The door swung open easily as North stepped inside and then closed with a resolute 'click'. The sound echoed briefly in the large room. Torches burned and a fire blazed in the hearth, even as goosebumps spread over suddenly cold skin. Taking several deep breaths, North walked up to the throne, boldly raising her head up and eyes forward, stopping as she came close to the stairs before the raised dais.

'She said if I was respectful, she might show mercy,' the prince remembered, thoughts drifting back to lessons learned about how to greet peers in court and respectful greetings from other kingdoms. Perhaps one of those types of kneeling would-

A memory came to the forefront of her mind, recalling the line of chained prisoners being brought to the fields, pulled along by their collars through the mud and then forced to kneel on the muddy ground as the chain was removed. Their heads had been bowed, eyes downcast, their postures that of dejection, hopelessness and smoldering anger. She had been walking with her father, watching curiously as he was speaking with the local ruler of the kingdom about trading costs and taxes.

She slowly knelt until her knees were on the floor, slightly cushioned by the thin carpet. Her wrists crossed in front as she bowed her head, closing her eyes. If she were in front of an altar, she might have been a squire taking vows to become a knight, or a repentant follower seeking forgiveness.

North did not know that Taelyn was there until fingers touched the back of her neck. She gave a brief jolt from the touch, but kept her position, resolutely squeezing her eyes further shut. A low laugh flowed like water into the prince's ear.

"Good. Very good, my headstrong prince," Taelyn's words were soothing, yet North felt a sudden rush of excitement. A finger traced North's chin, an echo of the caress given in the cell. She winced, forcing herself not to move. The finger slid away, as the swish of clothing and the sense of movement was felt. A few moments of silence echoed in the room, before Taelyn spoke again.

"Open your eyes, and raise your head. You may look at me."

North blinked, slowly raising her head and gaze upward. What her eyes beheld first made her gasp and pause in the movement.

The princess had been wearing a light blue dress, and when confronted in the cell, North had seen the sorceress wearing what looked like a simple robe. But this was form-fitting clothing, a long sleeved shirt and trousers that shone with the indication of expensive fabric, outlining Taelyn's pleasing shape. She was not overly thin or fat, but was angular, with long legs that were lazily draped over an arm on the throne. Jewels sparkled on the leather vest, a dark-colored patch-worked item that curved around to her waist. The hourglass necklace glowed softly from beneath the shirt, barely visible through the fabric. A circlet, lined with small red gems, was her crown.

North felt as if she had peered into a rabbit burrow and found herself facing a fire-breathing dragon. Her eyes widened, as her head slowly came up entirely.

Taelyn laughed again, this time her mirth complimented by a faint crinkling of her nose. "Do you like what you see, my prince?" An eyebrow rose, as Taelyn's smile became more cat-like.

North swallowed, biting her lower lip in agitation. "I... you are very beautiful, Mistress." Blush rose up to North's face and ears, she wanted nothing more than to cast her eyes down or to shrink away. But resolutely, she kept her head up.

Taelyn moved swiftly, standing up from the throne and stepping to North's side. A hand came down, fingers gripping the short hair and pulling up the prince's head sharply. North bit back a cry of pain as Taelyn leaned down to her ear.

"I have been told those exact words numerous times," she hissed. "Now I will ask you again... do you like what you see?"

North met that sharp crimson gaze with a brief moment of panic, before breathing through the shock of the pain. Giving a shuddering breath, the words flowed from her mouth.

"I apologize, Mistress. I... I do like your appearance, your clothing is intriguing," she gasped, panting slightly to keep from groaning. "Did... you create them?"

Taelyn stared silently for several moments, before releasing her grip. North held still, her scalp aching yet relieved to be freed from the pain.

"I obtained the cloth from traders and a seamstress made them," the sorceress answered simply. "But I did cast the enchantments, that much is true."

North kept her gaze on the sorceress, unsure of what to do otherwise. Despite the irritation she felt, Taelyn's mouth quirked into a smile.

"It is interesting when a person makes the effort to change."

North tilted her head slightly, but said nothing.

Taelyn continued. "Only one day's imprisonment in a cell, and here you are bowing and calling me 'Mistress'. Such a change from one who swore never to submit to me."

The prince's face quirked, unable to hide the brief flash of shame and anger. Closing her eyes briefly, North collected her thoughts before replying.

"Being in uncomfortable circumstances allows a person to dwell on thoughts in a deeper context. I am bowing and I will call you Mistress because I seek the chance to use the sword Deathwynd," North said calmly, her expression one of serious intent. "Saving my people is paramount in my mind-"

"That is what you say, but is it true to them?" Taelyn interrupted, an accusing note in her voice. "Do you have any longing to rule the kingdom of Tyorn, to be a king to so many? Or is it your own lust for power or comfort or something else driving you?"

North's jaw tightened, holding back the angry reply that wanted to be spoken and made real. Instead, she bowed her head, eyes fixed on the floor as she spoke.

"My father tasked me with finding the sword and I will obey what he has asked of me. If that means becoming the slave of a powerful sorceress, then so be it. My own passions are..." Her eyes closed as she breathed deeply. "It would be best to focus on my responsibilities and duties if I am to be of service to you, Mistress."

Taelyn blinked at the clipped reply. 'An abrupt change in topics... there will be time to delve into North's desires later. For now..."

"Very well," Taelyn nodded as North looked up. "As my slave, you will be tasked with menial tasks around the castle, whatever needs to be done. There is always work, so you should not find yourself in many moments of rest, except when sleeping or when you are by my side. If you are called to the courtyard, you will train with the soldiers and Captain Orion will instruct you."

North nodded, but kept quiet as her jaw tightened on mention of the Captain.

"I've no doubt of your fighting skills, but there is always room for improvement." Taelyn smiled. "As for when you are here, I need someone to help me gather supplies for my work. You will be tending the gardens here in the castle, where I gather many supplies I would otherwise have to send for in countries more than a fortnight of travel away. You will also learn the basics of spells, for to wield Deathwynd requires some understanding of elemental magic."

The prince raised an eyebrow. She was intrigued by the idea of magic, and thus far having experienced the opposite end of spells... it would be a rare gift, being trusted with something simple. Taelyn's lips quirked as she spoke again, her voice playful, but not matching the suddenly coldness in her eyes.

"If you ever think of using a spell against me, I will burn you from the inside out."

The prince gulped and nodded, looking up at the sorceress. "I understand, Mistress."

Taelyn reached down to touch North's hair again. This time, the fingers stroked through the locks and briefly massaged the scalp before running the same path. North was momentarily stiff before letting her shoulders fall, relaxing under the gentle caress. The sorceress smiled to herself.

"Perform your tasks well, my headstrong prince, and you will be rewarded. I may be a stern Mistress, but I am fair."

North's eyes had closed again as she nodded into the caresses from the sorceress' hand. "Yes..." The word came out as a whisper.

Taelyn stopped abruptly, before standing in place, watching to see North's reaction.

The prince blinked twice, surprised by the loss of the pleasurable feeling, but surprised by her own reaction as well. Her head bowed down again, trying to focus on the ground again. This time, nails scraped the back of her neck as she shivered.

"... Mistress?"


"If I may ask... why do you call me 'headstrong prince'? You know who I am, at least, in regards to my body." Blush rose to North's face and ears as she felt silent.

"Hmm," Taelyn briefly mused, before running her fingernails down the sensitive skin again. "I suppose it is because that to the world at large, you are still the third prince in line to the kingdom of Tyorn. I suppose it is also because your attitude is one of a headstrong prince, so it easily comes to mind."

Her hand squeezed gently on the prince's neck, and North slowly moved his head up, eyes meeting with Taelyn's smiling gaze.

"But mostly I call you that because it is what I choose to call you. I could call you 'slave', or 'girl'. Or I could call you 'boy', if I were so inclined. Do those words bother you?"

North licked at dry lips. "N-no, Mistress. Thank you for answering my question." More words ached to be said, but North held back. It was difficult to abstain from saying what was on her mind, having been used to having her opinions known for many years to the servants in the castle.

Azalea had taught her to be polite to every one of them, but some moment had been painfully remembered in the middle of the night or in quiet moments alone. Those few times she had been an absolute brat, laughing at another's pain...

Guilt stung at her heart, as North took a deep breath. Now was not the time to reminisce on those moments-

"-when in doubt, you need to ask," Taelyn continued, now studying her newest slave with a critical eye. "And of course, pay attention." The fingers suddenly gripped North's hair again, and the prince's teeth against the pain.

"What did I just say? Do you think you can lose yourself in your thoughts and ignore me whenever you want to?" Taelyn sneered, leaning over to glare into North's pain-stricken eyes.

"F-forgive me, I lost myself... in thoughts... I'm sorry," North gasped, hands clenching into fists as her body strained against the sudden pull.

Without another word, Taelyn flung North backward, the movement causing the prince's back to hit the floor. As North was about to sit up, Taelyn made a fist with her left hand. "Liga, quatuor!"

The cuffs around North's wrists and ankles immediately slid to the floor, her limbs pulled to their length without strain. North yanked at the bonds, unable to move an inch. It was as if her joints were pinioned by stone. Staring upward at the ceiling in stunned disbelief, North watched as Taelyn walked into view.

"And you were doing so well," Taelyn smiled mockingly. "I thought I had already taught you a lesson about repeating myself to you, so if you must refuse to listen... you'll have to learn in other ways."

North watched, breath catching as Taelyn crouched down, her hands moving to North's tunic. The fabric was roughly pulled up, exposing a slender midriff and two pale breasts, now tinged with golden color from the firelight. The prince gasped, staring at the sorceress in disbelief. What was-


Tightly closed lips met the muffled scream as Taelyn's hand came down firmly on a breast, her palm sweeping across and grazing the now hardening nipple. North twisted her head away from Taelyn, eyes closed and huffing like a snarling cat.


"Aaaahh!" North couldn't stop the cry from coming out, shame mingling with the sudden pain on her other breast. Taelyn grabbed North's hair and pulled, yanking her head back to face the sorceress who locked her gaze with the prince's wide and startled eyes.

"If you look away again, I will use something much worse than my hand," Taelyn breathed, her eyes flashing crimson fire. "Is that understood?"

"Yes... yes, Mistress," North gasped, battling with the pain and shame of having to give in so quickly. Still, it did hurt. She'd never been this way slapped before. Even the few spankings she'd been given as a child were with undergarments on, so the pain had faded away after a few minutes. But this burned, as if warm coals were slowly cooling off against heated skin.

"Very good," Taelyn said, before slapping the same breast again. North pulled on the restraints, her back rising from the ground and twisting her limbs what little she could, unable to escape. But true to her word, North kept her eyes on Taelyn, the prince's gaze rapt and defiant, biting her lower lip to stifle any cry.

After twenty more slaps, Taelyn rubbed her hand. North's breasts were reddened, and she could see the imprints of fingertips and her palms on the skin. Her nipples still were erect, the sorceress noted. Idly she reached out, pinching one between her finger and thumb.

The reaction was immediate. North's breath caught, and her back rose again with her chest moving upward, as if seeking more contact... North had squeezed her eyes shut tightly, expression caught somewhere between pain and... pleasure.

Taelyn's smile was something very, very wicked to behold. The nipple was twisted and pulled, causing North to open her eyes again, panting softly between open lips.

"So, you do have some hidden desires, don't you, slave?" Taeyln spoke, her eyes warm with seductive intent. The nipple was twisted again and North moaned loudly, tossing her head back before looking back up frantically at the sorceress.

"Yes, Mistress," North winced, her mind working frantically. 'What is she doing to me, some kind of spell? I've never been... touched like this before!'

She forced herself to take longer breaths, unable to stop her heart from racing as she gazed into Taelyn's eyes. A slightly drugged look, much like the same look their first kiss had conjured in the cell, came into the prince's eyes. Taelyn looked down, noticing the difference in North's eyes.

"Tell me what you were thinking," the sorceress spoke calmly, the words less of an order and more of a question. North's eyes fluttered, but the glazed look in her eyes did not fade away.

"I... I was thinking of times past, when I was not the servant, but the one being served... when I unknowingly made things more difficult for them." The prince's eyes shone brightly, but a quick breath gave the captive helped to compose her emotions.

"My nursemaid, Azalea, she took care of me in place of a mother. I thought I had learned something of humility from her and from my time with the monks, but... I guess I was wrong," North admitted. It had taken a strain on her to merely say the words, but the relief that followed afterward was something of a comfort. Even the sparks of pain against her breasts had faded to something more manageable. In those moments, self-doubt and shame crept in, and into her words.

"Maybe I am nothing more than a foolish noble after a foolish quest."

The sorceress listened without a word, or a movement, still as a statue. It was that last sentence that caught Taelyn unaware, echoing back to another sentence spoken many, many years ago...

"Maybe I'll never learn magic and be nothing more than a peasant..."

"Solvite," Taelyn waved her hand, as the stone cuffs vanished and formed back into the floor.

North sat up, hands clenched into fists, her tunic still in disarray and eyes distantly staring as if catatonic. The sorceress bent over, pulling the prince's clothing back to cover her chest.

"What did I say wrong? Was I bad, Mistress?" North asked, her form shaking slightly. Taelyn paused, releasing a held breath.

"No, you were not. You... were very receptive." She noted the touch of blush on the prince's cheeks as she said this. "Go back to the cell, or wait until Tyler or another guard returns outside the door if you do not know the way."

North stood up, arms by her sides as she wordlessly bowed. "Yes, Mistress," the words came, more of an automatic response than anything real. With that she walked to the door, pulling it open and pausing for a brief second.

"Good evening, Mistress." With that, North left the room.

Taelyn gave a deep sigh, the palm of her hand massaging a temple. "Good evening, my headstrong prince," she whispered, a brief smile appearing before turning back to her work bench.