—I have a very important announce to make. — Said Nicodemus, one of the most respected priests in the whole kingdom, to the Great Order of the Dragon: the main group of wizards, sages, priests, clerics and magicians of the world, today, all reunited in the Great White Tower

—What's going on, Nicomedia's? What bothers you this time? — Replied Bernabé, the second in charge, and one of the most vicious and harsh critics of Nicodemus.

—it is about the same nature of our world…it's disturbing, but I think it makes sense, and the more you think it, the more sense it makes…

All his mates felt some strange feeling: they didn't know what to wait, but they knew they will soon found it out.

—It will sound very strange at first, but please be kind, and listen carefully, but more than anything: open your mind. — Nicodemus said, and after the rest of the group agreed to listen and respect, he started to elaborate about his "announce" — ladies and gentlemen, we all live…in a story…

—What do you mean? — One of the witches asked

—I have been in a deep deep meditation, trying to find the answers of the life, the universe and everything else, and I have discovered two important things: First, the answer to all that stuff is NOT 42…

—Damn it! I thought I was right this time… — another of his mates whinnied.

—But more importantly —Nicodemus continued with his speech — is that we are all living in a story…and a bad one, written by a young boy named Rick.

It was just incredible and way too surreal to even being considered as an important statement, and deep in all their minds, they all thought it was just a sign of Nicodemus's age, and nothing more than that.

—Are you serious? — Asked Bernabé, feeling that his intelligence was mocked with such a ridiculous "discovery"

—I know how it sounds, but I feel in my heart that is true…

—Oh, so now we're going to listen to wild guesses? Sure

But just before any member of the group could debate this controversial idea, they saw a strange white cloud filling the chamber, and as soon as anything touched it, it seemed to disappear

—What's going on? — Asked a very surprised Barbabé

—I knew it…— Nicodemus exclaims


—The author is finally realizing how much this story sucks…

And as soon as the white cloud filled the whole room, everyone and everything disappeared, not before realizing that Nicodemus was right all along: A young boy was writing a story on his computer, but after reading a couple of paragraphs, he realized that this was a particularly bad idea.

—Damn it…what a retarded tale… —Rick, the author, said to himself after erasing that file —…a story about a bunch of wizards realizing that they are inside a story? Who the hell would ever buy that?

But as soon as he stands up from his chair to rest his mind a couple of minutes, he notices at the window a strange white haze, entering to his room; he gets a little closer, but when he touches it, he just disappears from existence…

—What the hell am I thinking? — Anthony said to himself, deleting a word file — a story about a story inside a story? I need to stop writing while high…

Anthony turned off his computer, expecting to write something better tomorrow; the writing for today was over, but as long as the great author of Anthony's life continues to be pleased with his work, his life will always have a next chapter.