Summary: Zack Mitchell is my IDIOT ex-boyfriend. Ethan James is...well, I haven't figured out how I see him yet. All I know is that Zack and Ethan have one HELL of a surprise for me. Someone, please send a reservation to the asylum.

Just Me

Chapter 1: Meeting Skater Dude

"I'm taking you far, far away, my princess!" He said, taking my hand gently

"Where?" I asked

"Just trust me." He replied, eyes twinkling. All of a sudden, he was leaning closer and closer. I tilted my head as he did with his. My heart started to pound when our lips were only half an inch apart. He whispered, "I lo-"


"Dang it, Spongebob!" I screamed out loud. I quickly took my phone from my bedside table and stopped the alarm from continuing. Yes, my alarm tone is a Spongebob song, deal with it. Usually, I'd be pretty perked up in hearing this first thing when I wake up. But today, I SO hated it. Now I wouldn't find out if my prince could kiss or not! I sighed as I went through my morning routine.

First, I went down to eat, to be greeted by my mom holding our phone on her right hand and a cereal bowl on the other.

"It's Zack, dear." She said as she handed it to me.

"Hey Zack" I greeted, putting the bowl down and taking a spoonful.

"Hey Kel," he began "I wanna talk to you about something"

"Obviously" I replied, chuckling.

"Well, this past month has been really great but…" His voice faded away. I swallowed what I was chewing.

"But…?" He took a deep breath.

"I think it's sort of, enough, right? I mean, you're a great girl and any guy would be lucky to have you but it's our first day of sophomore year and I think this year should be full of beginnings, you know?"

"Uh-huh, yeah, Zack?"


"Go to hell-"


"-and take Ashley with you."

"How'd you-?!"

"Save it." With that, I hung up and ran upstairs. No, I didn't cry, there were rumors about him cheating on me. Of course, I tried to be a trustful girlfriend and didn't believe in all those chizz but I guess I still braced myself and he pretty much confessed right there so, hey, move on and spray paint the dude's car later. That's my motto in relationships.

Anyway, I went and headed to the bathroom near my room upstairs after the whole phone call. Taking long showers really calmed me down and helped me forget about all the things happening in the world. After, about 15 minutes, I walked out with a towel and headed to my room. I already picked out my clothes last night 'cause I could barely sleep. Possibly 1st day jitters but, I don't know, I find it weird to still have them after all the years I've spent in that hellhole- I mean school.

I stared at the purple tank top that was placed neatly inside my dresser. Beside it was my favorite pair of pants. It was black and had several pockets, absolutely perfect for me. When I was done putting them on, I slid inside my black and purple converse sneakers and began brushing my hair. I turned to the mirror and my eyes were directly upon the reflection of my layered, medium length, chocolate brown hair and the purple streak in it that I got just last week. Then I observed my eyes. They were the exact same color as my hair, minus the purple and they turned a whole shade darker when I was angry. My small pink lips were usually pursed when I was mad, too. I had clear olive complexion as well. A lot of people said that I looked exactly like my sister, but she was in England at the moment so, who cares?

I let out a small sigh as I put my brush down, grabbed my skateboard and headed down stairs.

"Mom, I'm off to school!" I called on my way out the door. I put my skateboard down, jumped on and began pushing my right foot continuously in a fast speed. I loved skating, especially when I go really fast and feel the wind in my hair and just forget everything. Yeah, roll your eyes again and I'll shoot you with a water gun.

A few minutes later, I saw sight of my school, Southampton Academy. I checked my watch and saw that I was still 15 minutes early. Perfect. I got enough time to talk to my-

"AHHHH!" I screamed. "Ouch!" What the hell? I just catapulted off my skateboard!

"Ow!" I heard someone scream. It sounded like a guy. I tried to regain composure when I was suddenly pulled up.

"What the-?!" I said, then paused for a while and observed the scene. I was standing in front of a dude who looked sort of my age; my skateboard was a meter away from me and right behind it was another skateboard.

"I am SO sorry!" He said.

"Oh, it's not your fault. You know, speed and gravity and whatnot" I replied, unfocused on what I was saying. I heard him chuckle as he turned around, picking up both our boards.

"This is yours." He stated, handing me my skateboard.

"You're a smart one, aren't 'cha?" I said sardonically. He shrugged.

"And you're really stable." He replied coolly.

"Hey, I'm not the one who fell on you."

"And I wasn't the one who was blocking the way."

"At least I know how to stop a skateboard."

"Fair enough." He chuckled again.

"Skater dude doesn't know how to stop his skateboard?" I ask, trying to hold back a laugh.

"I can…sometimes" Yeah, holding it in? Doesn't really work too well for me.

"Duuuuuude, stopping is like, the second most important thing you have to learn in skating!"

"What's the first?"

"Getting on" I answered, casually.

"Ah, I thought it was looking cool."

"Uh-huh. So that's all you know how to do, huh?"

"Awww, I look cool to you? I'm touched, Skater chick." He answered, holding his chest for more effect. I hit his arm and rolled my eyes.

"Don't flatter yourself, Skater dude."

"Hey! What was that for?!"

"Well, people usually roll their eyes when they see someone do or hear someone say-"

"I meant the hitting!" He cut in.

"Oh," I snorted, "I knew that"

"WILSON!" I heard an oh-so familiar voice scream from afar. I turned around to see my best friend, Kate, waving frantically near the campus. Sure, scream my last name from several feet away, that's way more effective than texting or calling me.

"I guess that's your cue to leave on you board dramatically without saying anything else, right?" He asked. Wait, was his tone slightly disappointed? I shook it off and just smirked.

"You read my mind."

A/N: Hey! Well I know this chap sucks, but I've basically made the storyline so I might be able to finish this a WEE bit quickly. WEE BIT =)) so yeah, review please!