A/N:This one's longer because it's been a long time since I've written. Cam POV I awoke suddenly, my body sticky and damp. I couldn't remember anything I had been dreaming of, only the feeling of fear and relief all at the same time. Then a sudden thought hit me-Dare. Dare and our date and omigosh-I-can't-believe-it. I was overwhelmed by the surge of emotions rushing through me. I was scared, of what I was unsure, and I was nervous, as well as excited, anxious, enthralled and so many other things that I just couldn't explain. First things first, I thought. Gotta get ready. I rushed into my bathroom, which was attached to my bedroom, and looked in the mirror. My hair was a knotted mess and I looked as though I'd been tossing all night, which I probably had. So, in short, I looked like crap. Great.I made a futile attempt at yanking a brush through my hair but got quickly frustrated and gave up, setting to just put some mouse in it to let it curl naturally and clip a bit of it back. Hair-check. Next on the list, was my face, which was looking particularly pale, as most faces do at 6:30 in the morning. A quick swipe of mascara and a touch of blush and I was good to go. I was never a huge makeup-wearer. So, looking half decent, I headed toward my chaotic mess of a walk-in closet. After a bit of debating, and even a bit of random dancing and posing thrown into the mix, I decided on My favorite jeans, which my friend Kali from back in California told me made my legs look longer, and a gloriously soft cotton Kate Nash T-shirt I got from my favorite aunt, Lola, for my birthday. A splash of body spray, and I was out the door. Dare POV Beep-beep-beep I silence my alarm clock by sending it flying across the room, and into my brother's face. "Oops."Apparently it hadn't hurt to much because Jarah was hardly fazed. Turning to me, he spoke in a groggy early-morning voice. "Hey Dare." "Ya..?" "Nervous?" "For what?" "Your date." "Crap! That actually happened?" Till that moment, I had been sure the whole thing had been nothing more then a vivid dream. I mean, why would a girl as amazing as Cam want anything to do with me? "Yes, Dare, It really happened, and you should really get dressed, we're leaving in fifteen minutes."I dragged myself out of bed, yanked on a t-shirt and jeans, and was ready to go. "Hey Jarah," I said later, as we sat in his car on the way to school. "Yeah?" "If this whole date thing ruins our friendship, I'm blaming you." Jarah chuckled at me. "I'll keep that in mind. Oh, and while your with her, remember. She said yes. She already likes you. You've got nothing to prove, so just be yourself and let the magic happen." "Thanks man, I'll remember that."We pulled up, and the first thing I saw was Cam, sitting there under the tree. She was sketching something In a plain notebook with random pictures drawn across its cover. She was beautiful. I jumped out of the car and made my way towards her, sneaking around behind the tree and hugging her from behind. She turned, laughed, and gave me that smile that makes my heart stop. Yes, I thought, today is going to be amazing. Cam POV I could imagine how Dare and I looked at that moment. Him, with his arms around me, looking perfect as ever, and me, smiling and laughing, looking at him as though we were the only two people in the world. It only makes sense that something would have had to go wrong, which was exactly what happened a few moments later. "Well, won't you just look at the happy couple, "spoke a nasty voice that could have only come from Natalia above us. And sure enough, there she was, surrounded by lovely little clones. "How are you guys? Have you decided on your wedding date yet?" "What?" I asked. "Well, "She spoke in a venomous tone," with that belly your growing, I figured you were due soon enough, and Dares to sweet to leave you flat." At that, Dare stood up protectively. "Natalia, why are you here?" She put on a mock-innocent facial expression. "I simply wanted to say hi." "Well you've done that, so leave."Dare said coldly. Natalia's face hardened and her eyes narrowed ever so slightly. "Bye."She walked away. Just like that. Dare sat back down beside me and draped his arm across my shoulders."Don't listen to her," he told me in a gentle voice," she's just jealous. Not everyone can be as perfect as you." "Wow there mister. We haven't even had our first date yet." "I know, but that doesn't make you any less perfect."I blushed and turned away just as the bell rang out."Well, that's my cue," said Dare, reluctantly standing. "See you later." He started walking away just as I called back to him. "Dare!" " Hmm?" "I forgot something." "What?" "This." And just like that, I ran up and kissed him. The kiss was like...I don't even know how to describe it. We were standing there under our tree, so enveloped with each other, it was impossible to think anyone else could stood there stiff and shocked for a moment, and then he pulled me in closer. leaning into it. I knew he could feel it to, that invisible string gently pulling us towards each other. It was like electricity, magic. I pulled away reluctantly, smiling. It was his turn to blush that time. "Bye, mystery boy."