Chpt 2
Elena woke up with a start hoping last nights events were a dream, the pain in her body and heart telling her otherwise,
She screamed when she felt his arms tighten around her and as he breathed on her neck. He woke up as soon as Elena screamed,
"Calm down, it's only me" He said against her neck.
"D, Damon?" She asked as she looked up at him, he nodded, she put her head on his chest and just let the tears flow.
* * *
It had been a month since Stefan's assault and Elena hadn't seen him, for that she was thankful to Damon, but curious to know where he was, was he dead? Or alive?, She now stayed at the house with Damon who wouldn't let her leave, not that she wanted to, she couldn't help but be scared Stefan would show up.
Elena had seen a side of Damon she never thought possible until now. He was taking care of her instead of himself.
She looked up when Damon entered the kitchen.
"Damon, can I ask you something?"
"What happened to Stefan" She said quietly running a hand through her hair,
"He's locked in the basement" Damon replied walking over to the fridge and getting a drink for Elena and himself,
"Oh, H, How come he hasn't gotten out?"
"The vervain we grow makes us so weak we cant hardly move, if it comes in big doses" He finished standing up and pulling her to the lounge room with him.
"Oh" Elena said as she was dragged along.
He walked over to the TV cabinet and choose a movie for them to watch, they did it every Friday.
"I'M NOT WATCHING TWILIGHT!" Elena screamed when she saw Damon putting it in the dvd player,
"Why not?"
"Because it's GAY!" She replied in a bored tone,
"Well what do you wanna watch then?"
"Hmm..." She got up and walked over to the cabinet "How about BlackBeauty, Yes this is perfect" She said already putting it in the player.
Damon shook his head and sat down beside her.
* * *
Damon looked over at Elena seeing her so intrigued in the movie, tears in her eyes as the barn caught fire, the screaming of psycho horses.
"NO!" She screamed "NO! DON'T DIE BLACKIE!" She cried "YOU CAN MAKE IT! I KNOW YOU CAN!" She yelled, Damon looked at her mortified, had she not seen this movie before?
"Oh thankgod he's okay" she sighed leaning in to Damon "I was so scared."
"Have you not seen this movie before?" He laughed,
"Of course I've seen it; it's the best movie ever!" She said happily,
"Righto then" Damon replied, rolling his eyes.
Elena sighed and turned back to the movie, she hadn't seen his smile.