"I wanted to die"

That was definitely something I never wanted to hear out of mother's mouth. I stood there gaping at her for a while before I realized I was shaking. I wrapped my arms around myself and mentally cursed on how those words, coming from my wonderful and beloved mom no less, made me want to scream out in agonizing pain. I wanted to drop to the ground and cry and scream and thrash around until she told me she didn't mean it. She couldn't have meant it…

My mind flashed and I suddenly have the feeling I'm not in control of what I'm think or doing.

why would she want to die…

Tears freely flowed down my face again as I stared at nothing and something at the same time.

When we still need her…

i grabbed onto her arm and felt like I was going to break down in front of her.

But if she wants to die…

My arm traveled to the tubes attached to her wrist. I want to stop but I can't. after all we've done and tried to do for her, she wants this?

I'll do whatever it takes to make mother happy.

"MICHELLE, STOP!" Sarah screamed as Brandon pulled me away from mother. My head spins as I let go of our not-so-frightened mother and I fall down onto the cold white floor. My breath is ragged as I stand up and I quickly walk out of the room to head towards the elevator.

I press the first floor button and then leaned against the wall as I tried to control my breathing. My thoughts were everywhere as I tried to focus, to get rid of the banging in my head.

"she wanted to live when she was in the car. But when she saw me she thought she was supposed to die." a male voice spoke. I didn't look up since I already knew who it was.

"and when she thought she was supposed to die, she wanted to die?" I asked for conformation.

"no one wants to stay where they're not wanted. Someone obviously wanted to get rid of her" he said shrugging his shoulders

"that would be Calleb. What am I supposed to do now?" I asked feeling totally defeated for some reason.

"how am I to know? I'm not even supposed to be here"

"THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE?" I screamed as I pounded my fist on the wall. I looked up at the boy and he turned away from me. I fell to the floor and stared at my reflection on the floor. Why did she want to leave? Why did she want to leave us with…with…that killer? Shouldn't she be grateful she was alive and want to stay that way? Isn't that what most people want? To stay alive forever?

"you mother doesn't want immortality, Michelle. She wants the best for everyone." he said as he sat on the ground in front of me.

" and leaving us with that crazy man is the best for us?" I yelled.

"she has her reasons" I looked at him like he was a crazy person. Did he really believe that?

"how could you be so sure?" I whimpered. He smiled and leaned against the elevator wall beside me.

"because you mother could never be cruel in the end. Everything she does will make you happy when it's all over."


I walked out of the elevator as people pushed past me to get into it. I'm sure he made the ride longer than normal just to talk me into being sane again. I am grateful for that though.

"I don't even know his name…" I mumbled and looked around.

"it's unnecessary that you do" I could feel the breath on my neck, but even as I whipped around, he wasn't there. Of course.

"Michelle, darling, how's you're mother?" I froze and looked up at my stepfather. His words sounded so forced.

"do you really not love mother?" I asked as I lowered my eyes as to not look at him. If I look at him I might turn into stone.

"she not…the most important thing to me in the world." he said as he took a step closer to me. I bit my lip and took a step away from him.

Okay, calm down and think. The elevator is in a hallway that is about eighteen feet to the waiting room. If I can dodge whatever it is he's going to do, I can probably make it. Only, I can't run fast and I don't know how fast he can go…ugh.

"really? But mother loved you dearly. I'm sure your favorite thing is not as good as mother living." I said as I tried inching around him, only for him hands to shoot out beside either side of my head.

"oh, but it is. Considering my favorite thing is you" he whispered as he leaned toward my ear. His breath smelled like rotten fish, rotten eggs and alcohol, and he looked greasy from so close up.

I pushed him, he was too close to me, but I guess I'm not strong either as he grabbed my wrist and held them above my head. He puckered his lips, closed his eyes, and leaned down. I moved my head as I swore I heard his face collide with the wall.

"nice try, girl." he said as he grbbed my chin with one of his hands and forced me to stay in place as he leaned down again.

Oh man, oh man! Something, someone, please save me! Cut his hands off, cut his hands off, cut his hands off-

I heard a choked sound right before his hands let go of my wrist. I looked up to see that one of his wrist were bleeding and he was holding it with his other hand. I shrugged, close enough, and dashed away from the pedophile.

I know I wasn't fast on my feet, but I sure was when it came to thinking. I ran into the restroom and went into a stall. I turned my skirt inside out so that it was red instead of black. I took my vest off and threw it on the ground, so that nothing was covering my light blue shirt. I then took the bow that I attached to a hair tie and pulled it to wear it would look like a belt. I placed my hair differently so that I had way too long bands and used my wrist band to tie my hair into a ponytail.

I stepped out of the stall and looked in the mirror. It may not be much of a difference, but I still looked different. I took out my diamond earrings and put them in my skirt pocket. I took out my colored contacts, not remembering why I had put them in my eyes in the first place. I looked at the light blue eyes in the mirror and sighed. Brown was better.

"Michelle. I know you're in here! Come out or I'm coming in." I head Calleb's voice call. Before I could even move, the door bust in and my stepfather staggered towards me.

"do you need something" I said, my voice in my best 'I'm-from-a-foreign-country-but-you-can't-tell-which' voice. He narrowed his eyes at me .

"I we met before? You look so familiar…" he said as he leaned closer to me. I gulped and prayed that he would keep being idiotic

"Darling are you here?" the door swung open and there stood my pale friend. He looked human with his black hair and light hazel, almost gold-like, eyes. Even his clothes looked so normal, way different from his slightly formal attire from looked at him and frowned. He could see him?

"who is he?" Calleb asked as he looked back at me. I looked at red eyes and smiled; all I have to do is play along.

"Honey!" I said, faking shock. "I've been looking everywhere for you!"

I walked to him in a hurry and wrapped my arms around his neck. His arms went around my waist, but I could tell his eyes were glaring at my stepfather.

"we need to get out of this hospital. now." I whispered into his neck. He closed the door to the restroom and laughed.

"no duh!" he let go of my waist and grabbed my hand, running towards the exit before Calleb decided he wanted to come out of the girl's restroom.

"you know, I think you look kinda cool like that" I said blushing.

"thanks." he smiled. I took a deep breath and momentarily forgot about everything as I ran. I'll think of a plan later. I just need to calm down and not think about anything to major before I save everyone. I just need to forget for a bit.

"we need to talk."

So much for relaxing.