By Syn871
Dirty dishes towered over my head so high
The Mad Hatter bowed with his hat behind his back
I gazed at the only lights in my life
Elated were my babies in their swings
Bouncing up and down
as Disney movies played on the screen
Prince Charming saved the Princess like always
Then came the happy ending to one and all
My babies so ignorant to the ever shifting world around them
Their giggles bubbled up to the ceiling
And exploded into happy little fireflies
Never will they know what it's like to celebrate a soldiers death
A/N: This was aggarvating to do! The underlined words are six words and I had to write a poem only using those six words. Tell me what you get from the poem because even I have trouble deciphering it. I wanted to capture a certain mood and I feel like I got it but R & R!