
Baby, I love you, I'll never ever let you go
The more I think about the more I want to let you know
That everything you do is super fucking cute
And I can't stand it

"Can't Stand It"- Never Shout Never!

"Five accursed days and we just haven't been left alone," Adrien grumbled as he slammed the phone into its crib.

"You'd think people would at least have the courtesy to call until after we declare our honeymoon over," Sam commented, putting up the dishes of Adrien's birthday dinner.

"Yeah, but they still have to wish me a happy fucking birthday," he growled.

"Aww, someone grumpy?" Sam smirked at him. They hadn't had a moments peace in literally five days. The phone calls had ceased when they unplugged the cord, but then the driveway was constantly full. Even direct inquiries to leave didn't shoo them away. As a result, the visitors left them tired at night and slightly loathsome in the morning for lack of restful sleep.

"That's an understatement," Adrien commented. "I thought people were supposed to have sex on honeymoons."

"Oh, so it's just about getting me in bed?" Sam jested.

"Well...I didn't want to say anything..." Adrien smirked. Sam walked—more like strutted—over to where Adrien was sitting, tugging him to get up by his collar.

"Well, since you want some, come get some," he said, releasing Adrien, going up the stairs, knowing the other man would follow.

"So, that's how it's going to be?" Adrien asked, right behind Sam on the stairwell. He stopped him at the top platform, pulling him close in a needy kiss. Sam fiercely kissed him back, taking the breath right out of him. Adrien pulled back for air. "God, that felt good," he said winded.

He reconnected their lips, gracious for the contact. He backed up, having Sam against him and the wall behind him. He reached up to where Sam's hands were above him and moved them down to his waist, under his shirt, down the back of his pants just to show him his lack of underwear.

"Were you planning on this?" Sam looked back at him, red lips parted just so.

"Maybe. Why? You don't like?" Adrien asked as innocently as one could ask with sexed-up hair and make-out swollen lips.

"No, no, I like, trust me," Sam said, moving along with the flow as Adrien was leading them to their bedroom.

"Good," Adrien said. "Because I was just thinking, you know, since it's been so long..." Adrien began to unbutton his shirt as he back up to the bed, sitting at the foot. "God, I can't even remember," he said in thought. "Can you?" Adrien asked Sam as he discarded his shirt. "You know," he said, sliding his pants to his ankles and kicking them off. "The last time we...switched up the roles..."

Sam's expression was positively afire with lust.

"I was thinking," Adrien began, scooting back to the head of the bed, completely exposed to Sam. "Maybe we could for our first time together," he held up his left hand, gesturing to his wedding band.

Sam's shirt was already off when he came to the side of the bed. "Of course," Sam said. "That is, if you want, I mean, if you're okay with that and all," Sam added, a sliver of rationality returning to him. They hadn't done anything of the sort since before the April of Adrien's senior year. Since then it had always been Sam on bottom, and Sam didn't object, not minding one bit. Still, he had wondered when and if the day would come that Adrien would be comfortable with him like that again.

Apparently that time was now. Adrien got out the lube as Sam fumbled with the button and zipper of his pants, really only because he was half concentrating on getting them off and the other half caught on Adrien as he lubed his fingers and slowly placing them to his entrance before he pressed them through. His face registered the pain, but remembered and expected it. Something was missing though, Sam thought as he finally got his pants and underwear down. The pleasure wasn't there, Sam decided as he got on the bed with Adrien, knowing he'd be content to just do it like usual or lie there with him.

Adrien inhaled sharply, causing Sam to stir in alarm. Was he hurt? Was he having a flashback? Maybe it was a bad idea to agree to this. All these thoughts and more swam through Sam's head before he took the time to look, really look, at Adrien face. His mouth was open, eyes closed, and it was obvious he was clenching around his fingers. "God, that feels so good," he whispered to himself. "How could I have forgot that?" he asked Sam, his eyes opening. He'd found his spot.

Sam grinned. "I don't know," he answered. "But, if you're ready..." Sam said, his hardness brushing against Adrien.

"I'm still really tight," Adrien said.

"I can fix that," Sam said, picking up the tube of lubrication. "I can fix that in a minute. How do you want it?" Sam asked as he fingered Adrien. "Slow? Nice and easy?"

"Don't try to reacquaint me," A shiver ran through Adrien. "I want the real deal; hard, fast, and loud."

"Oh?" Sam raised an eyebrow, jamming his fingers deep inside of Adrien. He added his third finger to the mix, seeing Adrien wince at the intrusion before letting his eyes flutter close. "You sure? You want all of that?"

Adrien nodded. "Mhmm."

"How was that you wanted it again? Fast and loud," he said, making Adrien moan as he moved his fingers. "And hard?"

Adrien, breathing ragged, opened his eyes and answered Sam with, "Use your imagination."