Okay, so my best friend and I wrote this story when we were in eight grade and I decided to post it to know what you think. R&R! P.S. I'm the POV of Klaire my friend is the POV of Kailey.
Prologue: POV Klaire
All I remember about that night was freezing on the floor. My eyes weren't opening and someone was screaming my name. It was weird I knew that voice from somewhere. Suddenly two warm hands were pressed on my cold body.
Chapter 1: POV Kailey
I ran to the hospital where they were keeping my sister. She was sick, I guess, the doctor didn't know what was wrong with her
"Will she be okay?" I asked the doctor. He looked at me.
"Maybe, I really have no idea."
I want to yell, to scream, how do you not know if my twin sister is okay?! I walked into her room, she was so helpless. I wanted to help her but there was nothing I could do.
Klaire was sleeping, she had been all day. I wish I could talk to her. It was late. I wasn't really supposed to be here, but I couldn't leave. I was ready to fall asleep. I fell into a dream. I heard a voice, similar to Klaire's. She was talking to me…but what was she saying?