Could It Be You 08/02/2009

This connection that I feel

Could this really be real

I wonder if she feels it too

If it could be something true

Could this be a start at love

Something to partake there of

Or is it just a dream

Another flowing of my hearts stream

Or does it flow with a purpose

Does it go deeper than the surface

It all flows through my head

Especially while I lie in bed

I think; could she be right for me

Or if to learn something; what could it be

So many questions I can't yet answer

For these questions I can't yet ask her

It's hard to wait when you are unsure

But there is something special about her

Too many times I let my heart get away

So I watch it carefully now to this day

Only time can tell what is true

Whether or not the right one could be you

So I guess I could wait to see

If you are right for me

Bradly Marshall