Ok, so this just an idea for another story I want to write (as said at the bottom of the chapter), so please let me know what you think!(:

When Darkness Turns To Light

Chapter One

Pain exploded across my cheek as he slapped me for the third time, anger deathly as cyanide clearly visible in his stormy grey eyes.

'he' being my boyfriend of two years, Bryce Williams.

"What the fuck do you think you were doing, you little bitch? You're to tell me first before you do anything, and only do it if I give you permission. Stupid slut, you already know that! Are you trying to piss me off? Huh?"

I stayed silent, trying my best not to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry and to ignore the pain still tingling in my left cheek.

The next thing I knew, he struck me yet again on the same cheek, only harder. I tasted blood this time.

"Answer me!"

"I was o-only going to go to the mall with J-Josie an-and Molly."

It was the truth. Bryce was, as you can tell, not a very good boyfriend. So Molly and Josie, being the good friends they are, were always trying to get me out of the house and away from him so I could have some freedom and girl time together. Which was exactly why I was being yelled at right now. Bryce, when I first started going out with him, was the sweetest guy anyone could have asked for-he carried my books for me, walked me to class, and took me out on dates. But a couple of months later, everything went downhill. It all started with arguments and name-calling, to which he'd apologize for afterwards. Then it escalated to becoming physical, shoves here and there when he got really pissed. Month four: all chivalry officially died. He got mad at me for no reason, always hit me, and never gave any of it a second thought. The only good thing is that he told me he would never, never even attempt to sleep with (or more like rape) me because I was nothing but a worthless whore, I wasn't worth it and he didn't feel like contracting any STD's. to which I'm eternally thankful. But alas, being heartless Bryce Williams' punching bag/stress reliever/entertainment/girlfriend was definitely not any fun either.

"Well then why the fuck didn't you ask me first? Those two bitches are always meddling in our relationship; it has to stop. Tell them!" He got right up in my face and practically screamed it. I felt anger bubbling up inside of me at the mention of my two best friends being called bitches, but there was nothing I could do-the last time I blew up at him, he beat me so hard I could barely walk the next morning. So I knew better than to backtalk to him; it would only make things worse.

I nodded weakly.

He wasn't satisfied.

"Tell me you will," he demanded, glaring at me so coldly I shrank away from him slightly in fear. He grabbed my arm and yanked me over to him roughly. I nearly tripped and fell against his chest. He shoved me away in disgust and made me face him. "Tell me." he said again, still angry.

"I will," I answered quietly.

Bryce narrowed his eyes threateningly at me. "You will what?" he asked me in the same tone, but I could easily pick out the undercurrent of rage in his voice. I quickly corrected myself.

"I will tell Molly and Josie to stay out of our personal life and to mind their own business."

"When?" he demanded harshly.

"Tomorrow at school," I said meekly.

"Good." With that, he let go of me and strode down the empty corridor, turning right at the end. I sighed unevenly and wiped away at the tears that had fallen during our fight. I wanted out, so badly. But there was no way to free myself. Bryce was the most popular guy at Avalon High, so again, there was nothing I could do. Even though he showed me his not-so-affectionate feelings every day in school, nobody cared. Those who saw, blamed me for being the one who made him angry. In their eyes, Bryce Williams was the hottest of them all with his dirty blonde hair and gorgeous grey eyes. He flirted with everyone; though I couldn't care less. I know, right? You might be thinking, why the hell wouldn't she care? Because he's a psychotic, abusive, cold-hearted asshole who only has his own pleasure in mind.

I grabbed my black messenger bag and slowly trudged through the heavy double doors, and wished more than anything that something would happen to stop this blasphemy that is my life. I felt my pocket buzz, and reached inside to pull out my shiny black slide phone. I saved up for a month to buy this phone at the local coffee shop, where, coincidentally, Josie also worked. Molly worked in the pet shop on the other side of town, sadly.

I glanced down at the text message Molly sent me and started typing out a reply.

hey gurl, how r u holding up?

Not so good, bryce got 2 me again.

I got another message not twenty seconds later.

Kylie..you really need 2 do something about him..this. It kills Josie and I 2 see you like this; we can help.

I bit my lip nervously and started typing again.

Um..about that…bryce told me 2 tell you and Josie 2 stay out of our relationship…if u could call it that. tho I doubt u'll listen..

What?? Ok, fuck him. We're helping you, no matter wut.

What! No, Molls, u cant! he'll kill me! please..

This time I waited about five minutes until my phone buzzed again, signalling another text message.

Well then, I don't no what 2 tell you. Ur our bestie, theres no way we'll sit and watch wile you get the s! beaten out of you. We r goin to help you somehow..don't worry, we'll figure something out. Like I said, we cant watch u live like this, we never even get 2 see u anymore! It sucks..

I smiled slightly; it was great to know my best friends cared so much about me.

k, thx..just make sure bryce doesn't find out. Im in enough pain as it is..

Sure, u'll be ok. Love you(;

lol. u 2 3

I sighed again and continued walking along the cracked cement sidewalk. Twenty minutes later I arrived home, which was a small two story house with a small front yard. My dad's old battered blue Chevy truck was in the driveway, which meant he was home. I groaned.

It's not that my dad is abusive…well, not really. He's actually pretty good for a dad, but the only thing I really don't like is the fact that he drinks very often-there's pretty much always a case of beer in the living room, usually hidden behind the couch. I know he loves me, he just has some things he needs to work out. The only times he gets abusive, which still isn't all that much, is when he's completely hammered and about to pass out. Which is barely ever. I pulled open the screen door and was greeted by a few empty beer bottles strewn across the floor, and my dad watching football on TV.

"Hey sweetie," he said when he saw me come in. "How was school?"

"Pretty good, thanks," I lied. I couldn't tell him about Bryce. Well, actually I could, but I don't know how dad would react to that little piece of information. I was 99 per cent sure he'd go and beat the shit out of Bryce when he saw him, but with all the beer he's been drinking, I couldn't be sure.

"Ok. Oh, and Kylie? I'm going out with some friends tonight, so I won't be back until late."

I looked at him disapprovingly, and he sighed. "Honey, I know you don't approve, but just let me spend some time with them. I haven't seen them in a long time, anyway."

"You saw them just two days ago," I corrected. "And, dad…you really need to stop drinking so much; it's not good for your health. I'm worried about you."

"I know, I know. I will, soon."

"How many did you have today?" I asked, completely ignoring what he just said.

"Um…nine, I think." Wow.

"Ok..I have an idea, but I think it will work. How about you drink a certain amount each day, let's just start with a limit of nine since it's what you had today-and I'll bring it down by one every three weeks, so you'll slowly stop drinking so much. And, that includes nights when you go out with your friends. How does that sound?"

He grew quiet, I could tell he was thinking about it. After a minute or so, he looked up at me and smiled, "That sounds like a good idea. Thanks Kylie. I know what I do bothers you; and you're right, it's about time I do something about it." I grinned.

"Okay, sounds great dad. But, I have to go do my math homework now, Mr. Sinhurst sucks like that." He chuckled. "Um..when do you want to eat?"

He looked at me and smiled. "Don't worry about that tonight; I'll just order pizza. Something to celebrate the nearing end of my obsessive drinking." Hell yeah, this is awesome!


Once I was in my room with my books spread out everywhere, I was happy for the first time in a long time.

One problem fixed (almost).

One more to go.

Author's Note:

Hey guys!

So, this is an idea for a second story I want to start; just an idea. So, if you like it, please review and let me know!

The same goes for my other story, SIL TAMN~review if you like! :P

