I just started writing this because the idea just came to me, I don't know where it'll lead to. Enjoy! :D
Chapter 1
We moved. The words still crept through my body as I lie on my bed, wondering how my life could have got so mixed up in the last few months. Everything that I wanted, planned, is gone now…because we moved and I was stupid.
It wasn't my idea to move, hell no. If I had a choice, I'd choose to stay in New York, with my family and friends. Go to parties, visit places, buy things…but no, he made me move. Now we're in Miami, apparently 'living the dream.'
"Like hell," I mumbled to myself as I stared absently out the window, looking at the blue sky…and hating everything about it. "Why couldn't you be a shity place? Then we wouldn't have moved!" I turned on my bed, wondering if I really was going crazy.
Jake wanted to move, he wanted a different view. Screw that, he probably just wanted me unhappy. Jake is my ass hole of a husband…yeah, I know what you're thinking, why did I marry him then? Well, you see, I was kind of pressured into it and all, and at the time he really was a nice guy!
But, since we got married, he's been nothing but at ass. He's hit me, cheated on me, and I can't do anything about it. He threatened that, if I divorce, he'd kill himself. I can't have that on my mind while I try to make things right, now can I? Though sometimes I wish he was dead…
My door opened slightly, and then I heard him. "Hey sweetie," I quickly turned around to see he has bags in his hands…and a girl behind him. "This is our new maid, Danielle." He gestured towards her, and I saw the glint in his eyes.
I waved kindly. "Hello, Danielle." I nodded at the bags in his hands. "What's that?"
"Stuff for my lovely," he murmured as he sat on the bed with me and placed the bags on the floor. I forced a smile, and then he pulled me into a kiss. I hated every moment of it. It was like getting kissed by a dog…sloppy, and careless.
He turned a sweet gaze on our maid. "Hun, will you make us some tea?"
She smiled. "Sure thing, Mr. Kenny."
He laughed when she was gone. "I love the sound of my name." When I looked at him absently, he took my hand. "Say my name."
"Why?" he did this all the time. Somehow, he got some pleasure into hearing his name said.
Gripping my hair, he pulled me closer. "I said say my name bitch."
I held in a scream. The pain shot through my body like fireworks on a summer day. I groaned in pain, and then said his name. "Luvy Kenny."
He let go, pushing me away. "Good."
I scrambled for my pillow, hugging it to my chest. I hated him with a passion; I wanted out, I wanted away from him so badly. He's done nothing but cause me pain, and I want it to stop, to end. He can't do this anymore!
I corrected myself; he can indeed do this, because if I refuse, bad things will happen.
But I can't let him do this to me anymore, because then I and someone else will get hurt. "Luvy!" I called after him as he started to exit the door. He turned around and smiled. "I have something to tell you."
Leaning against the door, he pulled out a smoke and lit it. "Yes, my darling?"
I rested my hands on my lap, then decided it could wait a bit, this wasn't a good time. "Nothing, Hun. Just tell Danielle I want two sugars."
He grinned. "Anything for you."
That's it! Review please?