I stood in the back of the room on my first day at Brillwood High, praying desperately not to be noticed by some kid who had been following me around all morning. Please don't look at me. Please, please don't look at me.

Then our eyes met for the first time, and I was frightened. It wasn't him that scared me, but, behind his floppy black bangs, were his eyes,and they were the same eyes that I had gotten used to seeing every morning in the mirror, but had never seen on another person.

It's not like my eyes make me (or him)seem freakishly deformed. Some might even consider me pretty, with my olive tone, heart lips and high cheekbones, but once you look at my eyes, its a whole other story. I have two of them, like i said, I'm not deformed, but that doesnt really matter when your eyes are Purple. You heard me right. My eyes are purple, and not that easily-mistaken-as-brown dark purple, oh no, my eyes are a bright violet that you would normally see on some girl's nails. But it desided to manifest on my (and apparently stalker-boy's) face.

Just then, the teacher (Ms Smothsen) Stood up and basicly skipped to the front of the room."Good Morning Class! I see today we have some new faces today!"She said, staring directly at me. "Miss Carmendi Kane is it?"And here comes the laughter. Fantastic.I mean, My name really isn't all that funny.

I stood up shyly and tried not to freak out to much about the red color that was surely beginning to stain my cheeks.

"Cam, Actually. I go by Cam."I felt something, probably a peice of paper, get thrown into my mess of brown curls.I straightened my shoulders and glared at the pack of giggling boys seated behind me. They cringed.


Back to the subject.

So there I was, sitting in class on my first day at a new school. You see, my parents decided Sunny beautiful California wasn't a good enviroment for me to grow up in, so we moved here. To Iowa, land of the boring and stereotypical.

Ms. Smothsen looked at the boys in repremand.

"Well Carmendi-" Smothsen was cut of by the Bell's shrill ring.I grabbed my book bag and rushed out the door, giving stalker-kid no time to catch up.

Good Lord.

He looked at me.