Crash ! Splash! And then a scream. This was all Howard scott could hear as he rushed from his home to the nearest patch of green.
He was in hell. Yes he was in hell. Oh he definitely was in hell. Because Lorelai Alyson James was the devil. No need for the devil when he had her right beside him. A hot cute sexy-
No no no! He shook his head. He wouldn't think like that..She wouldn't get to him like she'd gotten to him before.
His head hit the roof of his van as she cringed and jumped up a bit.
"you're meant to swerve around the bumps." he informed her in a snide tone. She turned to response and that's when...
"Ahhhh!" she screamed again as they watched the van splash into the lake.
Yes he was definitely in hell. And Lorelai Alyson James? She was the devil.