4. Carry Out
"I can't believe you're seriously going with her."
Harlen continued ignoring Owen and slipped the dark blue button down through his bare arms.
"I mean, it's Regan. We made fun of her for years! That mass of curls and loser she hangs out with. For years we egged them on about how they surely had to be doing it. No one was that close without fucking each other's brains out-"
"I got it, Owen." Harlen snapped.
Owen looked at him oddly as if he had forgotten altogether that he was there in the first place.
"Your parents would give you hell for being with her. She's poor, Harlen. Both of her parents didn't go to college. And I heard her dad has two jobs. I mean, really. You think she's going to dazzle them or something?"
"I'm going to Rebecca's party with her. Not our engagement party. Lay off."
"I'm just saying. People talk. You should know that by now."
Harlen smirked. "Oh yes, speaking of that, I hear you and Tracey Lawrence are doing the dirty."
Owen's face paled. "Who told you that?"
Owen blinked. "Anthony? Anthony isn't exactly the brightest guy. How the hell would he know?"
"Nate?! Nate knows?!"
"Yeah, Anthony said Nate told him that he's seen the way you both look at each other. You know nothing gets by Nate. So why are you even surprised?"
"Did you know?"
"I had a haunch. You should really work on concealing your emotions. Your face is like an open book."
At that comment Owen's eyes narrowed in irritation. Apparently he wasn't taking the advice.
"So how long has this been going on?" Harlen asked casually.
"For about six months."
"Wow. You. You of all people. I can't even begin to count how many times you threw around the "N" word."
"Yeah, I know. But I've changed. I'm not like that anymore."
"Are you really? Because still for some reason the idea of me going to just one little party with Connor seems to be a big deal for you."
Owen's eyebrows rose so far up Harlen thought they'd disappear in his hairline.
"You called her Connor."
Harlen shrugged. "It is her name."
"But it's always been Regan."
Harlen sighed. "Things change."
"Yes. I suppose they do." Owen said quietly.
"Would you mind leaving now? I'd like to put my pants on." Harlen said after a brief awkward silence.
Half dazed Owen headed for the door. "Right. Sure. Um, have fun I guess. I'll see you there."
Harlen nodded and didn't relax until Owen was safely out of his room and the door was closed.
He ran a hand through his hair and badly wanted a cigarette. He'd get one from Anthony later he reminded himself. Owen was right though. It always had been Regan. She was just that little curly headed freak who liked bugs and came form an un-wealthy family and hung out with Fackler and spent her time climbing trees. When had she suddenly became Connor? When had his vision of her changed?
Harlen sat on the edge of his bed and knew the answer. It was obvious. To him and anyone else if they knew. When he had sex with her. When he took her virginity. When he kissed her. That's when it changed. She no longer was that little girl he liked to pick on and felt disgusted by. Now she was Connor. And now he wanted her. He wanted her to want him and then after that he wouldn't want her anymore. It was just a brief attraction. A fleeting feeling. It would pass. It always did with other girls. It was just a temporary madness.
Harlen continued getting dressed, pushing Connor out of his mind for the moment. Tonight he'd make her remember just how much she wanted him. He was sure of it.
"So what are you going to wear?!" Rita asked Connor excitedly.
Connor bit back a groan of frustration. Why was she so damn nosy?!
"I'm not sure yet."
"Want me to help you pick something out?!" Rita's eyes shone with hopefulness.
Connor sighed. "Sure."
Rita squealed excitedly and raided through Connor's closet, looking for something probably "cute" or "girly". Which Connor didn't own at all. Connor took the time to examine the girl and was envious for what she saw. Her chestnut brown hair came down to her chin, cut in one of those sophisticated bob styles that only so many girls could pull off. Her eyes were a mixture of green and blue, set in long thick dark lashes, which were not enhanced by mascara. Her lips were full and round and pink with not a hint of gloss or lipstick covering them. Rita had a cute little button nose and perfect eyebrows, her chest was busty and her waist dipped into a small "V" only to curve down into wide round hips. But not too wide. Unlike Connor, Rita actually had hips and an ass. She had a womanly shape whereas Connor still looked like she was sixteen. She hated the girl already.
Rita turned back to Connor and frowned. She was also one of the girls who looked cute when she frowned. Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.
"All you own is jeans!"
"Yeah so?"
Rita huffed in exasperation. "Never mind. I'll find you something from my closet."
And she was gone before Connor could utter a word of protest.
Everyone knows that all the bad stuff comes out after 1AM. Wild sex and excessive drinking and drugs and robberies and break-ins and sneaking cookies in your room all happens after 1AM. Which is why Connor was planning on leaving at 12. Nothing good was going to come out of this whole charade, anyway. Rita stuck her in a floral shirt and black skirt and she felt like sticking hot pokers in her eyes.
Harlen was right on time as she knew he would be. If he stood her up or ran ten minutes over 10:30 she knew he knew he'd never hear the end of it.
"Wow." His gold-green eyes scanned her up and down suggestively. But the funny thing was, it wasn't even really pervy. And she also knew he had already been with her naked once before. She shook her head as if to shake off the memory and narrowed her eyes. Unfortunately though, she liked what she saw.
He was wearing a deep blue button down and light blue jeans that weren't exactly loose fitting. She had the sudden urge to tell him to turn around.
"Turn around." He demanded, echoing her thoughts.
She smirked. She was feeling daring tonight. Maybe because going to Rebecca's party with Harlen Evans, wearing a skirt, and actually allowing him to look at her the way he was was daring all in itself. So why not kick it up one notch?
"You first."
He raised his eyebrows in surprise. Clearly, this was not the response he was expecting. But nevertheless that cocky smirk made its way onto his face and he turned slowly for her. This time, her eyes followed his every curve.
"Your turn." He said lowly when he made a full 360.
Connor did the same and when she faced him again she could see a glint of lust in his eyes. Maybe she was being a bit too daring.
The purple, orange, and black of her floral shirt combined with the black almost satin like look of her skirt was sending him reeling over the edge. Not to mention her skirt only came a little over about halfway to her thigh. The expanse of her pale legs was shown to him and he wanted badly to run his hands over the smooth lengths of them. A diamond like chain hung over her neck and between her breasts. She bore nothing on her wrists and fingers or ears. And simple black flats finished the outfit. It was simple. Nothing over done. Nothing out of the ordinary. But he had known Connor since grade school and in all those years he knew he had never seen her once in a skirt or a dress.
"Quit staring at me." She hissed without removing her eyes from the window.
Harlen smirked. "I'm not."
She turned to face him, rolling her eyes. "You don't call this staring?"
"This is simply admiring. Not staring at all."
"What's the difference?"
"The difference is that staring is creepy. Admiring is flattering."
She laughed. "I still don't see the difference because I'm not flattered one bit."
"Oh yes, you are. You just don't want to admit it."
"I'm not afraid of admitting anything, if it's true."
Harlen laughed disbelievingly. "Sure you don't."
"I don't!" She protested.
"Whatever you say, Regan."
He pulled into the street across from Rebecca's then and quietly he got out of the car, going around it to open the door for her but she was already out and waiting.
He sighed. "You're supposed to let me do that for you."
"This isn't a date."
He raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Then what is it?"
"It's just two people who happen to be going to the same party in the same car together."
He smirked in that condescending way of his. "You're cute."
Connor glared at him. "Shut up."
Harlen merely ignored her and held out his arm. "Shall we?"
"Harlen! I'm so glad you came!" Rebecca gushed, placing soft round open mouthed kisses on both his cheeks. She was a pretty girl with long deep oak brown hair, and pale blue eyes. She was tall. Almost as tall as Harlen and her torso and legs seemed like they'd stretch on for miles. She was pleasantly tan and she showed off that tan in a silver sequenced top that defined her cleavage and came just a little ways above her belly button so that smooth flat tan tummy was viewable to all that looked. And boy did they look. Low rise dark blue jeans hugged her hips and silver three inch heels decorated her feet.
Rebecca's pale blue eyes darted to Connor's when she was done fawning over Harlen and Connor could see the wheels turning in her mind, unlike Michelle, Rebecca was actually smart. Maybe not top class smart like Rita. But smart nevertheless.
"Connor." She said in a less enthusiastic voice.
"Rebecca." Connor replied in the same careful monotone voice.
Harlen smiled and slid an arm around Connor's shoulders. She fought the urge to cringe and make a nasty comment.
"It was so thoughtful for you to invite us."
Rebecca smiled tightly. "Yes, well I do remember only inviting you but of course friends are always welcomed along."
"Of course."
"Well, the kitchen's that way", she pointed a long manicured finger to the right end of the hallway, "And everyone's in the living room. Make yourself at home."
Harlen smiled devilishly. "We will. Thanks again Rebecca." And then Harlen proceeded to steer them away, down the hallway to the kitchen.
Connor looked over her shoulder back at Rebecca and saw her sigh. She could almost hear her saying out loud, "What a waste."
Rebecca Traube lived large. The gold plush gemmed pillows, to the soft chocolate brown leather of her couch and blood red floor were beautiful. The room was a splash of gold, red, and browns. And this was just the living room. The Glass sliding doors that led to a wide patio and backyard, to the spiral of the dark oak stairs and high ceiling and diamond chandelier proved the money they simply had pouring out the ying-yang.
"Hey Harlen! Hey Connor!" Alyssa Brown greeted. Connor smiled genuinely at the girl. Alyssa was one of those girls who was just simply adorable, with blonde curly hair, and eyes more pale and lovely than Rebecca's. Almost like a china doll, Alyssa was dressed up in white lace and black flats. She had to be the cutest and nicest girl Connor had ever met.
"Hey 'Lyssa." Harlen greeted.
"What's with the big fuss about you guys? Are you both dating?"
Connor laughed. "Not at all."
Alyssa smiled. "Well, even if you were, it wouldn't matter to me one bit. You both look great together."
Connor was shocked. Not so much at the words because she knew Alyssa wasn't bothered by them being at the party together and never would be if they dated but at the fact that she said they would actually look great together. Had someone slipped something in her drink?
Harlen laughed. "Thanks. I think so too."
Alyssa beamed at them both. "Well, I gotta get back to my friend. Hopefully I'll see you guys later?"
"Definitely." Harlen said. And just like that she was gone.
"Isn't she the cutest?" Harlen asked after a moment.
Connor gave him a strange look. "What, slept with her too?"
"Are you insane? I would never damage her innocence!"
"Who says she's innocent?"
Harlen smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Really now? Would you happen to know something about her innocence?"
Connor made a disgusted face." Ew. Stop being a perv. I was just saying she could have had sex with half the school. You don't know her private life."
"Yeah, but, it's Alyssa brown.
Connor rolled her eyes. "You took my virginity, remember?"
Harlen grinned all over. "Of course I do. How could I forget?"
Connor blushed. "Shut up and get me a beer."
"Yes, ma'am!"
Already the party was getting rowdy and it was only 11:15. The pot and booze was already broken out and the humping and grinding was being displayed all over Rebecca's pretty furniture. Already Connor was regretting being here.
"Having a nice time?" A voice shouted behind her over the blasting music from the stereos.
Connor whirled around to come face to face with Owen Trivita. She sighed. Owen was as bad as Harlen. Scratch that. He was worse. He was truly the biggest narrow minded prick she'd ever met.
"A wonderful time actually."
Owen smirked. "Where's Harlen?"
"How should I know?" Connor snapped. Oops. Wrong thing to say.
Owen raised an eyebrow. "You did come here with him, didn't you?"
"Yes well, he went to get us a drink."
Connor turned her back to him, obviously ending the conversation there.
"I don't know what he sees in you." And by the time Connor turned around, he was already gone.
A bony shoulder collided with hers at that moment and Connor whirled back around.
"Watch it, bitch." Victoria Delamarre growled.
Connor was fuming. "You're the one who bumped into me."
Victoria tossed her long mane of red hair over her shoulder, her green eyes turning to slits. "Whatever." And then she swayed her little bony ass away and Connor had to resist the urge to run after her and tackle her to the ground.
"Hey." Harlen greeted, holding out a red cup just in the nick of time. Connor said nothing, just took the cup and took a long swig from it. Already she was regretting coming here.
Michelle Taren was the most annoying slut Harlen had ever come across. He knew he had been gone for over five minutes or so because all the while he was trying to block her advances. Did the girl not know the meaning of "no"?
"Sorry I took so long. Got a little held up." Harlen apologized.
Connor said nothing, just nodded and continued drinking.
"Hey, hey. Slow down." Harlen said, reaching out to remove the cup from her hands.
"Don't tell me what to do!" Connor snapped.
Harlen moved his hands back and held them up in surrender. "Okay, okay. But do you really want to be puking that up later?"
Connor sighed and stopped drinking.
"Hey Harlen, have you seen Owen?" Astoria Patale asked, weaving her body through the crowd to stand in front of him.
"No, sorry."
"He was right here a few minutes ago." Connor said.
Astoria's brown eyes slanted towards Connor. "Did you see where he went?" She asked hastily.
Connor turned and pointed behind her. "I believe that way."
"Thanks." And then she too was gone.
Astoria Patale thanking someone? What was the world coming to?
"Owen!" Astoria shouted.
His back tensed and he closed his eyes, sighing. He really didn't want to do this right now. But nevertheless he turned around to face her.
"What?" He asked flatly when she approached him.
She seemed a little taken aback by his tone and he forced himself not to care.
"Why haven't you been returning any of my calls?"
Owen sneered. "Maybe because I don't want to talk to you?"
Astoria visibly flinched. "Why? What did I do? I thought everything was fine!"
"Well, it wasn't."
"What's happened to us Owen? What is this?"
"This is me having a failed attempt at being subtle with dumping you. But honestly, Astoria, there was no "us." You weren't even my girlfriend. Just a good f-"
Her hand slapped him hard enough he thought he'd bleed.
"Go to hell." Her eyes bored rage and tears but he didn't stop her from running away and leaving him. He liked her. Honestly he did. She was a great friend, a great person, and someone he enjoyed spending time with and having sex with but he couldn't end things with her without her knowing the real reason why. And no one could find out. Well, at least no one else.
Her legs were spread on either side of him, straddling him. Her chest pressed flat against his. He tasted and smelled of beer and cigarettes but she didn't mind. She knew she tasted and smelled of beer too. Her hands were fisted in his hair, her mouth moving sensually against his, their tongues touching in an agonizing slow way that made the place between her legs wet with want. She could feel his own arousal straining against the confine of his jeans as he pressed his hips into hers, grinding against her slowly, softly.
It was driving her mad.
His hands moved from the tangled spot in her hair down to the slope of her neck, fingertips dancing over her collar bone and lower until his hands grazed over her nipples, making her gasp. How could he be so damn good? How could he make her feel so goddamn good?
This is wrong. A voice whispered in the back of her she really want to go put herself though this again?
She moved her mouth from his and was ready to move off of his lap when his mouth started lightly sucking on her pulse point on her neck. She groaned out loud, all thoughts of leaving flooding out of her mind. His teeth bit down then, his tongue tracing over in a pattern she did not know.
"I know how wet you are for me. I know how much you want me."
"Really?" She gasped in between intakes of breath, her heart beating rapidly.
"Yes." He whispered against her neck.
This is wrong.
"I know how much you want me too." She said.
He smirked against the side of her neck, his mouth moving down, his tongue moving to the valley between her breasts.
She moaned.
"I think you want me more." He said huskily.
She smiled. "I don't think so."
This is wrong.
His hands snaked their way under her skirt, under the waistband of her panties until his finger slid up and down her wet slit.
"Mmm, I don't think so."
She smirked in spite of herself. "We'll see."
It was wrong. And she loved it.