Chapter 1

Smash, smash, smash the sound of a metal spoon clanking against a metal pot is what I wake up to every morning. Well me and the other two people I share my room with at my current foster home.

"I wonder if she knows there are these cool new inventions called alarm clocks. She doesn't need to use metal pots anymore. I feel like we're back in the stone age." My sister says pulling a pillow over her head and cuddling back down into the warm covers.

"Well, it's not like either of them would disturb your beauty sleep." I say making my bed.

She rolls away from me and grunts. I would think that after living here for three months she would get use to the early hours. "Come on girls you are burning valuable daylight." Ms. Nelly screeches over the sound of the metal pot.

"Caitlyn make her stop." My sister whines.

"We're up Ms. Nelly!" I yell to be heard over the metal pot.

"Don't you raise you voice to me Casey." She screams at me, but at least the metal ruckus has stopped.

Caitlyn. Not Caesy. My name is Caitlyn. I have been in your house for three months you think you would have learned my name already. I have this argument in my head at least five times a day, and I know if I were to utter these thoughts out loud I would get back-handed so fast my head would spin around. That thought alone is the only thing that keeps my mouth shut, to me it's just not worth it.

Heather the other girl I room with pulls the curtain back and looks out at the still dark morning sky, "Oh yeah we really are burning daylight." She shakes her head and lets the curtain drop.

"Come on Ciara, wake up." I try to find my sister under the mound of blankets.

"Leave me alone, I was just having the best dream in my entire life." She tells me, voice muffled.

I sit down on the edge of her bed and say, "And let me guess this gorgeous blond hair, blue eyed guy comes riding up in this new silver Audi GT3 and sweeps you off your feet. And I bet he handed you a big diamond ring and told you that if you ran away with him you would never have to lift another finger the rest of your life. Am I right?"

She pops up from the mound with her hair all static and snarled. "Did you have the same dream too? I swear Cay this twin telepathy thing is in over drive."

I give her an affectionate shove and tell her, "Come on beauty queen, get dressed we've got a long day ahead of us."

"Don't even remind me. I still haven't got the dirt out from underneath my nails from weeding the back garden." She says examining her spotless fingernails.

We both walk downstairs to the smell of oatmeal. "Looks like its soupy oatmeal for the ninetieth day in a row." My sister exclaims.

We sit down at the table with the five other foster kids currently living with Ms. Nelly. We get handed our bowls and our list of chores that are to be completed before supper. "Ciara, Casey after breakfast you will be taking a bath and getting all dolled up. Some prospective adoptive parents are coming to see you. Now, I want you to be respectful and courteous and no talking back understood?" Ms. Nelly yelled at us.

"Yes ma'am." We both answered.

"Well eat up and hurry up and get ready they will be here in two hours." She said with a nod and then left.

Ciara grabbed my hand and started squeezing it until all feeling in it was lost. "Can you believe it?" she squealed at me, "We are getting adopted!"

I started to tell her that it wasn't final yet, but I was interrupted by questions and exclamations from the other girls.

"You are sooo lucky!" Emma screeched.

"What kind of house do you want?" Beth asked.

"I wonder what your new school is gonna be like?" Penny asked.

"I wonder if there will be a ton of cute boys at your new school." Amy said.

"What kind of clubs are you going to join?" Heather asked.

Ciara was the first to answer.

"Well I want a nice little cottage, with a white picket fence, but not so small that I have to share my bedroom with Caitlyn. My new school is going to be huge with a lot of people, especially cute boys." She said with a giggle.

"And since you guys are always saying how beautiful I am I might as well put in to good use." She said with a flip of her long black hair. "I think I will join the cheer squad and maybe do a little modeling."

It's weird you would think that being twins Ciara and I would look the same, but we don't. We're fraternal twins. Which in other words it means everywhere my genes could have turned right they turned left, while my beautiful sister's genes took the right path.

"What about you Cay anything you hope for." Heather asked.

"Well…uh…I guess," I cleared my throat before continuing, "I would like to join a soccer team."

"You totally should join the soccer team, I mean you're so good! That was the best when you schooled that boy, who was making fun of us, in a soccer match. The look on his face was priceless. You became my hero that day." Amy said with a laugh and a smile.

"Thanks Amy. Well, we should probably go get ready. Come on Ciara." I said dragging her behind me.

Author Notes:

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