Part 1

"Damn it Aaron, give it back!"

After that awkward moment, my body decided that it couldn't hold me up anymore and thought that it would be funny if it just let me COLLASPE! Stupid body...

Then after THAT awkward moment. My, oh so lovely brother was briefed by my, oh so lovely...Aaron? About the kiss and whatnot. Boys are so retarded.

Jake decided that he should also add the part of me bumping into him that morning. And my little dances, when I THOUGHT I WAS BY MYSELF! Stupid Jake!

Then to top it ALL off, Dan, my-oh-so-stupid-brother decides to add something about my past into the conversation. Like, WHAT THE HELL?! It has nothing to do with that morning! …I guess he felt left out of something but…HE HAS NO FREAKIN RIGHT to tell them about the time I had wet my pants in year 4. But he did he mention that the school bully had poured the water on me, making it look like a peed my pants?! NOOO! He didn't…stupid brother.

Those three are retarded.

Luckily Maxinne had better luck with guys than I did. As it had now been four faithful months since those incidents happened. Matthew and Maxy were still dating, and were still as lovely-dovey as ever. But she did promise that they wouldn't seal the deal until they had been dating for at least one year. The only thing I can do, is pray that she'll keep her promise, because I spent the day with both of them was like soft-porn. URGH.

But, I was still as childish as ever, and it didn't help that I had still kept in contact with both the boys after this incidents. Aaron and I had many disputes, mainly on my part. I just wanted it back. It should not be that hard. I mean, I just wanted my first kiss back, it wasn't impossible, right?

"YOU ARE NUTS!" Aaron yelled, is he kept running from me.

"I want it back!!!"

"Ahh...young love."

"Shut up, Dan! This is between me and the thief!" I yelled in frustration.

"Hey, I didn't randomly come to you and kiss YOU!" Aaron shouted in defence.

"I'm back!" The front door opened and Jake stepped in with the shopping. Over the past four months I had learnt that despite Jake's cold exterior, he was a terrific cook. He walked through the door, holding a bag of groceries. " two are still at it."

And, surprise, surprise, it turns out that all those jokes about Dan's sexuality, weren't farfetched. Dan and Jake had started dating about a month and a half after we had met. Which means that I got to spend even MORE time with kiss-thief over here. Screw my life.

Dan seemed to love the idea of Aaron and I going out. But, HELLO! I have bigger fish to fry. Which reminds me...

"Aaron, you ass, give me back my kiss!"

"Jake, don't lock the door!" He yelled, he dashed towards the door and bolted as fast as he could with me close behind.

Dan wrapped his arms around Jake's waist and placed his head on Jake's shoulder, while they stared out the door.

"Ahh!~ Young love."

Aaron tried to reason with me as we were racing down the streets, heading towards the local park.

"Why are you chasing me? It's not like I can give you it back. A kiss is not like a shirt or something." He shouted over his shoulder.

I growled, and sped up. I knew deep down that this was completely impossible. But it just felt weird. There was just something about Aaron that made me feel...different. Every time I saw him over the past couple of months his laugh would make me smile, his smile would make me melt, and his weird comments just made me happy.

I hated it.

His mood. His actions. His being. It just had so much power over me.

It was so annoying.

Like him.

"You always said you were smart. Figure it out!"


We were both lying on the grass of the park, panting. I had been chasing him around the park for the past ten minutes and we were both out of breathe.

Aaron sat up and lent his back against the tree. "Jenny...why are you-"

I cut him off "Just don't Aaron," I took in a deep breath and just stared up at the sky.

The clouds were so pretty. So relaxed. So peaceful.

I started to feel my eye lids get heavy; I could hear still hear Aaron's deep breathing, it somehow kept me calm.

As I started to drift off, I could hear the breathing come closer.

And just as I fell asleep there was a light weight on my lips that made me feel safe.




"Dan, if you would like to keep your hand, I suggest you move it away from me now."

"She's awake!"

I opened my eyes to find myself in my lounge room, lying on the couch. I sat up on the couch, my heading slightly spinning. How did I get here?

"Jen, you know you should be careful," Jake started his lecture towards me.

Never judge a book by its cover.

That was completely true for Jake. On the outside he was a cold, mean, asshole, but on the inside he was filled with love and, might I say, a lot of ranting lectures, about EVERYTHING.


I once fell over in the park and he gave me a lecture on my clumsiness, and how it was affecting my health. Another time, he we asked him a question on which sushi he'd like to eat, then the next moment we were discussing the ethics of killing animals for food. And he's NOT even a vegetarian.

Yep, Jake White was FULL of lectures. I think he's coming to end of this one. I better tune back in.

"...which is why it's not safe for girls to do that. Luckily Aaron was kind enough to carry you back."

...He CARRIED me back?!

"Don't look so surprised." Dan started "I told you he likes you."

"Who likes who?" Aaron had decided to make an entrance, into the lounge room holding a bottle of water.

"Jenny. You-"

"York!" I cut in; there was something about Aaron liking me that made me completely confused. The guys all looked at me like I sprouted another head. "Um...York, Dan is trying to convince me to have the guts to ask his friend York out. Because, um, Dan thinks I like him, and uh, he likes me?" The ending wasn't as strong, it sound more like a question.

Dan stared at me. Like he was trying to read my mind.

After a moments silence, Dan muttered something under his breath, grabbed Jake's hand and headed towards the kitchen.

I sighed and leaned my head on to the back of the couch.

Aaron walked towards me and sat down one the empty spot that was next to me. "So..." he began, hoping to start a conversation.

I turned my head to faced Aaron. "So?"

"So do you like him?"


"Do you like him?"

"Uh...York?" To tell the truth, Dan doesn't have a friend called York, I kinda made him up.

"Yeah," he sighed leaning into the couch, sounding almost sad.

"Um, no?" I titled my head, hoping that was the answer he was hoping for.

"Why do you not sound unconvinced?"

"Because, I...don't know?"

"Yah, stop with the questioning tone."

"Sorry." I bowed my head slightly.

"So is this the reason you wanted me to give you back your first kiss?" He asked

I was shocked. Was it? So I could give it to another guy? Another guy that I made-up?

"Uh..." I pondered out aloud

"So it is." He assumed from my tone.

"No wait, Aaron, it's kinda...not like that."

"Not like what?!" His voice became louder, and was filled with frustration. "So tell me you didn't want to just chase me around for the sake of it. Tell me that you didn't have fun when we were running." He sighed and his voice became quieter "Tell me you didn't hear my heartbeat. Tell I can move on." His voice was no louder than a whisper, but it had never been clearer to me.

Aaron LIKES me?!

I was frozen. My mind was running in an over drive.

Then it hit me, Aaron likes me.

He mistook my silence as a form of rejection. Losing his usual bright spark, he got up and left.

Aaron likes me.

He likes ME.

"Aa-ron ?" I got up and finally realised he had gone. Oh crap.

I growled and fell back onto the couch, covering arm eyes with my arms. Why is this so difficult?

Do I like him?

"Maxy." I heard a threatening voice and lifted up my head to see my brother seething.

I sighed and fell back. "What? I'm trying to think."

"Well it better be about an explanation. What did you do to him?"

"What? Explanation? About Aaron?"

"Yes him. He likes you, why don't you realise that?"

"I have." I muttered "Hence, why I'm thinking."

"What's there to think about? He likes you, and it's obvious you like him."

I sat up, "Oh really brother, what makes you such an expert on my feelings?"

"Well, someone has to be if you're this oblivious." He sat down next to me. "You chase after him asking for something that you know he can't give back. Jenny, if I was in his shoes, I would have believed you were very much in love with me. Until you made up that thing about me having a friend called York and him liking you...please try and understand what your putting Aaron though."

I opened my mouth to defend myself, but Dan continued "Whether it was consciously done or not."

I closed my mouth and nodded.

Now what do I do?

"Maxy!" I whined, as soon as I stepped into the house. I had just made my way from my house to Maxy's. Her parents were in the navy and so she was left in charge until they got back, and somehow her parents entrusted me with a set of keys, just in case Maxy lost hers or something.

Maxy walked into the hallway, with her apron on and her hair in a tight bun. She was portably working on some major artwork. "Woah, what's wrong?" We've been friends for ages, and she can read me like a book, most of the time. I was hoping this was one of them.

After my talk with Dan yesterday, I went to my room, and locked myself in. Mature. I know. But, I wanted to figure out my feelings for Aaron. Do I love him or not?

"I'm stuck." I sighed, annoyed and sat on her couch.

She walked back into the kitchen, probably to get herself cleaned up quickly. "With Cruella?"

Cruella, my step-mother. I forgot about that bitch.

"Nah, she's off on some 40 days around the world thing...I wish it was longer."

"So what with?" She walked into the lounge room, holding two cans of coke. "This isn't about boys, is it?" See! She can read me.

I opened up the can and took a sip. "Yeah,"


"Why must everyone think that?"

"Because it's obvious to everyone you like him, except to you and him, apparently." I growled, taking another sip. "Am I wrong?"


"He confess yet?" I coughed, choking slightly.


"Did. Aaron. Confess. Yet?"

I glared.

"I take that as a no."

After a moment, "Well not exactly," escaped my mouth.


"Really?" I think my eardrums just burst.

"Tone. Down." I pointed my finger up then down.

"Sorry," she grinned "So, what happened?"

I took in a breath, and explained the events of yesterday. "Well?" I asked



"I'm going to get that." I sighed and sunk deeper into the couch.

"Matty!" Matthew's here.

Maxy walked into the lounge room, with a huge smile while she held a box of chocolates, skittles and a DVD, which I'm guessing is the newest edition of Bones, a show in which Maxy completely loves. Matthew's arm was slung around her shoulders, as they walked towards the couch.

"Hi Matthew." He smiled and replied with a simple hello.

He was really quite a sweetheart. Sweet. Charming. Hot. Tall. And a really good kisser. (Well, that was according to Maxy, but I don't think she lying. I mean, the amount of time they spend their mouths connected, she would have to know.)

He was perfect. For Maxy that is.

I, on the other hand, prefer a more cute, childish, sexy-ass kind of fella.

I snapped out of my sub-conscious state, once I heard Maxy giggle at what, I guess, Matthew whispered into her ear. I turned my head to face them. Matthew was sitting down on the single couch, with Maxinne wedge in between his legs, and her back to his chest and his head was positioned so it would just lie on her shoulder, facing her neck. His arms were wrapped around her waist, as she played with skittles on her lap, eating one once in a while and placing one in his mouth, when she wanted to.

I continued to watch their affectionate display of love, and it got me thinking. I want what Maxinne has. Not Matthew. But my own man to love, and be mushy with. I want to have my own man that'll put up with me when I'm emotional. When I want to be hugged. When I want to argue with someone. Just someone who'll understand.

Then it hit me.

Unbelievable, to think that I, Jenny Hu, would have had the revelation of a lifetime while watching one of the mushiest couples of all time.

I got up. "Thanks Maxy."

She smiled, "You're welcome. I knew it'll come to you eventually."

"Bye." There was no reply, because Matthew had caught her lips and they were in the middle of a make-out session.

I just shook my head, and made my way to the White's house.

When I finally reached the front of their house. It was massive. And pretty.

And parked outside the front door was Dan's car.

I walked up to the front door, and lifted my hand up to press the doorbell. Then I stopped.

What the hell am I doing?

What was I supposed to say?

Hi Aaron, I love you.

...Yeah, that would go down well. I need a plan. He's probably still mad about yesterday.

Um, maybe if I-


I turned around to see Aaron standing behind me.

"Um, hi" I lifted my hand up, to give a small wave.

He ignored it and reached out to open the door, with his key. I stepped to the side, noticing the hostile attitude he was displaying.

"If you wanted to talk to Dan, he's probably with Jake in his bed room." He stepped inside, taking of his jacket and placing his keys in the draw.

"Um, no actually," I stepped in, and closed the door "I'm here to see you."

He stopped and turned around turning to face me with a glare. "If you wanted your kiss back. I can't give it back. And even if I could, I wouldn't. You may be in love with some other guy. But if he has your heart. I need your first kiss."

I couldn't believe my ears. My heart was pounding.

He needed it.

"So just give it up." He commanded, and then muttered "I have."

He turned towards the staircase to walk up to his bedroom.

I didn't want that. I didn't want him to give up.

"Aa-Aaron!" I called out after him, the feeling returned to my legs. I ran up to him, and hugged him from behind, on the stairwell. My eyes had started to tear up. "Please don't." I muttered into his back.

"Don't what?" I heard his bitter tone. "Don't what?" he repeated "Why don't you stop playing with my feelings? Why don't you just forget it ever happened? Why don't you go cry in the arms of your beloved York?!" He spat out the name 'York', like it was poison.

He pried my arms of him and left me standing on the staircase, while he stormed up the stairs. I slid down the wall, and sat on the stairs, and whispered. "He's not real." And then screamed "He's not real! I made him up!" The heavy footsteps stopped on the stairs. But I kept confessing. "I was afraid. You made me feel different. I was scared of the emotions I felt when I saw you. And...and I made him up, I panicked when Dan was pointing out the feelings I had were of love. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

My back was against the wall, as I curled my body into a circle to cry into my arms.

The next thing I felt were warm, strong arms encircling my body, keeping me warm. "Don't be. I'm sorry." I lifted up my head to see Aaron, and his eyes were slightly puffy.

I let out a choked laugh, and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you." I whispered into his ear.

He laughed and picked me up, causing me to squeal.

"I love you too."

By the time, Dan and Jake had come down stairs to see what the fuss was about, Aaron and I were curled up on the couch in each other's arms.

"It's about time." Dan said.

We turned to face them.

We both laughed. I held up my hand showing them that our fingers were intertwined.

Jake cheered, and proclaimed "Time to celebrate."

We all smiled and nodded.

Dan and Jake went into the kitchen first. I got up with Aaron, and his arms were firmly around my waist.

"So does this mean I get your first everything?"

"Yep. Believe it or not. You are my first love, boyfriend, and probably anything else."

"And I get to keep it?" He smiled.

"Yes, you get to keep everything. As long as I have you."

He smiled, and leaned down to take my second kiss.

And you know what?

He can keep it.