pep rallies = noise + cheerleaders + football team + a million cheering students.
I retain sanity and hide under the bleachers.
it smells like perfume and vomit and vodka.
there are condoms littered around like confetti/candy wrappers the day after New Year's/Halloween.
there's a couple making out: Saliva exchange, nothing more. Fascinating, but not captivating.
this is a good place for observations.
Homo sapiens in its natural habitat.
mating rituals = kissing + groping + fucking + pregnancy.
survival of the species = hormones = horror-mones.
dominance fights = football + goal + potential mates watching on.
cheerleaders are brushing their hair, snapping gum, bending over to flash their garters.
I find myself disgusted, and I'm bisexual.
Jennie Cheerleader leans over and shakes her insubstantial ass, flashing aqua thong.
whistlers do their thing and someone makes a mock-spanking noise. An entire section full of Human Waste gives a standing ovation.
Jennie Cheerleader whirls around, pretending to be mad. She isn't.
she is the Alpha Female, eager to plant her uterus with her chosen male's sperm cells.
in reality, she just wants a good screw.
funny, I can't even remember the last time I had sex.
had it really been that long?
sex = girl + boy + secluded spot + condom + foreplay + panting.
chastity is a rare commodity in this place.
under the bleachers = teenage wasteland.
chastity = challenge for jock boys = bets = cliché.
and it never ends like in the movies. someone's heart is always broken and nobody gets the girl. the hot girlfriend is still the hot girlfriend, the jock boy is unchanged.
under the bleachers becomes one of the algebra class graph papers: boxes/cubes/lines of love and hate.
everything is so short lived down here—even the condoms.
I mark social groups: preps, sport teams, drama club, Spanish, French, first-generation American, Human Waste, Human Trash (two different groups, not factions of the same), goths, emo kids, scene kids, punk kids, outdated hair kids, whores, everything.
and still, the couple exchanges saliva. the girl's bra is missing and the guy is fumbling his shorts. soon they'll be exchanging STDs.
and still, the lonely condoms are littered onto the ground.
and there's about to be another one in the grass.