Chapter One

School Yard

Alice Kinsley was sitting with two of her best friends, Marie Alexander and Lucy Harold. They were at a private school called St. Llama's. No, seriously. It was in the western hemisphere border lining Fresno's Island and Langley Island. It was in a valley.

Alice Kinsley was sitting with two of her best friends, Marie Alexander and Lucy Harold, talking about the new boy, Alex May. He was bad. How did they know? Marie and Alice work in the office during free period, and they have access to the files there. Alex was in jail a few times for possession of, well, not good things. Alex had black hair, gray/black eyes, pale skin, a clear face, and was kinda tall. He was very unfitting in the scene with his un-dyed hair cut a certain way no boys at their school had.

Alice Kinsley was sitting with two of her best friends, Marie Alexander and Lucy Harold, when Alex May walked by them. He was in the standard uniform-black pants, black polo shirt, and red tie. The shoes, however, were a different story. They were black, well-worn, legit high-top converses. Alice was the kind of girl who didn't fall for guys like the jocks, and, trust me he wasn't a jock.

The girls at St. Llama's had to wear black tutu like skirts skirts, red long sleeve dress shirts, black ties, and shoes of their choice. Their hair was always long it was necessary. Most girls wore their hair back in a messy bun, or scrunched it. But not the three girls. They always had it down, and it was always straight or curly. Never would they wear their hair in-between.

Alex May walked by them, over to a group of girls who wore their skirts a bit too short, and shirts a bit too low. The girls, however, were absolutely and unpredictably nice to Alice, Marie, and Lucy. Alex sat down right on the bench, in the middle of the girls.

"Hey, I heard about you," he called over to Alice.

"Who, Alice, Marie, or Lucy?" Marie asked.

"Alice. The natural blonde."

"Who hasn't?"

"What have you heard about me?" questioned Alice.

"I've heard that you just happen to be one wacko chick, who was related to Alice Kingsley," Alex said.

Alice rolled her eyes. "I may be wacko, but I am not related to her. Well, I am. But she was a disgrace to my family."

Alex just shook his head.

Alice got off of the table she was sitting on and walked over to the school, the dorms looming over her like in an old story, like Cinderella or something.

"WAIT!" Lucy cried, at the exact same time as Marie said, "Hold up, what is wrong?"

Alice kept on walking, straight past the jocks, past the geeks, past the preps, and past the emo's and goth's. The school building awaited her, the sun peeking barely past the clouds. It looked like a horror movie: an old building, like an old estate, a young girl walking in all alone, the sun casting a luminescent shadow just barely casting over the ground. The building was all brick, only had a few windows, an old deck (where they hung people), and an old wooden door. There were separate buildings for different subjects, but this was the main thing. Everyone called the school building, "Wrong Way," because the way it was built just happened to face the wrong way.

Marie and Lucy caught up to her, right before the first bell rang. Lucy grabbed the door handle and allowed Marie and Alice through before slamming the big wooden thing.

"What is wrong?" Marie asked.

Alice shrugged, "I don't know. Just stressed out about the big concert and all. And how I have two detentions already, and its only the beginning of the second quarter!"

Relax, Alice. You know the real reason why you are upset. Don't you? her subconscious said.

Alex, maybe? Alice thought back.

I don't know, is it he?

Maybe, I guess I'm just stressed 'cause there is a druggie on campus…hopefully he won't try to sell dope.

Ahh, Alice. Stop being so stereotypical. You know that isn't true!

"Alice? You who?" Marie said, waving her hand.

"Sorry. I can't talk. Too tired," Alice said. Marie just sighed.

A/N: Well, that was weird. I wasn't expecting that to happen on the first chapter. You don't know who they are yet. You don't have a feel for any of them. All I have to say is that I like Marie and Lucy, pretty shy but don't hold themselves back. Oh wait, I just ruined it for you. Sorry. But, this story has something to do with Alice in Wonderland, just not much. In the beginning there are subtle hints, like the doped up caterpillar is her subconscious, keeping her questionable. Alex is kind of like the mad hatter, crazy but cool. Marie and Lucy are like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum but they are smarter and don't do the thing that they do and they end up dying too. But still. The rabbit is, well…! The Red Queen, or the Queen of Hearts, is…Ican'! GOSH!

I know, I should be working on my other stories because they will probably be better. But I really like this story. And I will not post this story (or any others) until I am finished with this one. So, DEAL WITH IT! I mean, yeah. I will post this so you guys are left hanging, and I'll put in filler chapters for the losers who read my stories so they aren't left hanging (don't kill me!!) and this is long, so I'll post up the two chapters I've got…which is the intro to the story and this one….yeah.


Fell asleep head in clouds