Chapter 7

Alex Blooddragon

It was midnight when he came over. Stella and I just finished practicing her French homework and the strong breeze blew her notes onto the floor. When we looked up, we just saw the open window but as soon we collected the papers, he stood before us with his wife. Everything after that just slowed down. It felt like it took an hour for me to reach Stella, to feel Alex Blooddragon's stone hard fist meet my face and to see through crimson and watch Stella getting picked up by the strong white haired and painfully clean vampire, watching her scream as he jumped out the window with her over his shoulder.

When I woke, everything rushed threw my brain. The two white haired vampires, the red vision, Stella screaming for me… Stella? I ran through the house, opened every door in the house calling her name the whole time. I ran outside and called her but the only sound that came out of the calm night air was my echoing voice calling Stella!

Back in the house I cleaned up the broken coffee table and glass and found a note hanging off the window pane. It read: If you wish to see your prey again, meet me at the empty warehouse that was to be your parent's music store.

If you were wondering, yes I did laugh. I guess vampires do watch spy movies.

The warehouse looked spookily dark in the red moon's light and as I opened the blood red door, I could hear Stella's screams of agony and anger. I quietly stepped behind a pile of boxes and peered over the top and what I saw made my blood boiled. Stella was tied hanging by her wrists about 6 feet in the air with blood dripping down from the whip wounds on her bare back and collected in a pail sitting beneath her. I spotted Alex and his wife standing not to far from her body speaking in hush voices.

"But love, what will we do if he attacks us?"

"It is a cost we must live with, Nervana."

"But Alex, we don't want him to hate us even more. He already thinks we killed his parents due to those fake memories Michael created."

"This is why we kidnapped his girlfriend, so we can explain what happened."

"Not to bust your pride, Alex, but this plan is very badly done. I mean if he sees this human in such a state, he will think we did it, not Michaels spell that his minion put on her."

"Well, we will just have to wait and see."

This conversation confused me even more. Who was this Michael? Why did he plant fake memories on me? Was he my parents and mine's killer? What spell did this minion put on Stella? The only way to answer these nagging questions seemed to be to show myself and ask the Blooddragons themselves.