Chapter 2

"Okay are you ready girls?" the social services woman asked

"Where's are social worker?" I asked her.

"Oh… she couldn't come in today." She blatantly lied. "Well, come along," she said ushering us to a little office, "It's time to meet Mr. and Mrs. Thompson."

"Mr. and Mrs. Thompson this is Caitlyn," she said gesturing to my sister "And this is Ciara." Pointing to me. "Well I'll just leave you all to talk." And with that she slipped out the door.

"Actually," I rushed to clear the confusion, "I'm Caitlyn and she's Ciara."

"Well you certainly aren't four." Mrs. Thompson said with a laugh. "I'm Marie." She shook both our hands. "And this old grump here is my husband Warren. She doesn't like America very much."

Marie was very plain with mousy brown hair and plain features, but when she smiled it transformed her entire face. Her blue eyes sparkled and danced. Seeing that washed away my pessimist thoughts of not getting adopted.

"It not that I don't like America, it's just that I don't like how most of the people here are liars. I mean look we came all this way to meet what we thought was a four year old but here we have… what… you're like… how old?" he questioned.

"We're both turned fourteen last April." I answered him calmly. The hopes that Mrs. Thompson's smile ignited in me slowly fused out with each word from Mr. Thompson.

My sister sat quietly beside me, the only time I had ever seen her as quiet as she was now was when she was asleep.

"Warren calm down. I'm sorry girls my husband seems to always forget that I'm from America." She said as she shot a look at her husband.

Her husband grunted and muttered something under his breath. I didn't hear it but Mrs. Thompson must have because she hit him in the arm and gave him a deathly look, but when she turned back to us the death look was replaced by a smile.

"Now are you two friends or cousins or what?" she asked us.

"We're actually fraternal twins." I told her.

"How do you know that your fraternal twins." Mr. Thompson asked leaning on the table.

"Well if we weren't fraternal twins then she would have already have been adopted years ago, but she said no that is either the two of us on neither of us." I said letting anger slip into my voice. I hated when people tried to deny that were twins. I know I'm not as pretty as she is, but that doesn't mean we aren't related.

My sister's soft voice cut through the awkward silence that remained. "Where do you live if you hate America?"

I just assumed they lived in America, but now the hatred for America makes sense, they don't live in America.

"England, we live in a town called Brooksville. It's about an hour north of London." Mrs. Thompson replied.

"Then why not adopt someone from England, if you live in England?" I asked getting angrier by the minute. I was sick of these adoption meetings they never got us anywhere.

"Well when I found out I couldn't have kids, I wanted to adopt one from America, it's where I'm from and that will never change no matter how much he wishes it to." She said shooting her husband a loving look.

Mr. Thompson rolled his eyes at her.

"So what are your favorite things to do?" Mrs. Thompson asked.

"Cay's good at soccer. She totally destroyed this boy at school whose on the soccer team." My sister piped up.

"Ci!" I said giving her the 'I'm going to kill you later' look.

"She did, you don't say." Mr. Thompson look suddenly attentive all of a sudden.

"Ciara, can sing." I said quickly trying to divert the attention from me.

"But not as good as Cay can. She has such a beautiful voice, she just doesn't like to use it. I'm the only one who knows she can sing, because she won't sing in public."

"Ciara!" I say through my teeth.

"What, I'm not lying." She says looking at me.

Thankfully the Social services lady came in and interrupted "Is everything going okay? Are you done talking to them?"

I grabbed Ciara's hand and started pulling her out the door. "It was nice meeting with you Mr. and Mrs. Thompson." I said and pushed Ciara out the door. As I turned to leave I swear I saw Mr. Thompson smile for the first time during the whole meeting.

"What was that for?" Ciara asked rubbing her arm as I shut the door behind me.

"Shush." I told her and put me ear next to the door.

"Would you like to sign the adoption papers, here or at my office." The social worker asked.

"We are not signing any of your god damn papers." Mr. Thompson yelled angrily.

"Would you mind giving us a few minutes to discuss some things?" Mrs. Thompson asked sweetly.

"Of… Of cou… course. I will be downstairs when your down." The lady stuttered. I heard her walking to the door and pulled my head away just as she opened the door.

She sighed and said, "Why don't you girls go and change out of your nice dresses and go and have lunch."

We both nodded and headed slowly upstairs, but as soon as she was out of sight we rushed back to the door to listen in.

"Warren," Mrs. Thompson started to say, she sounded so weary and defeated.

"Sweetheart, you can't be serious about this."

"I am Warren. I just…" she trailed off.

"Listen, when we found out that you, I mean we, couldn't have kids and you said you wanted to adopt I was completely with you on that one. When you told me that you wanted to adopt from America, I gave in. You were having a rough time with everything. Now you're telling me you want two, two fourteen year-old twins. It's complete madness." He told her.

"But just think, we are both high school teachers, we know how they work. We can learn how to be parents from them. It's like a test run. Soon they will be off to college and we can adopt a child closer to the age we want and if you agree to this, then they next one we adopt will be from England." She explained.

"You really want this, don't you?" he asked, sounding defeated.

"Yes, I do. They need us Warren and we need them." She said softly.
"Okay, then let's go sign the papers." He said with a sigh. We heard them walking to the door. Ciara and I run up to our room and shut the door as quietly and as quickly as we could. Ciara and I hugged each other tight.

"We getting adopted, we are going to live in England. Can you believe it Cay?" she asked squeezing the breath right out of me.

"No, I can't, it seems too good to be true." I said squeezing her just as tight.

"Well, you better believe it Cay. All are dreams are finally coming true!" she said letting go of me and bouncing around our room.

Author Note:

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