I decided to continue this story, see where it goes. I have a lot in mind for it. Well, please review!? :D
Also, I'm not giving up on my other book "Everything Happens for a Reason," that book is still on my number 1 to finish list :D Check it out maybe? Well, thanks!
Chapter 2
One thing was for sure...I needed a job. I never went to college, something I was going to do but had reasons not to. So, when I printed out a resume I wasn't feeling very lucky. Who would hire a twenty year old without a college degree? McDonald's, maybe. I only needed a job to keep busy, focus on things instead of what's happening.
I walked down the busy streets of Miami looking for any interesting jobs that were hiring. Jake had to work, he's a business man so he transferred over here to work. He's twenty-five with a college degree...he can probably get a lot of jobs.
The main street was busy with on-going traffic and people shopping. I guess this was a perfect place to be on such a warm day. Tall buildings surrounded me on either side, the sun casting eerie shadows on the sides, and people pushed me back and forth. Once, I pushed back, earning myself a dirty look. People hung out, talked, ate, and went into the most expensive stores. The cloudless sky was burning with a light blue that would have been breath taking to someone who actually wanted to be here, and the sun would have been amazing for someone who wanted a tan.
Not me.
I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand, hating this hot weather. It sucks, especially when you're in shorts, a tank, have your hair up and still sweating like a pig.
There were a few places hiring, but nothing that caught my attention at the moment. There were pet stores, McDonald's, hair salons...nothing I wanted. Until a little restaurant came into view I stopped in front of the Help Wanted sign, studied it, then walked it. The door made a ding noise when I walked inside, and I was relieved at the fresh air that slammed into me with a blast. The place wasn't anything special, it has bar stools on the far right, and in the middle of the room various tables with people sitting and eating. It was hard wood floors and orange walls, and a few pictures of beautiful scenery hung straight on the walls. I studied an art work, marveling at the perfection put into it...it was a plain tree, with a dark black sky behind it. A squirrel was climbing the tree, and tiny crisps of bark came off with each step it took. The leaves were in full bloom, and sitting beside the tree was a couple...arm in arm laying down and looking up at the sky...
"Lovely, isn't it?" I gasped aloud, nearly jumped into the person who spoke. "Sorry." He said shyly. I caught my breath, clearing my head that was spinning with confusion over my shocked state.
Then I looked at who spoke.
He was wearing a black and white uniform, black vest and pants and white shirt. He looked at me through his golden shaggy hair with his...his sparkling green eyes that reminded me of a field. He had high cheekbones, full lips...man was he handsome. I felt like a girl in a romance novel, looking at the most sexiest man ever, knowing I wont be able to have him. I pictured him and I together, hand in hand, everything perfect. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, and shook myself mentally. Get it together, I told myself. "Oh, yes, it is beautiful." I nodded towards the painting, acting like I didn't care about his beauty. "Who drew it?"
He grinned, making my chest feel like a dozen birds were flapping their wings. "Well, there's this physic that lives in town," he stared off at the painting, seeming to remember something, I smiled to myself, loving the dreamy look in his eyes, "she can draw too." He had that far away look in his eyes. He returned his gaze to mine. "Anyways, she wanted to draw something that she saw in the future."
I thought about this while looking at the picture, I cocked my head, eying the couple carefully. But suddenly my mind went back to him and I holding hands. Then thankfully a question popped in mind. "Who's the couple cuddling?" I smiled a bit, wishing I could do that with this man I didn't even know.
He smiled at me like he was waiting for the question, and then shrugged. "That's the thing, no one knows. She didn't say."
"I'd like to go to her," I mumbled, when he gave me a questioning look I changed the subject, "so, you work here?"
If he noticed the change of subject, he didn't show it. He gestured to his outfit instead while shooting me a full on sexy grin. "What do you think?"
I laughed to cover how dumb I felt. "I think yes? Also, if yes, I have a resume I wanted to hand in here..." I leg my bad slid off my shoulder while I finished my sentence and then I searched through it. "I know it's in here," I whispered while making a mess of my bag, then I pulled out a fresh copy of my resume. "Found it. Can you take it?"
"I can't see why not, you seem like a good person." He looked at me through his hair, sending goose bumps over my already tingling skin, then he looked over the resume, nodding at parts. "Looks good to me. I'll give it to the boss." While he inspected it, I took the advantage too look him over again. His girlfriend must be so happy to have him, he's handsome...nice, amazing.
And I'm stupid, because I missed what he said.
I shook myself mentally again at my stupidity. "Sorry?"
He smiled again, and another bird flapped its wings in my chest. "You're Jordan?"
I nodded, loving the way his deep voice said my name. "Yes."
He switched from foot to foot. "Nice name. I'm Shane, and it's a pleasure to meet you, Jordan."
I grinned like a silly girl, then collected myself. "Likewise." I said back.
Suddenly, ruining the perfect moment, my phone rang. "Sorry," I mumbled while pulling out my phone, cursing silently at who was calling.
I held up a finger. "Hold on." I pressed talk with a shaky hand. "Hello?"
Jake's voice rang in my ears. "Hey, Hun, how are you?"
I rolled my eyes, earning myself Shane's raised eye brows. "I'm fine. You?" I scrunched my brows together, realizing it was too quite in his office.
I heard Jake sigh heavily, then he spoke...only not to me. "Baby, come over here!"
That's why it's so quiet. I felt a pang of hurt surge through me. Not jealously, no, but hurt. Because of how I just sit around while he cheats on me. "I don't want to interrupt something, I'm going to go." I told him hurriedly.
I heard a loud noise, like something falling, and then he spoke again. "No, it's okay."
I felt my face burning up, and Shane gave me a worried look. I turned around so my back was facing him, and I felt a tear escape my eye. "Don't call if you're with another girl, you ass." I slammed the phone shut, then brought my hands to my eyes. I know I'll get a yelling at when I get home.
I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, but I was too upset to care. "Jordan, you alright?"
I turned around and saw the look of surprise I got from Shane. I wiped absently at my tears, then gave him a blank look. "If you want advise...never marry anyone."
He tried to ask me what do I mean, but I put my hand to my mouth and turned around.
Then I left the restaurant at a jogging pace, crying out my pain like I do every night.
By time I got home Jake was off work, but I knew he wouldn't be there. He's probably out with some girl. I slammed the door behind me, and only then noticed Danielle standing there with a confused expression. "I'm sorry." I apologized.
Danielle gave me a warm smile then brought forward a cup of tea she was holding. "I made this for myself, dear, but you can have it."
I felt a kind respect for Danielle, and I took the tea willingly, needing something warm to heat up the coldness that spred through me. "Thank you, Danielle."
She nodded, seeming deep in thought. "Anytime." As I walked over to sit on the couch she came along with me, unsure. "Are you alright ma'am?"
I smiled at the 'ma'am.' "I'm fine thank you, and please, call me Jordan."
She sat beside me awkwardly, resting her hands on her black skirt tangling them together tightly, she glanced at her feet as if she didn't want me to see her face. "Okay."
For a moment we just sat there staring at the empty T.V screen, listening to the wind that danced around our house outside beautifully, then she spoke up. "Was it Jake who upset you?"
I never took my eyes from the screen as I took a sip and answered her. "How did you guess?"
From the corner of my eye she gave me a sad smile. "I can tell he upsets you, Jordan."
I sighed heavily. "I wish everyone else saw that." I looked at her and smiled, and suddenly I realized I could trust Danielle with anything, but now was hardly the time to spill my life story to her, especially when I was on the verge of another set of a snotty nose running and big tears. "I'm glad someone does."
She patted my shoulder reassuringly. "It's hard not to see the despise you feel for him."
I clenched my teeth hard together, but said nothing. I didn't want to get into this conversation with Danielle tonight, maybe another day. When she saw I wasn't going to respond, she sat back slowly and watched the blank TV with me.
That's that chapter :) Review? :D