Chess let the dress fall past her hips, past her knees, and finally to the ground, rendering herself naked, as well as every other noble. But unlike humans, who would have gawked shamelessly, the only thing we gawked at was the moon. Our beautiful,wrathful goddess. Thats when the light shone through the window, sending blueish light to where my father once stood, A large wolf in his was our Que to change. So the other nobles did. I saw whites, blacks, sandy s, browns, But gray's were scarce for some reason, But as rare as being a Grey was, I was.
I felt the aching emptiness at the tip of my spine disappear, as a silvery tail completed it. I felt my bones crack, rearranging themselves to a more suitable position before falling forward. Fingers were taken over by claws, as a soft fluff patching on my skin. My teeth grinded and then sharpened before the long tawny hair was sucked into my scalp, replaced by ears, pointed and soft. My nose went out and the world exploded with hidden scents. The full body of fur came last as it expanded over my body. This was me and only me. Male or female. Blonde or Brunette. Cheshire or Chess. This is who I really was. Being human was only a form hiding who I was. I was a wolf and only a wolf. These weren't the times where humans kept my kind in cages. This is the future, Freedom came when we won our freedom, 82 years ago. 200 animal eyes staring obediently at the moon, waiting for its order. The moon was her teacher, She was its student.
If he was human, Constantine would have wolf whistled (No Pun Intended). She was grey, a beautiful silvery grey. She was more breathtaking as a wolf then she was human. He felt the stir of rage as all sorts of scraggly wolves sidled up to her. Some wolves may have been submissive but not Constantine. He was an alpha male. He was going to place a bid on the girl. She would be his and only his.
Chess regarded the wolf with a cool gaze, accepting his challenge in the hunt. She could smell the testosterone coursing through him. He was an alpha male type and he wanted her to be his queen bitch. He was a black color. Big too. He responded her cool gaze with his haughty one. Even a wolf and unhuman, he still looked so damn haughty. But......The way his muscles rippled under his sleek pelt made her want to flee. But she was supposed to do that anyway. This full moon marked her nineteenth birthday and along with it, the hunt. What are they hunting for, you ask? For game? For criminals? Even for saved humans? No they were hunting her.
She felt hundreds of yellow eyes turn her way,staring at their prey, the dark hunger in their gazes daring her to dance. So....she did. She leapt out the window, landing in the soil. Her paws hitting the ground in a pounding rhythm as she flew across the land. She was born and bred to run from them. As her mother and grandmother were as well. First male to catch her would mate her. But to mate their bitch, they'd have to catch her first.
He watched her run, never would have known that her coat hid lithe muscles, she seemed so fragile. And by the way fire burned in her eyes before sprinting away, Constantine knew she had no plan to submit, but she knew she eventually would have to. She was born and bred for this chase. The first wave moved after her when the first howl sounded. Being the strategist that he was, he held back. She was smart, this she-wolf was. She wouldn't run aimlessly.
These were her woods.
No doubt, she would go to some place no one would expect her to. A place to hid her scent. A place with.........running water. The sound would hide her steps, the water would mask her scent. He remembered a place. So he darted forward, taking a left coming to a willow tree. There was a river with a secluded cave, Could she have gone there? He was going to check anyway. Might be a stupid idea, but he hoped she was intelligent, not some dumb bitch in heat. He forced his legs to move faster, flitting through the trees, a black bullet. He had to hurry too, You would never know who else might have figured this out too.
Chess hid. Hid behind the spray. The musky smell of water added in with the mud would hide her scent, the sound of rushing water could have hid her paw steps. She didn't want to be found. But she did. Sometime during her retreat, something even more feral and old had woken in up inside her. The lust to be hunted. She wanted this. She longed for someone to claim her. It was in her nature too. She was a bitch who wanted to be hunted by something entirely.....something....entirely.... well....She wanted to be fucked by a testosterone filled male. Yeah, that was it. But she had run to somewhere, no one would probably ever find her, so if thats the case, why was she hiding? No fucking clue
She scorned herself right not a hormone driven female. She was Chess. And Chess didn't hide from anyone. She may run but she would never hide. And being the stubborn hard ass she-wolf, she was, she came form her safe haven, from behind the falls.
And as usual, her stupidity had screwed her over.
The obnoxious snarl that sounded from her right, disappointed her. It wasn't the black, haughty male wolf that she had slightly hoped for, but a scraggly street looking brown mutt. Thats when the fear coursed through her. She was his prey. And she didn't want to be. She really didn't want to submit to this wolf. So her defense system came on, a growl rumbling from her throat.
This was her damn territory. He had no right. Even her feral side didn;t want him, and she was damned if she let him have her. Digging her claws into the dirt, she, snarling and basically bitching, braced herself for his attack.
She didn't have to.
Just seeing the street mutt try to claim her, had sent Constantine into an inferno. Fury driven power flowed into his screaming muscles. She was his and only his.
The mutt, he rammed into, flew into a tree, snapping it in half just by running into him. But only the tree snapped in half, sadly. The mutt responded violently, snapping and lunging at Constantine's flank. The fucking dog.
Chess watched in both repulsion and elation. It made her teeth ache. Just the scent of blood, as the black wolf caught the brown's leg, made her feel as if someone was injecting passion into her body. The wolf side of her, was as happy as a heroin addict on his next fix. She leapt and danced around them urging them on. She near howled in pleasure as the Black wolf got snapped at the brown's front mutt screamed as it broke. But the howl turned to horror as the mutt fastened his teeth on the black wolf's neck. But the horror was quenched as the black wolf, actually fell on it's back, crushing the mutt. It was in the black wolf's favor now.
Herding him this way and that, Constantine cornered him, teeth bared viciously. He wanted to destroy this mutt, seperate his head from his body for daring to try and attack his soon-to-be queen. But Chess' whimper distracted him. She was getting antsy, He could tell by the way she leaping from one area to the next. Constantine would reluctantly let the mutt go but not before leaping forward and biting his muzzle, sharp teeth digging a toss of his neck, Constantine threw the mutt into another tree. Like the other tree, this one snapped like a twig.
He positioned himself in front of Chess, facing the mutt again, growling a warning. The brown mutt got the hint and scampered off, tail between his legs. He turned to the she-wolf making her way toward him. The yellow in her eyes, now a sparkling gold, as she made the transition back to human. Kneeling beside him, she ran her fingers through his coarse pelt, gently touching one of his minor wounds.
His name sounded so sweet coming from her lips. He wanted to kiss her, but for some kinky reason, he stayed a wolf. He licked her lips, causing her to laugh. Thats when Constantine received an idea, as feral and animal as they were. He nudged her town before beginning to lick her toes.
Now just what is that wolf doing?, Chess asked herself, enjoying the ticklish feeling though, it made her lau- Oh! She bucked when she felt the wolf's tongue on her entrance, feeling both shock and pleasure.
Constantine had no idea why he did that but she was driving him insane. There was this girl in front of him, that he had fought for and she was driving him insane. And the smell. He could smell everything about her, especially her arousal and even that was driving him insane. Not wanting to postpone himself any longer, he delved his tongue between her folds and almost felt himself come undone right then and there.
She tasted divine. He'd heard from some of the guys what it was like to go down on a girl, but no one prepared him for the absolute completion he felt when he was able to taste and touch and see the most intimate places of Chess. She was breathtaking, his tongue could not touch her deep enough, taste her fully enough. She was crying out and thrusting her body, but all he could focus on was just how sweet and savory and feminine she tasted. The feel of her most delicate skin swiping along his tongue felt incredible, and when he lapped up further and felt the hard nub of her clit hit his mouth, he felt the heat and fire overwhelm him. And once more he licked, when she exploded.
That was it. Chess was about to - oh! She turned her head and howled, gripping his fur tightly between her fingers as she rode her orgasm in waves. Just her howl was able to force Constantine back into human. When she was done pulsing, Constantine kneeled back and looked at her with those captivating yellow eyes.
Chess lied there in shock for a minute at everything she just allowed to happen. What the hell was wrong with h- Fuck! He was at it again, trailing moist kisses back up her stomach. He was trying to kill her, He wanted her to explode. Just the mere presence of him and the cool air seemed to drive away all thoughts of rebelling. And that the fact that he had his mouth on her nipple. It hardened considerably as he flicked his tongue over it. When Constantine's teeth pulled at one of her pink nipples, Chess wrapped her long, thin legs around him. She then froze, feeling him harden against her.
Stop it Chess! You didn't want this before!, Her thoughts were frantic and desperate. She turned her mouth away from him, glaring at the tree. Constantine growled; guttural, low, and deep. Goose-bumps spread across Chess' body like wildfire. She hated how easily her body responded to such a simple noise from him. He pulled her closer. Tight and firm. She wasn't going anywhere even if she tried to struggle - which she didn't.
She wanted to play hard to get then, Normally the act would just piss Constantine off, but for this girl, he welcomed the challenge. Constantine nipped at the ear she had now exposed to him. Nipped at her earlobe and kissed her neck gently, flicking his tongue along her pulse. Lower, stronger. He bit her neck groaned in response to the feelings he gave her. Constantine kissed her jaw line as Chess defiantly stared away from him - not allowing him to come near her mouth even though his slow kisses were driving her mad with lust.
Constantine moved a hand from her waist and raked it up her back, causing Chess to arch against him. Constantine couldn't keep himself from getting hard even if he tried. Hell, he looked at the girl and his cock would twitch. Now, with all the tension and separation between them, he was harder than ever.
"You will kiss me before you leave.", growled Constantine, determined to break her.
"I will not", Chess snarled back but it turned to a loud moan as he moved his other hand off her waist and cupped her breast - kneading it slowly and expertly. His head kissing along her neck, down her collar bone, and his tongue somehow was circling her nipple.. Chess whimpered at her own body betraying her - her body was quickly jogging over to Constantine's corner, yelling 'I'm on his side." Damn it all.
Chess started groaning louder and moaning more as she rocked her hips against him. At this rate, Constantine was going to come himself, just from the sight of her beautiful mouth parted in ecstasy from his touch. He reached down and ran his fingers over her folds. He groaned as she cried out, and soon two of his fingers were thrusting slowly in and out of her. She kicked her feet against him, urging his hips forward. She needed more. She was desperate to be filled…and only by him. She wanted him more than she had ever wanted anyone, but she would never tell him that. She couldn't seem desperately and invaded his mouth with her tongue.
There was something incredible about the taste of his mouth. It was like liquid fire, consuming her lips and reaching down into her very soul. Every time their tongues melded together, she felt a burning lick crawl across her spine. She was being set ablaze by such simple caresses, she was stripped down to the most primitive and basic needs of a person and it all felt so...right. Perfect. Delicious. There was something incredible about the feel of her skin. She felt like satin perfection beneath his touch. She tantalized and provoked him to seek out that creamy texture even further. His hands gripped and grabbed at her supple curves as his hands twined with the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head without preliminary.
She would be his undoing. Of that he was certain. He was lost in every sensation she brought to life inside of him, lost in the feel of her skin, the scent of her- something sweet and distinctly Chess,- the softness of her hair, the eagerness of her lips, the curiosity of her hands. Soon, she felt the head of his cock rub over her clit, and she thrust forward to try to take him inside of her. She felt her nails sharpening as she dug them into his back causing him to groan softly. She let out moan of plain and pleasure. Chess thought she would explode if he didn't fuck her right in that moment.
"Say my name," He growled, lightly biting her earlobe.
"Wolf," She gasped.
"Chess", Snarled Constantine.
"Constantine," She whispered.
He entered her swiftly, and she threw her head back, her mixed howl of pleasure and pain sent up to the moon, as the pain of her wall being broken was overcome with his movements. She felt her fangs sharpen again. He ran his tongue up her throat as he thrust roughly in and out of her. Her back kept slamming against the tree in time with Constantine's movements. Chess felt Constantine reach up and grab her leaved filled tawny hair, pulling her head back so he could attack her neck with licks and bites, still thrusting. She was overcome with blood lust and ended up biting down on his shoulder, fangs piercing his skin which caused Constantine to groan.
Chess then let out a keening cry, leaning back as Constantine raked his nails up her back, piercing the skin and making it bleed. Her body tensed and she could feel her walls grip him tightly as pleasure rippled through her over and over again.
They sunk to the ground, both panting but to make it final, they both had to change. So Still in her, Constantine changed first followed by Chess. Silver and Black again. True again. They stayed that way for a couple of minutes before shifting back to human and Constantine fell beside Chess.
Chess stared at the moon, just beginning to set. She was claimed. She didn't know how to feel. Excited or Fearful? She had no idea what this wolf was like. But for right now, She didn't have to. She could just lay there with him. He the Alpha wolf and she, His Queen Bitch.