When I think about Everlast Falls, I think of the rush of the wind or the feeling of the cold winter air. I think of the thick wood that surrounds the entire town that held so many mysteries. I think of the stars in the night sky and how I used to stare up at them and believe they led to heaven. When I think of the Falls, I think of the stories.
Like everyone I heard the elders tell the tales and like everyone, I didn't believe. The stupid bonfire stories of our town, of the woods; they weren't true. They couldn't be. That's why my parents wanted me to stay away from the woods behind our house…they knew I would get carried away and scare myself, they weren't hiding anything from me. Right?
The legends of our town were long and elaborate and dated back to the eighteenth century, I used to think they were only there to scare kids away from the woods. Now I understand they were made for a deeper reason.
The legends consist of one thing; the creatures that lurk behind the trees.