Be MINE Valentines
Fear trickled down her spine, and the hairs on her body stood on end. She could feel the familiar tingle on her body and she abruptly turned around to look behind her. She was terrified to see no one there.
Ever since the beginning of February, someone had been following her…looking at her. Rayna was always on edge when she went outside of her house. She didn't like the fact that someone was observing her, trailing behind her as she went out with friends. It was down right creepy.
Speed walking back to her house she felt blood drain from her face when she saw her mailbox overfilled with red heart cards; she remembered when she first received them and felt like laughing at how stupid she was. Rayna was so happy someone liked her and gave her a card but that feeling dissipated when she opened them.
'MINE' covered the interior of the card; the writing was red and it looked like drying blood. She had screamed bloody murder before dropping the card like it was acidic and running to her mother horrified tears trickling down her cheeks.
Her mother had said it was probably just a prank but everyday they would appear again in the letterbox, only this time instead of the word 'Mine' they would put pictures of her inside. Pictures of her shopping, smiling, eating, in class, going home; pictures that man took of her while following her.
Shakily Taking one of the cards out of the letterbox, Rayna opened it and covered her mouth with her hands. This time the man had gone to far; it was her sleeping. How did he get in the house, she did not know but it terrified her to know that he could. Underneath the picture were three tiny words; 'Very soon now'
Running inside she slammed the door shut and locked it before going inside the kitchen to look for her mum. She needed to tell her, she needed to call the cops.
"Mum?" Rayna called out tentively when she entered the kitchen but no one was there which was very strange. Her mother was always at home, and she wouldn't have been grocery shopping because Rayna went with her yesterday. Seeing a yellow note on the kitchen table Rayna walked over and picked it up.
Hey Mum,
I'm going to be at Ryan's house, could you pick me up around four? Thank you!
Xoxo RayRay
Rayna dropped the note in horror and stepped back. The note looked exactly like the way she wrote her note, even the font was the same as hers but she didn't write it.
Suddenly a gruesome knowledge slithered to the front of her mind. This man could forge letters; he could write a letter in her font saying she killed herself, and no one would know it was fake. She would be written off as a suicide victim.
No one would come and save her if she was taken.
Rayna quickly turned around and was about to run when she stood face to face with a masked man, before she could scream the man covered her mouth and nose with a wet cloth.
Inhaling the substance, Rayna's head began to swirl and twist; her legs unable to hold her weight. With one small, pathetic whimper Rayna collapsed into a dead faint.
Her head was pounding, she felt extremely nauseous and when she opened her eyes everything was a giant blur.
Rayna tried to move her arms but something was restraining her, she tried to speak but it seemed something covered her mouth so only muffled noises escaped her lips.
"Now, now don't move so much, otherwise you'll faint again" a deep voice said.
Rayna looked up at the shadowed figure, when her vision cleared and her head was less painful. Her eyes widened and she recoiled back until she bumped into the wall.
Looking around frantically, her pace paled dramatically. She was on a bed and the walls surrounding her were covered with her pictures, there were so many pictures that she couldn't even see the white paint on the walls anymore.
"You look so beautiful when you're scared…then again your beautiful with any expression on your face" said the man, he had short golden brown hair. His eyes were grey and his skin was slightly tanned, his mouth was lifted into a humorous smile; stubbles surrounded his mouth. Rayna estimated that he was around in his thirties.
"Mmph!" said Rayna, attempting to speak but what came out was a weird mumbling noise. The man shook his head before walking towards her and gently ripping it off. She cried out in pain as the tape pulled the skin on her lips.
"G-get away from me!" screamed Rayna attempting to back further against the wall, the man grabbed her face.
"Shh…I just want to talk, for now" whispered the man, his breath smelled of cigarettes and beer. Rayna felt herself shudder.
"Who are you and why am I here? " cried Rayna hoarsely ineffectively attempting to stay calm; her eyes watered when the man caressed her face and she tried to shake his hands away.
"Jason McHintyre, I want you to be my valentines" said Jason, his smile widening, Rayna loathed his smile; it was like a predator who caught his prey and was currently toying with it for entertainment before finally devouring it.
"Please let me go" Rayna begged, she knew monsters like him loved their captives begging but she couldn't help herself.
The man shook his head, his smiling now so wide almost all his teeth were showing.
"I can't do that, you're too beautiful to let go and once I'm through with you…I'll never have to. You'll be beautiful forever " said Jason stroking her hair, Rayna furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
Jason seeing her blank look exhaled noisily before walking towards the cupboard and opening it.
"Now, don't tell anyone I showed you this" he teased, Rayna felt her eyes widen into two round saucers.
Rayna stared at the life sized dolls, there were three of them. They were all wearing different types of costumes, the blonde one wore a maid outfit, the brunette wore an old Victorian Dress, and the second blonde haired girl wore a beautiful green ball gown.
Everything about the three dolls looked human, the only thing that looked a bit fake were the eyes which reflected the light in the room.
Suddenly understanding dawned on her face and she felt herself hold back a cry of terror; Jason McHintyre wanted another doll… and she was it.
"no…No…NO!" shrieked Rayna, she wanted to vomit. She screamed as loud as she could for help, pleading for a miracle to happen.
Jason flinched before grabbing some masking tape and taping Rayna's mouth together.
"See what you made me do? Now I can't listen to your angelic voice" grumbled Jason dejectedly, Rayna glared at him balefully.
"I made a song for you, I was thinking of putting it in the cards I gave you but that would seem as if I were being halfhearted, so I decided to wait until I saw you to sing it" said Jason, Rayna turned her head away from him.
"Won't you, won't you be MINE Valentines?
You're so pretty like a porcelain doll,
Won't you, won't you be MINE Valentines?
You're the perfect ornament in my room"
Sang Jason, his voice was low and he was out of tune, Rayna made an un-amused sound; her nose scrunched up in disgust. The lyrics made her want to spit in his face. Jason frowned.
"I worked really hard on the song and you don't even like it" sighed Jason; he ran a hand through his hair in frustration.
Suddenly he grinned; Rayna was silently wondering if the man was Psychopath and bipolar. It wouldn't be a surprise, who would be sick enough as to…stuff a human. And not one but three going on to four.
"I know exactly how to make you smile! I bet you're dying to see what you'll be wearing!" cried Jason, walking towards his wardrobe and pulling out a blue silk dress.
There was a 'V' cut at the front which extended down to the curve of the hip. Rayna could see it looked extremely expensive. Not only that but it showed a lot of skin as well.
"It cost me a fortune to buy this but I don't mind because it's for you" said Jason, Rayna snorted, How could he try to sound so…giving? It made her want to retch; instead she glared at him before turning away. This made Jason furious. He walked towards her and grabbed her by the neck.
"You ungrateful little bitch why aren't you looking at me!" growled Jason shaking Rayna really hard.
Rayna flinched in pain but continued to look away; Jason gave her a hard slap, all of a sudden he stopped and stepped back looking at her in horror.
"Oh Jesus Christ, I'm sorry Rayna, sweetheart! I was just upset because you didn't like the presents! I didn't mean to hurt you" cried Jason "To make it up to you I'll be extremely gentle when I cut you open, I won't leave any unnecessary marks like I did to the others"
Rayna stared in horror as Jason walked over to the table and opened a black briefcase, taking out a pair of surgery gloves; he placed them on his hands and took out a needle.
"Now this is going to hurt a bit but trust me this will be the only pain you'll feel, it's going to numb your senses so when I cut it won't hurt you" said Jason, tapping the needle and taking one of Rayna's arms.
Rayna flinched as the needle went inside her skin, when all the liquid disappeared from the needle he took it out and placed it back inside his briefcase.
"Now we only have to wait ten minutes before you become completely numb from everything" said Jason tapping his watch. Rayna felt dazed and she couldn't feel her arms or anything else for that matter.
"I first met you at the coffee shop in front of the cinema, you were sitting with your friends and I was mesmerized by your long curly dark hair that seemed to shine blue in the light and your breathtaking blue eyes, did you know that when you smiled I thought I was looking at an angel?" murmured Jason smiling warmly at her, Rayna was too drugged up to respond so she just continued to stare at him. Watching as his eyes softened at he stared her up and down.
"I wanted to keep you like that forever; I wanted you to look as pretty as I first saw you so I spent every day and night planning this. The eyes I made for you looks exactly like the ones you have now. It's my masterpiece, you'll be my best creation yet" whispered Jason, his eyes turning slightly crazed.
Jason grinned before taking out a scalpel. Rayna's brain screamed at her to move, to run but her body was like a puddle of goo.
'please, someone save me, anyone, god, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, any god or goddess listening, please' prayed Rayna, Jason was now inching closer towards her, she wanted to scream, to cry and to go home.
She missed her mother and her friends, she even missed her teachers and homework for heaven's sake! She was too young to die!
"I waited for so long and guess what? I got you on the most romantic day of the year!" exclaimed Jason, lifting up her shirt. Rayna closed her eyes, this was it; this was the end, and she was going to die…
She could feel the scalpel lightly press on to her skin then…
A Loud crash sounded and Rayna opened her eyes, the door was smashed open and lots of people in blue uniforms filed in with guns in their hands.
"Freeze! Put your Hands Up and drop your weapon!" commanded one of the cops, Jason hissed in annoyance, the cop repeated his command and Jason reluctantly dropped his scalpel and placed his hands in the air.
"Step away from the girl with your hands in the air" said the cop again, Jason did as he was told, a group of officers walked towards him and cuffed his hands, then the leader walked towards Rayna, he looked down at her worriedly.
Ripping off the masking tape, the officer cut open the ropes and helped her sit up, Rayna felt extremely weak.
"Miss are you okay?" questioned the officer, Rayna nodded,
"..D-r…drug…" said Rayna, she couldn't speak properly and that annoyed her somewhat, but she was just so thankful to be alive she didn't care.
"It's going to be alright, Just close your eyes and soon you'll be away from here" said the Officer, Rayna did as she was told not long after she fell into a deep sleep.
When Rayna woke up she was surprised to find herself in the hospital, her mother stared at her worriedly.
"Baby I was so scared, he balmed and stuffed three girls!" cried Rayna's mother, Rayna smiled at her,
"Yeah thank god the cops came when they did or I would be the fourth doll in his collection" said Rayna; her mother caressed her hair tenderly.
"I'm just so glad you're okay, I was terrified when I went to Ryan's house and he said that you didn't go to his house" whispered her mother, Rayna shuddered as the memories came flooding back to her.
"He scared me…he saw me at the coffee shop, with Ryan and Amy that day, I knew I felt something when I was talking to them" murmured Rayna, her mother's eyes widened in shock.
"Baby, go to sleep you're exhausted" whispered Rayna's mother, Rayna nodded and closed her eyes once more, enjoying the tender caresses, Jason's caresses were disgusting but her mother's always calmed her. Rayna smiled warmly as comforting darkness enveloped her.
The End