"Stop, please stop!" a weak voice echoed throughout the empty hallways. The smack of skin against bone followed it. I peeked around the corner of a row of lockers, Ewan McGregor's fist slammed into Kurt Warner's face. I cringed in pity, covering my own nose with my hand. Kurt slumped down against the wall, Ewan standing threateningly over him.
Ewan McGregor a student who transferred from Scotland two years ago, his height was domineering; many cowered away from him in just fear. Broad shoulders were encased in a leather jacket, a muscled abdomen tapered off to a pair of faded jeans belted around his waist. A leather-corded necklace with an animal tooth hung around his neck. My head was cocked to the side as I studied him.
Kurt's head lolled to the side, his eyes connected fearfully with mine. My eyes widened, my chest clenched. I shoved my hands deep into my pockets, biting my lip, a nervous habit I had acquired.
"Help me." his voice was soft and weak. I bit my lip harder; the iron taste of blood filled my mouth. My eyes snapped up to meet Ewan's, his hard hazel eyes a mixture of green and gold. His jaw was clenched; he ran a strong hand through his Mohawk. My nose twitched, I could walk away pretend I never saw anything or I could help him again and risk Ewan McGregor figuring out my real identity. I blew out a breath slowly, making my decision.
I freed my hands from my pockets; with a deep breath, I steeled my resolve. Adjusted the straps on my backpack I took a step forward. Ewan's eyes sharpened, his fists clenched, I peeled my eyes away from him and walked determinedly to Kurt's side. Reaching down I hauled him up by the shirt of his shoulder, my mind twisted in anger at his pathetic demeanor, his weakness, but I pushed that aside.
Shoving him ahead of me I turned to Ewan, "Pick on someone your own size." I whispered.
Ewan sneered, "Like who? You?" his hand snaked out to grasp my shoulder. I snatched his wrist bent it back and shoved my fist into his muscled stomach, his abs clenched, a steel bands of muscle.
I grunted but straightened quickly, returning my hands to my pockets, Ewan's eyes bored into me, the heat of his gaze burning my skin. I averted my eyes, "leave him alone McGregor he didn't do anything to you."
"He didn't, you on the other hand." He trailed off, his Scottish brogue thick amongst his words.
"Yeah me." I muttered.
Kurt was leaning against the wall, hand covering his bloodied nose, his left almost swollen shut. He moaned, "My nose."
I grabbed the scruff of his neck and shoved him down the hallway, "quit your moaning Warner, it's just a broken nose. How about you quit getting into these situations and I won't have to bail you out, now McGregor could figure out who I am and blow my whole cover. Jesus Kurt." I pulled some Kleenex out my backpack and shoved it at him.
"You haven't really bailed me out, only…" I interrupted him.
"Last week, the week before that, and oh wait the week before that too. Why don't you ever fight back?" I pulled my hood up over my head.
Kurt tilted his head back, wiping away the blood, "that's not my job; my job is to keep an eye on Isabella. And to do that I need to fit in with her crowd, the nerds." I rolled my eyes.
"And my job is to keep you out of trouble along with Annabelle."
I readjusted my backpack and turned the corner towards my locker, twisting the lock a small yellow blob flitted quickly my way. I closed my eyes against the frustration and swung open the locker.
"Charlie Walker are you insane?" Isabella's voice screeched in my ear.
I grimaced and pushed my hair behind my ear, "depends on who you talk to."
"You punched Ewan McGregor!" I shrugged, rubbing the back of my neck.
"He was picking on some kid; I couldn't just stand there and do nothing. He provoked me." I muttered.
"But you punched him! That's a death sentence; I would be looking over my shoulder at every turn and stay home from school for the next few days. Heck even for the rest of my life. Did you know he was kicked out of Scotland for killing his brother? I would stay far away if I were you." She was nervously fanning herself, her cornflower blue eyes wide behind thick-rimmed glasses.
"Good thing you're not me then huh Isa." I grinned and nudged her shoulder.
She rolled her eyes and threw her arm around me, "yeah I think they would have committed me to an institution a long time ago."
I winced at that, I had been institutionalized; it was as bad as everyone made it out to be.
Isabelle's incessant chatter was cut short, I glanced at her, her face had gone pale, mouth open. I followed her gaze and was met by hazel. I groaned and rubbed two fingers on my temple, "what do you want McGregor?"
A muscle in his jaw twitched which was followed by a smirk, "you punched me that calls for payback"
Isabella gasped, I grabbed her arm, and "Isa go wait for me in the car. Okay? I'll be fine." She nodded wordlessly then scampered out of the empty hallway.
"Payback which includes…?" I trailed off; my gaze never wavered from his. He moved closer to me, his leisurely walk like a predator's gait. I stepped back, it was best to avoid a fight. He kept moving till my back hit the cold metal of the lockers, I stiffened. I shoved my hands in my pockets to keep them from ringing his neck or boxing his ears, I couldn't figure out which seemed most appealing.
As I pondered this, I failed to notice how close his face got to mine. He placed his hands on either side of my head and leaned in close, his mouth by my ear, "I know who you are Charlie, don't think I don't. I know why you're here." His voice was low and dangerous.
My eyes narrowed, I hissed, I whipped my hand out of my pocket and grabbed his family jewels. His breathing grew short, "you ruin this, and I ruin you. Do you understand me McGregor, I've killed many men in my time, you wouldn't be the first nor the last. So I suggest that you leave me the hell alone, now either you back off or you lose the chance of having little Ewan's running around. Do you understand me." he growled but nodded sharply.
I released him, shoved his shoulder back and left, letting out a breath as I went. No matter how much training I had, his sheer power and height left me quivering in the knees.