Okay so one second everything was good. Oh who am i kidding? I'm stuck in this suckfest with what's his name jackson.
Oh yeah .. Liam Bryan Jackson. Stupid donut. Stupid idiot. Stupid squarehead.
So i'm driving the van. The truck.. his beloved truck. And suddenly all because of him i lost concentration and bam the truck went splashing into the lake. Okay let's rewind.
Stupid stupid stupid and more stupid with a dash of stupid and sucky.
"You're meant to swerve around the bumps." His stupid snide tone commented.
'Oh really cos i was just gonna go ontop of them and -' As i spun around to respond i sorta let myself get distracted and then yeah.. it happened.
"WATCH OUTT!"He yelled as he tried to take control of the wheel.
Too late. Lorelai had gone into panic mode. I had gone bye bye.
Okay so screaming doesn't do anything right? Well okay. Breathe lorelai breathe.
The car came to a halt. Wait .. we're stuck now?!
"Arg!"He hit the wheel and gave a huge groan.
"What?"I asked looking at him. He shot me a look but said nothing in return.
"Just say it then!"I shot out.
He shook his head as he got out to check the truck.
"Okay you're gonna have to help me push this." He said slowly.
"I'm not retarded."I shot back. "You don't have to speak so slow!"
"Well if you weren't retarded then why the hell are we stuck?"
"I don't know. It's your stupid truck!"
"My truck is not stupid." By now i had gotten out and slammed the door.
"Don't slam the door!"He yelled his arms waving everywhere.
"Don;t make me slam the door then!"I yelled back furious.
"And don't tell me what to do!"I yelled again stomping my booted leg.
He opened his mouth to yell back when suddenly we heard something moving.
We both froze to hear where the sound was coming from when it registered. The truck!
Both our eyes widened as the truck began moving down the hill. And at the end of the hill.. yeah this story gets better, there's a lake. Oh yeah and where did the truck go into to? Yeah you guessed it.. the lake. The stupid idiotic lake.
And somehow as both of us watched the truck go into the lake a scream came out of me.
Both our mouths hung open, eyes not leaving the lake. And for once, just this once. We were both silent.
We kept staring at the lake, as if willing the truck to come out magically. But no, no it didn't. And no matter how much both of us mentally willed it to come back out, it didn't, i wouldn't.
We both the gulped as i spun around to face him and his anger.
"Go on." I got out wit3h my head ducked in shame.
He just turned to look at me silently. Both stood there in silence as we just simply stared at each other.
I'm in hell. Joy. I'm in hell. And Liam Bryan Jackson is the king of the hell. The devil.
i know theres not much description .. but it'll come :) .. and yes this is a original idea so don't worry :-) Oh btw shoutout to Amethyst Penn and Souless-Apparition danke =]