, marring the man's face. Mr. Moore looked nicer when he smiled, so maybe that's why he smiled all the time.
"An 8 year old should in no way see his parents fighting."
Aiden frowned himself, looking down shamefully before looking back at his parents. Even from a far distance he could see his father's angry look, his mother looked angry as well but wasn't nearly as scary as his father's. His mother was throwing her arms in the air, her mouth moving at a fast pace, along with his father.
"You know Aiden; you're different from the other kids." Mr. Moore suddenly whispered, puffs of visible air appeared in front of his mouth as he talked.
Aiden felt his eyes go wide, he wanted to blurt out the first question that came to mind but he held his tongue and thought for a moment. He shifted on his feet once more before looking back up at Mr. Moore; the man's frown was replaced with a sincere smile. The street light shone on Mr. Moore's face, making the scientist's smile stand out more from the shadows.
"How so?" The questions slipped from Aiden's mouth, that wasn't what he wanted to ask yet it looked like Mr. Moore expected that very question.
"Most children would try and stop their parents from fighting, why haven't you?"
Aiden's eyes got wide again, he breath caught in his throat. He didn't expect a question for his answer, for the question Mr. Moore asked, he didn't have an answer, he racked his brain for one. Why didn't he ever try and stop his parents from fighting? Every night he walked corner to corner, the thought of stopping his parents never came to mind. Maybe it never crossed his mind because he knew in the back of his head; he wasn't capable of stopping them. Or, maybe he knew that if he stopped them one night then they would have another thing to fight over the next night.
"You look cold and tired, why don't you come to my house for the night and sleep, it doesn't look like their going to stop anytime soon, it's best to let people get their anger out."
Aiden looked back at his parents, through the widow, they looked angrier than ever. A warm arm wrapped around his shoulders, a soft 'come on' was whispered his ear as he was being guided down the sidewalk towards Mr. Moore's house. His mind was telling him he should run back to his house because something bad was going to happen if he went to Mr. Moore's. However with a warm arm wrapped around his shoulders, his body was too warm now to listen to his head.
Mr. Moore stopped in front of his door to dig his keys out of his pocket. Aiden watched curiosily, he felt Mr. Moore move, the arm around his shoulder was removed as Mr. Moore unlocked his door with the right and pushed it open with his left. Mr. Moore stood still on the porch and Aiden realized the scientist was letting him go in first, he stepped inside, which was a grave mistake.
The moment Aiden stepped into the house, a roaring pain flared in his stomach; he clutched his stomach, wrapping his arms around his waist, falling to his knees. A small light flashed on in front of him, making his head pound and he became dizzy, like he had just spun in a chair five thousand times. He heard the front door shut, it made his ears ring, and it sounded like a bomb went off right next to his head. Tears from the pain blurred his vision, falling down his face. The pain in his stomach intensified, making it harder to breathe, and his lungs burned with the lack of oxygen. Something slowly worked up his throat, filling his mouth and dripped down his chin, it tasted like iron on his tongue. Oh god! - It wasn't puke, he squeezed his eyes shut, it was blood. He leaned forward, placing his forehead on the carpeted floor, being in that position made the pain his stomach get cut down but not by much.
"If you make it past this pain Aiden, the rest of your life there'll be no more fighting." What the scientist said and a scream was the last thing Aiden heard before blacking out.
- 3 - October 24, 2008 - 3 -
Warm liquid seeped through his fingers, the smell of blood filling the room; it quickly covered the smell of rotting flesh. It pooled in his palm before dripping to the floor, mixing with the blood pool on the ground. He raised his arm, letting the blood in his palm slowly flow down as his tongue licked it off. The taste of iron took over his senses, making his gums sting as his canines elongated into fangs. He kneeled down, putting his hand in the blood, he leaned over the dead body or what he though was a dead body.
The person's arm moved, pushing him onto his back, coughing up more blood as he did so. "I knew you were different from the other kids."
"How so?" The question slipped from his mouth, just like when he was 8 years old.
"You have become something none of the other children could become, the others died before they made it, now finish it so the other's attempts were not in vain."
Nodding his head, his eyes turned lifeless as he leaned over, placing his mouth at the scientist's throat. With a low growl in his throat, he bared his teeth, opening his mouth. The full moon's light shone into the basement, highlighting his face. His fang seemed to glow and just as he plunged his fangs into the skin, a cloud covered half the moon, blocking half the light. His eyes glowed red before he disappeared into the darkness of the basement, working on his meal.
- 3 -
Stepping out of the house and onto the porch, the smell of rain hit Aiden full force. It mixed with the smell of blood that clung to his clothes. He watched with his used to be chocolate brown eyes as the rain pelted the grass and the wood of the porch. He took in all the things he saw, the houses, street signs, even a few people were on their porch. He focused on every single person, one at a time, some looked familiar and some didn't but all eyes were on him. Taking a step forward, he stepped off the porch and into the rain. He was soaked almost immediately, his blood stained clothes clung to his skin and his now black hair was drenched, he must have looked like a drowned sewer rat. He tilted his head back, hoping the rain would wash away the blood from around his mouth and on his neck. He felt drop after drop hit his face but none could wash away the quilt he felt.
It had been 8 years since he's been out of that house. 8 years of pain, blood, tears and 8 years of not seeing his parents or anybody. He walked out to the sidewalk, turned and looked at the house 2 houses down, his house. The porch light was on and his stomach dropped, his parents always left the porch light on when they knew he was coming home from being with his grandparents. He wondered if they left the porch light on for the 8 years he had been gone. He then noticed more people had come out to stand on their porches, it was a small neighborhood, so everyone knew everyone, secrets weren't well kept. He should have know it would have spread fast, he was sure everyone just had to tell everyone about the strange kid walking out of Mr. Moore's house covered in what looked like was blood. It's not like you saw that every day especially in this neighborhood.
He began to make his way to his house, over the rain he could hear people whisper things about him, he disregarded them. They were wondering who he was or if he was Mr. Moore's son, as if that man could get a girl. Mr. Moore was too busy trying to find the right child to experiment on, not that he was a pedophile or anything, and Mr. Moore never forced him into anything. For the past 8 years Mr. Moore was more of a father to him than his own father in his first 8 years. During the time he was gone though, he didn't know if anybody knew if he was gone or not, if they didn't it was much too late. He could remember being stuck in the basement and he could hear police sirens and he could faintly hear people yelling his name. Also he hated to admit it but he had ignored all the chances to escape, at that time he didn't want to, he didn't want to go back to the fighting, he just didn't want to.
He stopped a few feet from his door, glancing at the front window, he noticed it was till dark inside the house but he could hear the phone ringing. It finally stopped in the middle of one of the rings, and the front room light switched on, a few seconds later the front door opened. More light flooded down the walkway, the porch light was really dim, it seemed as if it was about to go out. The light went up to his waist, his mother then stepped into the doorway, with his father behind her. He was holding a baseball bat; he could see the end of it over his mother's shoulder.
Just seeing the bat brought back memories of how his mother would throw a ball and he would hit it back towards her. They would do that for hours while his father was at work and she would never complain, there was always a smile on her face when he hit the ball right to her. A strong aroma of strawberries filled his nose, he looked towards his mother's hair and saw that it looked wet; she must have just recently taken a shower.
"Who are you, what do you want?" His father's deep voice brought him away from the strawberry scent, he tried to smell it again but his father's voice just got in the way. He hadn't smelled strawberries in 8 years so of course he would want to savoir every second of smelling it. He moved his foot to go forward but a small high pitched yawn stopped him. A little hand grabbed onto his mother's pant's leg, a head full of blonde hair and blue eyes peaked out from his mother's legs, one arm raised and her hand started to rub her eye, from being tired.
Before he could stop himself, Aiden clenched his hand, his still lengthened claws, piercing his skin. Blood from his wound, ran down his hand, off his knuckles and to the ground. They had another child while he was missing; he heard so many times from his father that he was a mistake, so why would you have another child? If he was such a mistake, what did that make her, the angel child since the mistake child was gone? He wanted so badly to open his mouth and yell at them but he wasn't even sure if he wanted to yell at them, could he really blame them for having another child when they didn't know if he was ever going to come back?
He looked up and met his mother's eyes; his mother's eyes were still brown of course. He used to have the same eye color as his mother but they had changed into a deep red color, the color of blood. He took a quick glance at his father, he still had the nasty puke green eye color, he was glad he didn't get that color as child. Looking back at his mother, he saw that her eyes had gotten wider; a small gasp left her mouth before she had the chance to cover it.
"It can't be," She whispered, "Aiden is that you?" The strawberry scent was back again, taking over as his mother immediately rushed over, saying his name. He didn't even have to confirm that it was him; her arms came around him, pulling him into a hug. He didn't hug back; he just stood there, looking over her shoulder with dead eyes. He looked over at the young girl and saw that she had switched to his father's pants leg.
"Oh my god, Aiden, I'm so glad your alive, I thought you were gone forever."
He felt his mother pull back, looking him over, her eyes stopped at his hands and he quickly tried to hide it from view. He was sure the rain probably hadn't had time to wash away the blood from his hand, or his neck. He wasn't quick enough to hide it though; his mother snagged his hand and held it in the light. She didn't say a word but her face held everything, she was going to take him to the hospital, most likely going to head straight to the emergency room. Her hand cupped his face, tilting it up, he was right, there was still blood on his neck, and just hopefully there wasn't anymore blood on his face especially around his mouth.
Still keeping a good grip on his hand, his mother turned around to face his father. He looked up at his father as well; his father had a disgusted look on his face, the face made his blood boil. His father didn't want him back, his father had the angel child and the mistake showed back up. He glared at the blonde girl, she flinched and hid behind his father, he wasn't mad at her, he was just frustrated with his father and he didn't want to start a fight with the older man.
"Go get in the car Aiden and I'll explain everything at where we are going."
Aiden slipped his hands away from his mother's; he looked back up at his father before lowering his head, so his black hair covered his eyes. Maybe his father was ashamed of him, went missing for 8 years and was only 2 houses down, he could have escaped anytime but he didn't. His brown eyes were now the color of blood and his brown hair is now black as night, so naturally his father was ashamed of him. He skin was pale from being in the basement, from what he could tell, his family had spent a lot of hours in the sun while he was gone.
He turned away from the house and made his way to car, going to passenger side and opening the side door. He glanced up quickly, his mother was talking to his father, and his father kept glancing at him, he knew exactly what they were saying. His mother was going to take him too the hospital for a DNA and blood test. He could easily tell them it really was him and tell him what happened on the night 8 years ago but he really didn't feel like talking to them or anybody for that matter. Let them figure it out on there own. He stepped into the car, sitting in the seat; a new car smell invaded his nose. Usually a new car was supposed to smell nice however right now he'd rather smell the rotting flesh of the basement. He shut/slammed the door shut, putting his elbow on the arm rest, he covered his nose with his hand, and he made it look like he was annoyed instead of smelling something nasty.
As he waited for his mother to get down talking to man he hated right now, something occured to him. Why? Why did he go back to the house where life was a living hell and why did he get into the car? He knew right away he was going to be taken to the hospital, so why did he stop? He knew deep down he should just kept walking, past his house and out of the town, so why... didn't he? He suddenly regretted stopping and he wanted nothing but to get out of the car and walk away without a second thought or a last look at what he was walking away from.
The driver door opened before Aiden had the chance to get out and his mother slide into the car, she didn't say a word as the car started and soon the car was pulling out of the driveway and down the street, headed towards the hospital. He didn't mind going to the hospital if all they were going to do was take a blood sample to see if he was okay or do a DNA test but if they were going to test the blood on his neck or pump his stomach, hell was going to be raised. He had just killed the scientist not even an hour ago, so he was sure he hadn't fully digested the man yet. He knew he should have waited a day before going back, he should have known his mother would have taken him straight to the doctor's to get him checked out. Nothing helped either, that his canines were still elongated and his nails were still lengthened into claws and they weren't going away anytime soon.
Before he even realized it, the car was already pulling into the hospital parking lot. He felt his stomach start to churn as his mother put the car in park, the engine cut off but his mother didn't take her seatbelt off. Instead she just sighed, tilted her head back and rested it on the seat. He took his hand away from his nose and placed it on his leg, he felt really awkward. Why wasn't his mother saying anything? He would even talk to get his mother to say something. They stayed like that for a few more minutes in silence but Aiden forcefully opened his door and got out and walking to the middle of the parking lot. The sound of another car door shutting reached his ears, footsteps walked behind him, then the click of a gun sounded behind him.
Mr. Moore had a gun, never used it by shooting anyone but he just used it to get humans into the basement. It went off one time though, when he was 15, a year ago. The bullet was fast and it went through his stomach in a blink of an eye, it didn't hurt as bad as he thought it would by getting shot. It just felt like someone had pinched him in the side. He thought that it just grazed him but soon blood had covered his entire side and drenched his clothes. Mr. Moore had immediately run over and apologized, taking off his shirt; the scientist had kept a drawer of bandages in the basement as well and began to wrap up his torso. It had healed over night but Mr. Moore kept apologizing, so much in fact that it got annoying.
Aiden flinched when the gun was pressed up to the back of his head, he wouldn't die with getting shot in the stomach but he knew if he got shot in the head at point blank range, he was a goner. He bit his lower lip, lowering his head, he wanted to laugh. His mother was going to shoot him, in the middle of a hospital parking lot, where anybody could be watching and where people could hear the gun shot. He opened his mouth to ask a question but he didn't trust his voice so he closed his mouth once more and waited for his mother to speak.
"You really are Aiden right?" His mother asked softly.
He closed his eyes, clenching his fist, how was he going to tell his mother that it is him without saying anything? He didn't want to talk, his voice was deeper and he didn't know if his mother could accept him the way he was now. His mother remembered an innocent 8 year old with chocolate brown eyes and brown hair and a child that smiled all the time. After all the pain he went through, he wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to smile anymore.
"What happened to you?"
Aiden turned around so the barrel was pointed to his forehead, his and his mother were almost eye level to each other, with him a little bit taller. The gun lowered till it was pointed at his throat, now if his mother really did shoot, it would go through the spot where he killed his victims. He would always back them into one of the walls and if they either stayed standing up or falling to the ground, he would cover their neck with his mouth, his fangs positioned at the vein called the internal jugular. Mr. Moore told him to kill the victims like that ever time. He would also punctured their windpipe, so the suffocated and also bleed to death. It was a horrible death, like being killed by an animal, he always felt like an animal when he regained his senses yet he still continued to the next month and the month after that and so on. Because if he didn't, he would be the next one in the grave and he wasn't ready to die yet, in other words he didn't want too.
"I'm not going to shoot you, please, just tell me what happened to you" His mother pleaded.
Aiden's finger's twitched, itching to dig into his palm, to draw blood. He took a quick glance around, people were starting to stop and watch them. Once again he wasn't surprised, who wouldn't stop to see a woman point a gun at someone that looked like they were covered in blood, in a hospital parking lot no less. Raising his hand, he grasped the barrel, watching his mother's eyes get wide and she flinched letting go of the gun. It got quiet; no one was whispering anymore, he couldn't even hear the cars anymore. Words clawed at his throat, threatening to come out. He bit down on his bottom lip again to keep the words in, a few seconds later and he gave in, opening his mouth.
"…I can't tell you." He whispered, turning his hand to the side, the gun's side was parallel to the ground; he held it out to his mother.
"Why not… Aiden?"
"I just can't." He closed his eyes, "Go put this in the car, you're starting to create a scene."
Right after the sentence left his mouth, his mother snagged the gun from his hand. "I can't believe this, I haven't seen you in 8 years, and you suddenly show up covered in god knows what, that looks like blood and as a 16 year old. Furthermore you tell me I'm causing a scene like a child, Aiden would never do this, no matter how old he got."
Aiden finally clenched his hand, allowing his claws to draw blood from his palm. Mr. Moore never talked back to him, if he said something. Mr. Moore would either calmly answer or do whatever he wanted without a fight. The older man never yelled at him, he barely raised his voice louder than a whisper, or he never talked at all.
It was so awkward the first year, once he woke up. Mr. Moore didn't say a word, the only time he talked was to give him directions and tell him what was going to happen to him. When Mr. Moore told him, he freaked out; trying to get out of the house as fast as possible but Mr. Moore had locked the basement door. Since there was no getting out, he got used to it. He hated the painful injections and only having human on his diet but he soon slowly fell into a routine.
He grabbed the gun from his mother's hand once more; he walked past her, ignoring the glare she was sending his way. He opened the back door and threw the gun onto the backseat before slamming the door shut. "Lock the car, I don't want someone stealing the car or the gun and I'm not moving till the car is officially locked." Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his mother start to dig in her purse, a second later the lock of the car clicked and the lights flashed.
"You know I just can't believe you, you won't talk to confirm that you're Aiden but you'll talk to boss me around."
His eyes flashed red, turning he walked up behind his mother. "I'd figured you'd be used to it, I'm sure 'he' bosses you around besides, I don't expect you to believe me, I've changed a lot the 8 years I've been gone and What I've seen already, you've changed as well, so since when did my mother carry a gun?"
Without saying a word his mother began to walk away. He knew exactly what it meant by that, it was like he was just smacked in the face and yelled at that it was none of his business. He should have kept 'him' out of his mouth but if he didn't put it out in the open now, it would never come out. He glanced around; people were starting to scatter though a few were still watching him. They probably realized that since his mother had said the stuff he was covered in looked like blood that it must truly be blood. Glaring at the people that were left, he began to make his way into the hospital, following his mother.
- 3 –
Aiden was currently laying on the hospital bed, with his hands behind his head, his knees bent and legs hanging over the edge. It had been 3 hours since the test were taken and he was bored, really really bored. He had more fun being locked in the basement. His mother hasn't said one word to him and the only time she talked was when she was telling the doctor their situation. If his mother wasn't talking to him, he wasn't going to start talking for the hell of it and try to start a conversation. He was used the silence since Mr. Moore barely said a word, the onetime Mr. Moore really talked was that night. He averted his eyes to the right, remembering the night; it was just a couple of nights before he killed Mr. Moore. He was shocked at the request Mr. Moore made, he wasn't going to go with it but something made him change his mind.
When he was just about to lose hope that the doctor was going to remember him and walk through that door, the door finally opened and in stepped the doctor. He sat up, slightly glaring at the doctor; the glare was gone in milo-second though at the look the doctor was giving him. The doctor opened his mouth to say something to Aiden but dismissed it and turned to the boy's mother.
"Well Ms. Hoffman, this is your son Aiden and I must say you're very lucky to have him back from him being missing for 8 years. You must be happy."
Aiden's mother nodded and put on, what Aiden thought, was a fake smile, "Yes I'm so glad to have him back but as you can see, he's become somewhat of a mute and I don't know what happened to him."
Aiden glanced at the doctor with a look he thought a mute would make, he then sneered at the older man. The doctor's face went blank, "There are some concerns with your son though Ms. Hoffman, we've checked and doubled checked the tests results, even checked them three times and all of them say your son is not human."
Aiden's stomach dropped, they weren't supposed to find out, his heart began to pound yet it didn't feel like it was going to burst from his chest like that night. He gripped onto the edge of the hospital bed with the hand neither the doctor nor his mother could see. He didn't want them to think something was up, if they found out he wasn't human anymore, he would have to really tell them what happened and he didn't want to do that. He wasn't ready to tell anybody what he was, he was sure nobody would understand and they would only want to send him to a lab to experimented on, he was experimented on enough for the past 8 years and he wasn't going to go through it for another second.
"I'm sorry to say this especially since he just came back from being gone for 8 years, but I think it's best if we keep him in the hospital till we can figure out what is wrong with him and hopefully figure out what he is."
Aiden dug his fingers into the bed; the doctor couldn't be serious, could he? He opened his mouth the say something but quickly closed it, he had to act like a mute so he didn't have to tell anybody what happened. Lowering his head, he gripped harder onto the edge of the bed with the hand that could be seen by his mother and doctor. He was hoping since he had opened his mouth then closed it, that they would think that he was really trying to talk.
In truth he was beginning to get frustrated, he just actually wanted to go home and sleep in a real bed for 24 hours at the most. In the years he was gone, he probably got only 5 hours sleep, if he was to count up all the minutes he dozed off. He just could never get comfortable on the cot Mr. Moore gave him too sleep him. Mr. Moore said it would be suspicious if he got a new mattress without throwing out his other one. He guessed he could have gotten comfortable on the cot but with a deeper sense of smell, he just couldn't get over the smell of blood and rotting flesh.
Running his tongue over his canines that had finally shrunk back into his gums, he glared up at the doctor through his bangs, loving the way the doctor flinched. The doctor looked to be in his forties, Mr. Moore was only about 28, the doctor's hair was already receding and it was partially gray on the sides of his fat head. The older man's eyes were brown while Mr. Moore's was a deep green and Mr. Moore was taller and leaner, much leaner.
The doctor was a short fat man with no appeal to him what so ever, Mr. Moore had a better chance to get with a girl than with this fat doctor. The doctor could probably feed his hungry for about 5 months if he was lucky, just thinking about food made his mouth water and his canines to lengthen once more. He glanced at his mother; she was looking at him with a look that he wished could slap off of her, she was going to agree with the doctor and make him stay here.
"I'm not so sure, Let me just go call my husband and see what he says about all this." Without even looking away from him, his mother stood up from the chair and walked out of the room, leaving him alone with the doctor. When the door shut behind her, Aiden stood up from the bed, and placed himself in front of the door so that the doctor couldn't escape.
"So how long do you plan on keeping me here?" He watched the doctor's eyes get wide and watched as the fat man took a step back.
"I thought your mother said you turned into a mute." The doctor spoke softly.
"Thats another thing knew I've found out, my mother has turned into a compulsive liar and you know what else" He slowly began to make his towards the doctor, matching a step forward when the doctor took a step backwards. He soon had the doctor backed into a wall, leaning over the older man; he opened his mouth slightly to show off his fangs. "When my mother comes back in, I know she's going to say that her husband, my father, is going to say it's okay to keep me in this hospital, and it's your entire fault."
He slammed a hand next to the doctor's head, sliding down to the man's shoulder all the while digging his now lengthened claws into the white plaster. He smirked when the doctor tried to make himself smaller, pushing himself more into the wall. The doctor was acting like the others that was turned into his prey, "So tell me do I look human?" He asked.
The doctor nodded his head, Aiden narrowed his eyes, "So then why aren't the tests saying that I am, if I look human then I must be human, if nobody can tell the difference then it shouldn't matter what some test should say right?"
The doctor quickly nodded his head this time making Aiden chuckle under his breath, "Now my mom will be coming back in a few seconds, so straighten up and look normal, and this conversation never happened, so are you going to let me out or do I have to make my stay here horrifying as possible?"
Pushing off the wall, Aiden walked back over to the bed and sat back down the edge of the bed, placing his hands in the same spot they were in when his mother left. He glanced back at the doctor, meeting the older man's gaze, the doctor immediately straightened up; walking away from the wall and back into the same spot he was in.
Just in time too, the door opened and his mother walked in, flipping her cell phone closed. She paused in the door, and he glared at the doctor, the doctor was still scared and creating an awkward atmosphere. The doctor flinched once more, quickly putting on a smile trying to lighten the atmosphere.
"Well Ms. Hoffman, what did your husband say?"
"He said that it'd be alright if Aiden stays in the hospital till you figure out whatever's going on but if you think he should come home then he's fine with that."
The doctor looked away from Aiden, resting his elbow in his hand; he pushed up his glasses with his forefinger, sighing loudly. Aiden narrowed his eyes; the doctor wasn't going to do what he thought the doctor was going to do. He opened his mouth, showing off his fangs, the doctor looked over at him for a split second, before clearing his throat.
"I think it's best to keep Aiden here in the hospital, just in case he has a disease messing up the tests."
Aiden had the urge to rip the doctor apart, he pushed it far back into his mind, he wasn't going to risk anything. Playing his part, he looked up at his mother with a pleading look; he made that look when he was younger to get something. It usually worked but it probably wouldn't work anymore, not since she had probably been corrupted by that man. His mother just smiled.
"I think its best if we listen to doctor Aiden, doctors always know best and I don't anything bad to happen to you."
Aiden lowered his head, hiding his bright red eyes from the other two pairs of eyes in the room. A human's eyes don't suddenly get brighter shade in a matter of seconds; he had to be as human as possible if he was ever going to get himself and the doctor alone without watching eyes or cameras.
Taking a deep breath, he raised his head, putting a smile that should have been read that he was okay with the decision that was made and he was okay with it but his mother's smile faltered and he frowned. Damn… he needed to work on his hiding emotions skills, Mr. Moore told him that on that night, looks like he'll have to do that while being stuck in the hospital.
"Are you sure you're okay with this, I mean I don't know how long you'll be in the hospital and I don't want to make you stay here if you think you're okay."
He nodded his head, putting a simple smile on his face. He was just going to have to deal with being stuck at a place where he couldn't smell a thing and all he could see was white. Though being stuck in a hospital wasn't going to be as bad as glaring or fighting with his father then again maybe he wanted to go home to yell at his father and maybe even to make the older man his prey, he couldn't tell. Like it matter he was stuck in the dumb hospital for who knows how long. If he ever wanted to get out of here he was defiantly going to have to get a different doctor and fast before his present doctor suddenly disappeared.
- 3 – End Chaputa Ichi – 3 –
Well there we go, Chapter 1… though it turned out different than I thought it would… I had planned Aiden on staying quiet with absolutely no talking after he showed up at his door. So Mr. Moore is dead, his mother is fake; his father doesn't even want him, the young girl is apparently Aiden's younger sister and the doctor is a lying asshole. This is going to be interesting.
So thanks for reading and I hoped you liked it. I'll have Chapter 2 up soon.
Please Review :)