- 3 – Thursday April 7th, 2011 – 3 –

Aiden understood that everyone would probably get jealous if their mate spent the day with another demon but he thought Vincent understood that nothing was happening between him and Spencer anymore. Also, he thought Vincent would grasp the concept that his demon didn't accept Spencer but obviously wanting Vincent to instantly understand was too much to ask since, ever since Vincent had come back from New York, just a few hours ago, he didn't give Aiden any personal space.

As well, when another demon even just walked past them or accidently brushed against him, Vincent would allow his full power show to make them back off. Of all the times he walked downtown and even more than when he had to walk around with Asher, this was the worst experience.

Slipping his hand from Vincent's, he stopped right in the middle of the sidewalk, "You're not helping." He said as Vincent turned around. Vincent was the one who decided to walk downtown to distract him from the feeling that something was wrong, which kept growing with Vincent acting so possessive and annoying.

Vincent instantly knew he did something wrong when Aiden stopped walking but he didn't expect the death glare from him. If looks could kill, he'd be dead where he stood and the ground beneath his feet would be his grave.

"Is there a reason to why you are acting so possessive?" Aiden asked.

Vincent ran a hand through his hair, "My demons just anxious that I'm going on a real date with you and he just gets ahead of himself. Though, I can't deny that I'm extremely happy as well."

Aiden frowned, "Real date?" he whispered slowly, "We've been on a date before."

Vincent shook his head, "Not exactly, the first day was about Spencer and the others, you were confused and all we did was watch TV. Then, you were gone before we even got to figure out if 'us' was even real."

Aiden looked down, that made sense, "But, we did," he paused, his face turning red, "that." He whispered softly.

Vincent frowned, "That was me taking advantage of the situation and partly because I was jealous of Spencer. I probably shouldn't have done that."

Aiden tensed, realizing he let Vincent do that when he had only known the other for really only a day and he turned his head away, "Maybe I'm rushing into this."

"Hey," Vincent whispered and he put his hand on Aiden's shoulder, "You're thinking too much. Besides, you enjoyed yourself right?"

Aiden's face flushed red again and he turned completely away from Vincent to hide his face, pushing past him to continue walking down the sidewalk.

"That has nothing to do with it." He hissed as he past. He wouldn't have enjoyed it if he wasn't comfortable with it and it was his first time doing anything like that with another so how could he not over think it.

Vincent followed him instantly and he didn't pull his hand away when Vincent interlaced their fingers together but he did glare up at Vincent who was smiling and maybe he was rushing into this but something told him it was okay this time.

- 3 – Friday April 8th, 2011 – 3 -

Stepping out of the bathroom, Aiden shivered as the cold air hit his skin and he dove for the bed. He formed a cocoon with the comforter and he buried his face in Vincent's pillow. Vincent's scent instantly calmed him but his mind wondered back to the conversation from early in the afternoon and it suddenly felt to hot under the covers. He was only wearing a pair of shorts so he tried to take his mind away from Vincent and thought about a few small moments while he was with Eli.

He was never really around the other demons besides Asher but only because he was usually doing something for Eli. After his training, or personal hell as he now liked to call it, Eli always kept him busy with delivering things, going to get things and meeting other demons. He never had time to himself and he was glad that was over. That he could sit back and relax for a while but he still felt slightly stressed with having to go see his mom but he couldn't wait to see her as well and whether he wanted to admit it or not, he kind of wanted to see Kyle as well and apologize for all the problems he's caused.

He could remember the first time he met Autumn and the others and while the others were petrified of him and his strength, he had felt nothing but extreme boredom that he was forced around demons that were afraid of him. It was right when he finished training with the vampires and the werewolves so he thought he was invincible but he soon learned that he was not when Eli had put him in his place once they went back to Eli's office. Among the chosen few, that was also one of the memories he made disappear and when he could feel them bubbling up, he pushed them back down so he never had to re-live them over again. Eli made all of them go through things he wouldn't wish against his greatest enemy and he had a vague memory of what happened but he blacked out all the worst moments.


Aiden flinched and removed the blanket from over his head. He had recognized the voice to be Alden's but he was surprised his brother was still here.

"What are you still doing here?" He asked, moving over as Alden came into the room and he watched as Alden sat down on the bed.

"Didn't feel like going home but what is your issue, you're bring the whole house down."

Aiden frowned and wrapped the blanket around his shoulders, "Just thinking of a few things I probably shouldn't be thinking of. I seem to think of stupid things when I'm left alone." He whispered, looking down at the floor. He kind of wished he was talking to Spencer since the other knew what he had gone through with Eli but it was Alden who was with him and it was better to get things out than to hold them in.

"Then why do you keep thinking about stupid things. Keep Vincent on your mind or something; think of seeing your mother today."

Aiden knew Alden was just encouraging him to make the tense atmosphere of the house go away but he wasn't really helping. If he thought of Vincent, his mind would wonder into places no one needed to know about and if he thought about going to go see him mom, his mind would create scenarios and the mood of the house would be worse than his depression.

He did really want to see his mom but something was telling him not to go and if he learned something with Eli, it was to trust his instincts and listen to his demon. However, seeing his mom was much more important than listening to his demon at the current moment and whatever happens, happens.

"Just lighten up okay, you're making Alice worry which in turns makes jasmine concerned and you're lucky Kaige isn't here at the current moment or it would have been her who came in here to talk to you." He paused as if he was listening to something, "Vincent's back so we should probably get out there and eat."

Aiden nodded and went over to the closet to put on some real clothing before following Alden out into the living room. His eyes caught Alice's and he smiled to put her at ease but she only gave a small smile back meaning she wasn't falling for it. He didn't lose his smile though since his eyes went to Vincent and when their eyes met, Vincent smiled. Vincent instantly made his way over to him and placed his arm around his waist, leaning over a bit to whisper in his ear.

"How are you feeling?"

Flushing red at the sudden scrutiny of the others in the room, he quietly answered back, "I'm okay. Just kind of stressed out with what's going to happen later." He didn't stop Vincent from turning him slightly so the other could kiss him but he still didn't know how he felt doing it in front of the others.

When Vincent pulled back he said, "It's going to be okay. When we're done eating, we're going to go pack for the weekend."

Aiden nodded, "That'd probably be a good idea unless you don't want me to wear any clothes."

Vincent's smiled widened, "That could possibly be arranged."

Rolling his eyes, Aiden pushed Vincent playfully in the shoulder, "You wish, you have a quite awhile until that ever happens." He smiled slyly, turning his head slightly when Vincent turned to kiss him again so Vincent ended up kissing his cheek.

In retort, Vincent pulled Aiden surprisingly closer, "I will wait however long it'll take, I'm not going anywhere." He cupped Aiden's cheek with his head and kissed him once more, wiping the smile right from his face. "Don't test me or you'll regret it this weekend." He whispered once he pulled away from the kiss.

Aiden stuck his tongue out and wiggled out if Vincent's hold, "We'll see about that." He murmured.


Aiden was pacing back in forth. They had finished eating and just finished packing and he was not ready to go. His stomach churned and his chest was tight with worry. He knew he was bringing the mood down with how he was feeling but he thought he had a right to panic. He didn't know how his mom was going to react and it could either go badly or it could go really well. The last time he had shown up after 8 years of being away, she accepted him right away but he didn't know if she was going to be in a more forgiving mood the second time. His demon, just as much as he was, was on an anxious mood and that was partly why he was feeling queasy, his heart beating practically a mile a minute and they hadn't even left yet.

He didn't know how he was going to feel once they actually get to their house and most likely he'll probably want to run away as fast possible, his demon being on the same page as him but he knew he had to do this, had to apologize and try his hardest to make it up to his mother. He'd do anything to change the past, to be the son that stayed around and never made her worry or cry. He wished to go back before he even knew what it was like to remember, to go back before Mr. Moore set his sights on him and he would do anything to go back and stop himself from going outside that winter night.


Aiden turned toward the voice, his eyes meeting the blue ones of his sister and regret filled him as he looked from her eyes, to her long white hair and to how tall she had gotten. It was because of him that she had been turned into a demon. If he had been more conscious of his surroundings, he would have been able to tell there had been another demon in the house and he could have prevented Alice from being taken on the first place. He knew Alice would be mad if she knew he thought this way but he couldn't help it, he had been gone the first 8 years of her life and when finally came back, she got turned into the one thing he wanted to keep away from her.

"Are we leaving now?" Aiden asked.

Alice nodded, "How are you feeling? Are you ready to leave?"

Aiden forced a small smile, "I'd be lying if I said I was and until we are there and everything is fine, I will constantly feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest and like I want to throw up. I've been dreading this day but I also know this day had to come and the faster this day goes by, the better it'll be. Alice, if this goes badly and mom and or Kyle just let me go and kick me out, don't follow me okay."

Alice looked confused for a few moments before her eyes widened and she shook her head, "They would never do that, why would you think that?"

"I know I've said this before but I know haven't been the greatest and I've done things you can't even imagine, a lot that I regret and because of Kyle working in the government, I'm sure once he sees me and figures out who I've been with this whole time, he'll put two and two together and it might not end so if he has to turn me into the government don't stop him because I do deserve whatever punishment they give me."

Alice opened her mouth to say something but Aiden knew exactly what she was going to say and cut her off, "I know what you're going to say, that it wasn't my fault and I shouldn't be accounted for my actions while I was with Eli but I'm sure the government won't see it that way and will do anything in their power to pin everything on me whether I fight against them or not. I'm sure the punishment I end up with won't be as bad as you think it would so if it does come to that, please don't worry about it. I'm not the same demon I was before Eli took me and I can take care of myself now, I promise"

Alice looked unconvinced for a few second before shaking her head and frowned, "So the only thing you're telling me to do is to wait and see what's going to happen to my brother and I'm not going to have any say in the matter."

Aiden frowned and ran his hand through his hair, "Honestly, stuff like this won't just go away and I probably should have told you all of this before we left to go to see mom and Kyle but you needed to know and I didn't want you to jump into something that is my problem and I have to be the one to deal with it when the time comes. I'm not saying this to make you mad or say that'd you can't help me but Alice, I killed many government demons and innocent humans. I am no longer innocent myself and yes I was under Eli's control but I was still myself and I should have known the differences from right and wrong but I didn't care. I was another demon when I was with Eli and even though I'm back, I am still that demon and I have to take responsibilities for my actions whether you think it's the right thing or not."

Aiden flinched when Alice glared at him but it was the truth and unfortunately, the truth hurts.

"If that happens, I can't sit back. I won't and you won't stop me." Alice turned on her heels and stormed out of the room.

Aiden turned away from the doorway and sighed. He hoped Alice wouldn't be mad at him for long but he knew she could hold grudges and it seemed like this was going to be a long one. Leaning over to pick up his bag from the floor, he jumped when arms circled his waist and pulled him back into someone's chest. He knew it was Vincent but it still surprised him how he could just forget where he was sometimes and just relax. After he had gotten the advice from Spencer, he had been trying his best to stop focusing on everything around him and just focused one the small things right in front of him.

"I know Alice just asked you but are you really going to be okay?"

Aiden turned in Vincent's arms, "Not to seem annoyed but I wish people would stop asking me that and I'm sure you just heard the conversation me and Alice just had so why are you asking me when you already know the answer so tell me what you really want to say."

Vincent's eyes softened and he sighed, "I did hear the whole thing and I don't want to make you do something you don't want to do and I know you said you have to go see your mom and apologize but do you really want to? You need to and I understand that but do you really want to do this right now? I want you to do what you want and not what you think you want to do. Also, just as Alice said, I won't sit back either and watch you take a punishment that you don't deserve and I know you think you deserve what they give you but you don't. If you went back to the way you were when you with Eli and didn't remember us, then yes I would understand a little bit better why you think you deserve this but you weren't you and I don't understand why you won't just listen to me."

"I'm trying to listen to you but you're saying the complete opposite from what I want you to say." Aiden looked away, unable to meet Vincent's eyes anymore, "I want you to say that you understand where I'm coming from and that I just don't want you guys to get in trouble for trying to help me when Kyle is just doing his job and stopping demons that need to be stopped. I know I don't need to be stopped now but I did when I was with Eli and they can't just ignore all I did just because I'm not like that anymore. It's like a serial killer running from the cops and then stop killing for a few years when he gets away but when he finally gets caught, the cops aren't like, oh he hasn't killed in a few years so he should be fine. No, he gets thrown in jail for multiple counts of murder and fleeing the law. It's the same way and I don't understand why you aren't seeing it that way." Slipping out of Vincent's arms, he decided to continue.

"By the way, I do want to go see my mom and I want to and need to at the same time. I can't just keep letting her think she'll never see me again. I wouldn't have said I want to see her if I didn't mean it." Aiden picked up his bag and threw it over his shoulder and he went to turn around when Vincent was right behind him stopped him and his fingers twitched when Vincent grabbed his hand.

"I'm sorry Aiden, I don't want to bring this back to me or think I'm being selfish but since you didn't remember us, you didn't know what it felt like, the horrible pain in my chest or the constant nausea that sat in my stomach every second you were gone. I just don't want to feel that again and I understand what you mean about everything but I don't ever want to lose you or watch you go somewhere I'll never be able to see you" He interlaced their fingers together, pulling Aiden towards him once more, "Now that you remember us and if you get taken away from us, you'll feel everything that I did when you were gone and I don't want you to go through that."

Aiden squeezed Vincent's hand and he looked up to meet his amber eyes, searching them for a moment before pulling his arm down to give him a quick kiss, "I'm sorry." He whispered, "You know how badly I wish I could take it all back, too have realized Eli was behind everything and to have been stronger than my power at the time. I don't want to put you through that again or Alice or anyone else close to me. I just want to put this chapter of my life behind me and start anew."

Vincent smiled, turned slightly and cupped Aiden cheek with his free hand, "And we will once you speak with your mom and settle everything. It'll be different this time, this time we know what to look out for and we won't let what happened before, I promise."

Aiden smiled back before looking away shyly, "We won't completely start over, will we?" He asked softly, hesitantly meeting Vincent eyes once more.

"What am I going to do with you?" Vincent replied, "I expected you to be shyer like you were before, not that I'm complaining."

Before Aiden could retort to the last sentence, he was cut off by Vincent kissing him and his body instantly relaxed and he kissed back, allowing his bag to slip off his shoulder. Pulling his hand away from Vincent's, he raised his arms and circled them around Vincent's neck, moaning softly when Vincent deepened it. Vincent's hand slipped from his face, going to his waist and he arched into the other when the hand moved to the small of his back. He felt light, shocks of electricity traveling down his spine and he could feel Vincent's heat through their clothes, the feeling slight foreign to him. The last time he had felt this way, it was when Vincent and him spent the night together and how they spent the next afternoon and he felt his face getting hotter the more he remembered.

Yet, he wanted it to happen again no matter how embarrassing it was and with that thought, he began to walk backwards towards the bed. Only Vincent caught on quickly and paused in step, breaking the kiss completely and he held Aiden in place.

"Hey slow down kitten, we got somewhere to be and people to see."

Pausing for a quick second and thinking about what he was about to do and his face felt like it has suddenly caught on fire. He quickly ducked his head to his face, turning away from Vincent, "You're right, sorry about that." He muttered, "I don't know what came over me."

Vincent cupped Aiden cheek and turned the other's face so their eyes met once more, "Its okay, I have no doubts you really wanted to continue and I can safely say your demon also wanted you to continue since it knows you're stressed out and wants to distract you from it by using me but I'm not buying it. Now, don't get me wrong, I'd love to continue but let's get this other stuff out of the way."

Aiden nodded, knowing Vincent was right. He knew his demon could sense how he was feeling and wanted to pull him away from whatever was distracting him and he too wanted to continue, would love to really yet at the same time, he knew they had stuff to do and didn't have time for a distraction such as that. After they got everything done and out of the way, they'd have all the time in the world.

Grabbing his bag from the floor, he threw it over his shoulder, "I don't know why I'm stressing abut seeing my mom. If this time is anything like the others, she'll cry, smile and take me back with open arms like she always does."

Vincent grabbed Aiden's hand and interlaced their fingers together, "Just gotta think positive at times like these but I believe we have left the others waiting long enough. Don't ya think? Let's get out of here."

Aiden smiled and nodded in agreement. He didn't quite know how long he had kept eveyine else waiting but they lookd quite annoyed when him and Vincent stepped from the hallway and made their apperance.

"Took ya long enough, "Aiden said, annoyance laced in his voice, eyes rolling, "Let's go, Aiden, Vincent you're riding with me."

Aiden glanced around the rom, unsure as to who all was coming but it wasn't as if they couold keep anyone from not coming. Kaige definently wouldn't stay and he want to chance leaving Cole and Asher by themselves even though he was sure they could take care of themselves by now.

Alice grabbed her stuff from the floor and stood up, Jasmin doing the same, "Jasmin, Kaige and I are going in Jasmin's jeep, Spencer is taking Asher and Cole while you and Vincent go with Alden, he says he has something to talk to you about."

"I do have something to talk to him about, privitely" Alden snapped, " And if I knew neither would have a problem with it, I'd rather Vincent ride with Spencer but I know that's not going to happen."

Aiden had an idea on what Alden wanted to talk to him about, most likely about their father and while he was wasn't worried or afraid of meeting the older demon, it was the fact he was meeting his real father that could possible be stronger than him and he had yet to come across a demon stronger than him. It was new and different and he wasn't sure if he was ready for that. Luscifer was his father yet he knew nothing about the other demon, only that he had two sons, looked like an older version of himself and rules over all the demons. A part of him was exctied, his demon being anxious about maybe finally meeting a demon that was strong yet the other part of him wanted to run and hide, unsure of meeting the unknown demon.

If he had known Luscifer his entire tlife, it'd be a different story. He'd know the other, his personality, his attitude and personal stuff but all he knew was that Lucifer was his father and that the other knew nothing about him and could see him as an unfit son or demon and could possibly kill him if that was the case.

However, he was afraid of death anymore, coming close to it on multile occasions but he had so much to live for now that he was wasn't Eli anymore and he didn't want to lose that or have the others close to him lose him once more.

Aiden was pulled from his thoughts by a small tug from Vincent and unconsiously, a smaile came onto his face when his eyes met Vincent's. He had a lot to think about but there wasn't time for that right now. He nodded his head to Alden, "That's fine so let's get going. I've been putting this off for to long today."

As said, everyone got in their designated vehicles and soon they were on their way to Aiden and Alice's home, no one truly expecting what was to be found.


Aiden wasn't all to surprised Alden came in a small limosine type car and he wondered if Alden could even drive, not that it mattered to him. Vincent and him sat on the oppisite of Alden so it wouldn't be awkward to talk to him.

"Aiden, you probably already know hatd I'm going to tell you right?"

Aiden nodded, "About our father, I assume?"

"Of course and before you get testy about meeting him, I just want to say, don't make it a big deal, if you do that it going to show in your attitude and it won't end too pretty. Just because he's the literal king of hell and ruler of all the demons, he's actually a good father and does a lot for me and since you were human when you were born he though it'd be best for you to be with a human family so you wouldn't be an object for attack or be locked up in your room all day since you couldn't protect yourself. He would have kept you, he wanted to but he didn't want to risk your safety. I'm not lying when I tell you this, give him the benefit of the doubt, give him a chance like you gave me. Don't just write him off just because you assume he didn't accept you because you were human because thats not how it was."

Aiden looked to his hand and thought over it for a few minutes. He took in Alden's words into consideration and he knew ir wouldn't be fair if he didn't give him a chance. Lucifer was his father whether he liked it or not and the least he could do was meet him and ir wasn't like it would kill him to give his own father a chance. Also, he was sure if things did end sour, they'd just go their separate ways and go back to the way it was before. He smiled when Vincent reached over and interlaced their fingers together and he didn't miss the strange look that flashed through Alden's eyes at the gesture. It was hard to read Alden sometimes so he wasn't quite sure what that look was or what it meant. Maybe it was just wishfulness or maybe Alden was jsut uncomfortable.

"We'll see how the first meeting goes." Aiden finally replied, "Since he is my father, I can atleast give him a chance. What harm would it do to at least meet my father? Some don't even get the chance to meet their fathers or have long lost them."

A small hint of a smile come onto Alden's face and his eyes softened for only just a moment before he turned his head to watch the scenery out of the window past by. Aiden coul tell Alden was happy with his desicion to give their father a chance and who knows maybe him and his father might get along.

The rest of the car ride was mostly filled with silence, just small snipits of conversation between the three of them and then about halfway there Alden had gotten a call from their father to inform him that early tomorrow would be when he'd be able to come into town or possibly sooner if nothing came up on his side or something came up on Alden's side. Aiden thought he would be forever nervous to meet his father but now he was confident that the meeting would most likely go by smoothly and everything would be okay when meeting him.


Aiden could tell something was off the closer they got to his home. He was getting the chest tightening neseuous feeling he got when he thought about seeing him mom and his demon was beggining to feel anxious, restless and he litterally felt like hissing and growling. Once they pulled up in front of his house, he had to use all the power he could stop himself from jumping from the car and running into the house.

"Something's not right," Alden muttered, "Aiden, Vincent stay in the car, I'm going inside."

Aiden let out a small growl when Alden opened the car door and he bolted from the vehicle, unable to hold back his demon anymore. Vaguely, he heard the other cars pull up and Alice calling his name, panicked but he ignored it. Something was horribly wrong and he was going to figure it out, he had to if it was the last thing he did.

However, when he got to the door and wrapped his fingers around the door handle, he froze. His nose burned with the small of blood and a cold shiver trailed down his spine, the taste of bile rising in his mouth. He needed to know what layed behind the door of his home but he was scared, afarid of what he'd find. His mind raced, his demon yelling at him to open the door and he turned the knob slowly, finding that the door was unlocked.

The small of blood nearly knocked him off his feet, the deep stench of iron reminding him of the hunger he tried so hard to ignore. When he realized the others were beggining to get closer, he released his demonic power amd hissed in warning to get them to stay back. They stopped and he pushed open the door more, tacking a small step inside.

The front room was dark, all the blinds shut and the only light illuminating the space was the light he was letting through the door. Everything he saw was painted in red and he wushed inside flipping the light switch to turn on the front room light. What he saw made his eyes widen and his breath catch in his throat, dead human bodies littered the floor, dyed red in blood and nearly eveery surface inch was covered in the crimson liquid, now beginning to darken. His eyes searched the floor, scanning all the faced he could make out when he paused on the one person leaning up against the wall, still alive and his heart sank. He rushed over, pressing his hands to blood covered cheeks and lifted her head.

"Mom!" He nearly shouted, "Mom, open your eyes, it's me Aiden." Hhe searched all over her, looking for any wounds and while he found none, he smelled back the blood completely covering her and he could smell the scent of strawberries, only it wasn't her shampoo. She had been turned into a demon.

"Aiden" the voice was hoarse but it was his mother's.

Aiden's eyes darted back up, meeting his mother's and a smile formed and he let out a sigh of relief, "You're okay," His eyes searched his mom's amd when she didn't respond, his smile faded, "Please tell me you're okay, Mom!?" he asked, panicked when her eyes closed again and he he was afraid they wouldn't open again but they did and he took in a shuttering breath, "Mom, tell me what happened."

His mom coughed before answering, "Eli came and when I told him I hadn't seen you or even knew where you were, he tied me up and injected me with something, making me black out and when I came to, I had killed a few people and he kept doing it and this was the outcome. Aiden, dear, I'm so sorry."

Aiden shook his head, "No, don't apoligize, it's not your fault. It's okay, you're okay" His smiled returned when his mom smiled and tears came to his eyes.

"Sweetie, I'm not okay and I'm so sorry for this."

"What do you mean? You look okay, you're going to be okay." Aiden's voice trembled, "I should be the one apologizinng. I let this happen to you and I'm so sorry, mom."

"Honey," His mom slowly raised her arms and weakly wrapped her fingers around Aiden's wrists and pulled his hands away from her face and she frowned when Aiden grabbed her hands yet she squeezed them, almost reasurringly.

"What Eli injected me with did turn me into a demon but the downfall, human blood is poisenous to me and I've drank too much. Aiden, baby. I can't tell you how sorry I am but there's no saving me." There were tears now steaming down her face and Aiden could feel tears running down his own cheeks, the horrible truth slowly sinking in slowly and he began to tremble, squezzing his mom's hand tightly.

He couldn't breath and he truely hoped she was lying but when she coughed again, blood ran down her chin and he knew it was true. His mom was dying and there was nothing he could do. He was helpless and he could do was sit there in front of her, holding her hands and cry. This time was supposed to be different, she had to have hated him, he couldn't do anything for her.

"Aiden, look at me please." her voice was weak and Aiden didn't even realize he had looked away. "Honey, I don't blame you for this so don't you think this is your fault or think that that there was something you could have done, I love you and will always love you, don't forget that and tell Alice and Kyle I love them too and I am so sorry."

Aiden still truely didn't want to believe it, "Mom, you're going to be okay, I love you too so please don't go. Don't leave us." His voice still trembled and the tears wouldn't stop. Nothing else mattered right now, he didn't even know what was happening around him right now.

"Baby," She whispered, smiling, "There's nothing that can be done. I'm just so grateful I was able to see you and tell you I love you one more time."

It clicked right then and he let out a loud sob, "I love you so much baby." he heard her whisper.

"I love you too and I'll tell them. M-mom, thank you for everything, I'll do everything I can to make you proud.

A faint smile came back onto her face and she closed her eyes. Aiden's breath hitched and he knew he'd never see the light shining in her eyes again and he'd never see her smile and he'd only hear her voice one more time.

"Aiden, sweetie, you've already made me so proud. I want you to keep going forward and be happy. I love you so much and I've never been happier so don't blame yourself, ever," her voice then dropped to a mere whisper, "I love you."

Aiden didn't get to reply when she let out her last breath and her hands went slack, falling to her sides. His eyes went wide and he took in a quick, shuddering breath, tears cascading down his face.

"Mom?" he whispered, "Mom, please?" his voice cracked and when she didn't reply, he let out a heart-shattering sob and wrapped his arms around her, holding her closed. He wrentched his eyes closed and just cried, willing her to just wake up and hold him back yet she never did. He didn't know how long her held her, sat there crying when a hanf gently grabbed his shoulder. Looking up with blurry tear brimmed eyes, he searched Vvincent's eyes and all he found was despair and anger.

"V-vincent," he stuttered, voice trembling, he continued, "I couldn't do anything. I couldn't save her. What am I supposed to do now, I didn't even get to tell her I was sorry."

"Aiden, it's going to be okay. You'll get through this but right now, you gotta let her go so the government can take care of this."

Aiden vaguely felt his mom being pulled from his arms and all he could do was watch but once he saw them taking her away, through the front door did it really set in and his demon reacted to it. He dropped his head and his heart stopped for just a moment, the air turning cold. Every demon in the room, stopped what they were doing and turned to Aiden, watching him with careful eyes. He stood up shakily, smaking away Vincent's helping hand, "Don't touch me." his voice came out deep, demonic and it sent ice through everyone's veins.

A low growl escaped him as his canines lenghened into fangs and nails formed to claws. A black aura slowly faded around him and everyone knew his demon was becoming out of control. Raising his head, eyes flashed red as they landed on his mom's form on the strecher and they narrowed, pupils turning to slits when he looked to the demons pushing the strecher out the door. His gazed then moved to the others in the room, taking in their shocked exressions and he could feel the fear in the air. He didn't know it but his complete demon form was coming out. He was covered in a black mist, hair was longer and as if it was a projection, he had sprial ram horn on the sides of his head and behind him was a faint image of huge black wings stretched out what would be his arm length. The only thing on his mind was finding and killing Eli and nothing or nobody was going to get in his way.

"Aiden," Vincent said hesitantly and he reached forward to touch him when he froze not because of Aiden but because Alden yelled at him not to.

"If you touch him, it'll make it worse. Just talk to him, bring him back. Tell him this isn't going to bring her back nor will he be able to get to Eli like this. The government won't let him, if he lets his demon have any more control, the government will take this matter into their own hands and it won't have a good outcome. If you can't calm him down he'll kill everybody, I swear."

Vincent pulled his hand back and he thought of what he could say, what could he say? Aiden just watched his mom die right in front of him and he had gone through the same thing but this situation was completely different. Aiden's mother was murdered, wrongly taken from him and while he could justify his own's mother's death the same, he could never compare to Aiden.

"Aiden, look at me." Vincent said softly, watching Aiden carefully and waiting for his reaction. Crimson liquid ran down Aiden's cheek when he looked up to meet Vincent's eyes."

"Give her back." Aiden hissed, eyes moving back to the two government officials.

"Aiden, she's gone and losing control of your demon isn't going to bring her back."

The aura around Aiden grew darker and he glared at Vincent, hissing lowly, "Lies!" he shouted, taking a step towards her.

"Aiden, you need to calm down. Mom wouldn't want you to do this and you're scaring us."

Aiden's eyes shifted over to Alice and he saw the pure sadness in her eyes, tears non-stop falling diwn her face and he knew right then she needed him the most and he needed her. He realized that Alice too lost her mother and while he had the chance to say goodbye, she did not and that was his fault.

The aure slowly faded away from around him, his eyes reverting back to normal, hair, teeth and nails shortened and his demon apearance faded away, leaving a single black feather floating to the ground and landing in the spot their mom was just at.

Holding out his arms, Alie rushed into them and they held each other tight, crying still. As he hugged her, he whispered to her whay happened and what their mom has said which only made Alice cry harder, sobbing into his shoulder. By the time they had calmed down, he front rom had been cleared of government officials and dead bodies, leaving just the ones they knew. Aiden looked over Alice's shoulder to Vincent and when their eyes met, they watered once more. He had never seen Vincent more lost or angered before and he knew Vincent was struggling with what he can do, what he should do.

"Alice, go to jasmin." He slowly released her, allowing her to go to jasmin. He knew Jasmin would be able to comfort her more than he could. He could still feel the anger his demon had, his demon trying to take control again, to let out his power out and hunt Eli down and give him a taste of his own medicine but he held down his demon. He shakily made his way over to Vincent and when Vincent's arms came around him, holding him his trembling stopped, his demon calming down. He pressed his face into Vincent's neck.

"Aiden, baby. I'm so sorry. I should have talked you into coming sooner."

Aiden shook his head, grasping tightly onto Vincent's shirt, "There's nothing you could have said that would have made me come sooner. I thought what I was feling was being afraid of seeing my mom when it was a feeling, tellingme something was wrong. If only I hadn't been afraid, I could have stopped it before ut got to late. Maybe a day sooner and she'd still be here."

"Aiden, this isn't your fault and it's going to be hard but it does get better, it'll get easier. Just remember the good times and block out the bad. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Aaiden tilted his head back, watery red eyes stared into deep, still amber and he whispered, "Stay with me." He wrapped his arms tightly around Vincent's waist., "Stay with me forever."

"Of course," Vincent replied, "Anything you want."

- 3 -



Aiden, it's okay

It's okay, -den

Aiden, it's o-

It's okay, Ai-


Aiden awoke with a start, his heard jerked up and eyes flew open then a cold dreading sensation fell over him when he realized where he was. His arms and legs were chained to the floor, back against a cold concrete wall and a think metal band went across his throat, holding his head inplace. It had all been a dream, everything he thought made sense didn't make any sense anymore and he couldn't remember who he dreampt about or what he was doing.

"Have you learned your lesson about eavesdropping. Have you forgotten everything you've heard?"

Aiden looked up at the owner of the voice and before he could stop hemself, pure rage made his chest tighten and his eyes glowed red, a loud hiss leaving his mouth. The man looked unaffected and actually looked quite smug, amusment dancing in his eyes. "I see you still haven't learned, maybe a few more days will finallt make it sink in."

Aiden jerked at the chains, trying to raise his arms and grab at the man now walking away but he was completely pinned to the ground. All he could do was watch the older man leave him alone once more, chained in a cold dark basement. he couldn't help but let out a small sobas the heavy door slammed shut.

- 3 -

Okay, I'm going to apologize so many times for taking so long, so long on this chapter! I am so, so sorry. A lot had happened in the past year and this chapter took a lot out of me even though it really shouldn't have. I know you probaby hate me, one for taking so long, two for the dick move of killing Aiden's mother and three, leaving it at a horrible place but I promise the next chapter will come out sooner and it'll hopefully be happier.

When I said it had been a long year I meant, I lost my father last year and I knew before he past away that I was going to probably kill off Aiden's mom so I know what it was like to lose a parent so I just couldn't write it but I got through it and here it is. Probably not what you were expecting but everything has a reason, just don't hate me too much.

Until the next chapter, see ya~!

P.S I do also apologize for any spelling mistakes or any mistakes in general, please do ignore them.