.::::: :::::.
He's the guy that parents warn their daughters about, over and over. He's a mother's worst nightmare. But that's because they don't know him.
People say that he's a player. Girls he's been with call him a heartbreaker. Others call him a liar, a manipulator. Me? I call him my best friend.
Because he's my best friend, I know him better than I know anyone else.
He wasn't always like that. He wasn't always a flighty heartbreaker.
He's never serious because it's too serious at home.
He's playing around because he doesn't want to grow up. He's scared.
He dates and dumps girls faster than I can count. That's because he hasn't found the right one yet.
When he does find the right one, he'll hurt her. He'll regret it, but he'll feel that it's the only way she'll remember him.
He'll never tell her that he loves her. Instead, he'll hurt her even more, because he's scared. He can't tell her that he loves her, because he's not sure if it's love. The feeling would be foreign to him. He doesn't want to lie to her, so he won't tell her.
Eventually, she'll get tired of waiting. She'll get tired of being hurt and let down, over and over again.
She'll leave him.
After she leaves him, he'll feel that he was right all along. That love doesn't exist.
And he'll go right back to his old ways. Back to breaking hearts, back to being fake.
His charm is a mask. It's not him. It's his way of protecting himself.
Because as long as he's the one doing the hurting, he's not the one who's getting hurt.
A/N: I'm not sure if this really qualifies as "Romance", but I don't really know where else it should go. :3
Thank you for reading this. ^^
If possible, I'd love to know what you thought about this piece.
Gosh. I'm churning out too many one-shots. T_T I might as well make an anthology or something.