Chapter 12


I woke up to sunshine peeking through the curtains, casting brilliant spots of light across my face. I smiled, until I crossed the room and looked out the window.

Snow. Covering everything. The cars, the ground, the trees. I hate snow. Snow meant cold. It was pretty, though, the sun made the unmarked snow sparkle. I walked downstairs, picking up Jersey on my way, to tell my family about the snow.

My dad was asleep on the couch, apperently they had been up all night with the baby. My mom was in the kitchen feeding Holly. So, I sat down after grabbing a muffin and some juice.

Adam was coming over soon, so today would be the perfect day, even with the snow.

I got dressed, in jeans and a white stretchy shirt. My hair decided to cooperate with me today, so I wore it down and curly, it looked good.

Adam arrived two hours later. He looked tense and worried, but didnt say that there was anything wrong. My mom and dad had left, which gave Adam and I some alone time. Today really was perfect.

Adam kissed me slowly as he walked in the door, placing his cold hands on my stomach, which gave me butterflies. It felt silly to have butterflies in my stomach, like a freshman girl when a senior guy greeted her.

Then I started thinking about school. I was a little more than half-way through my senior year. Adam and I both maintained good grades and planned to do so even after the baby was born.

We cuddled on the couch with the TV on low volume, we were tangled up in each other as much as we could be, but my huge stomach made things difficult. He rubbed my stomach a little, and then continued to kiss me. I noticed he still seemed a little tense.

"Babe?" I said, pulling my away from a kiss and taking a breath. He kept his face close to mine, and smiled.

"Yes?" His voice broke, an instant indication that something was wrong. The way his voice sounded, scared, almost, made me want to cry.

"What's wrong?" I stood up to look at him better, but kept my hand on his face to comfort him. He ran his hand up and down my arm, and then stood. He wrapped his now shaking arms around me, and put his forehead on my shoulder. I did what I could to comfort him, there was no denying there was something wrong now.

We went back to cuddling and watching TV after a while. Adam was shaking, I stroked his face and told him I loved him a few times. After a few hours of me rubbing his back and comforting him, he calmed down, and I fell asleep on him just as my parents were getting home.

I woke up when his phone went off in his pocket, vibrating against my side. He smiled at me when I looked up at him, and he kissed my forehead before he answered his phone, and he rubbed my back lightly while he was on the phone.

And suddenly his face was tense aain. His muscles tensed up underneath me, and we were both holding our breath. I was worried. He pulled out from under me and went to walk out.

"Where are you going?" I asked him, he hugged me and held me for a second, then kissed me.

"I'll be right back." He assured me with a forced smile on his face. Then he walked out the door.

I turned around to grab the blanket off the back of the couch, suddenly cold now that Adam wasn't keeping me warm.

I heard a gun shot and froze. My parents both came from the kitchen with Holly, to stand next to me. Their faces were masks of concern. I could tell our brains were all thinking the same thing.


It didn't take me long to resond to my thoughts. I wrapped the blanket around me, and then ran outside to see what had happened. I was haping it was a hunter in the nearby woods, or something, anything other than what I was expecting it to be.

But then I saw that that was not the case. My suspicions had been correct. I saw Adam lying on the ground. The snow around him was stained bright red with his blood. There was a blonde teenage boy, standing frozen with a gun in his shaking hands. I gasped and put my hand over my open mouth.

I ran over to Adam, and kneeled in the cold, powdery snow, being careful to avoid the blood. I placed my hand on his chest. All I could see was the hole in his shirt, and even though I was desperate to know how badly he'd been injured, I was also afraid to see incase it was gory. All around the wound was soaked with blood. I was relieved to still feel his heart beating under my palm.

"Brittany?" He whispered my name quietly. I didn't know I was crying until I felt the tears fall onto my hand.

"I'm right here." I told him, lightly touching his face, and then I grabbed and squeezed his hand. He rubbed my back. He'd gotten shot in his right shoulder, which gave me some hope that I wasnt about to lose him. He reached up to wipe my tears away.

"It's gonna be okay." He told me. He had just gotten shot, and he was the one comforting me. I looked again at the gun shot wound, it had to be hurting him. And he was smiling, comforting me, it wasn't right.

"That has to hurt." I said, my heart aching to see that he could be in such pain.

"Hurts more to see you cry."

Before I could respond to that, we both looked up at the sound of footsteps. A gun dropped next to me, causing me to jump, but I refused to leave Adam's side. The shooter was standing next to me. He was shaking and crying.

"I'm so sorry!" He said, "I didn't know, I was just doing what I was told!" I didn't know what he meant by that. I looked at the kid in confusion, and let my blanket fall to the snow, revieling my baby belly for the first time, and he gasped. "You're pregnant?" The boy stuttered. I nodded, and pressed both mine and Adam's hands to my stomach, because I didn't want to let go of him. "I'm a terrible person." He said. I couldn't disagree. "I'm sorry." He shot the love of my life, and he's sorry? No, that didn't cut it."

The sirens made me jump, an ambulance and several police cars. The kid, the shooter, was no more than my age. And he would be sent to jail, for attempt at murder, whether it was his idea or not. I laid my head carefully on Adam's chest, and then stood. My parents were in the front yard. My mom was holding Holly in a blanket and crying into my dad's shoulder. My dad was holding her, tears in his own eyes as well. The shooter stood awkwardly a few feet away. And Adam was still laying there, crying now from the pain. New tears formed in my eyes, spilling over and cascading down my cold face.

Paramedics were suddenly pushing past me to get to Adam, and police men went to the shooter. He didnt fight them as they pushed him to the ground and handcuffed him.

I followed the paremedics and Adam's stretcher to the ambulance, until one tried to stop me.

"No, don't make her leave me." Adam said, crying harder and reaching for me. They finally allowed me to go to him. I grabbed his hand and then watched the shut the ambulance doors...

(Hey guys, lots happened I know, it'll make more sense in later chapters. I also had a question. Do you think Brittany having twins is a good idea? Or is that too much? I don't know, I haven't been able to decide. Thanks for all the support guys!!!)