Author's Note!! This is the Sequel of a story titled Rooftop that is on fan fiction .net. Go to the site, read it, review it, and then come back to this!!!!!!!!!!!! For my followers of Rooftop, thanks for following and supporting!!!
Chapter One: First Day Back
My first day back to school. I was fearing it. Max told me I had nothing to worry about, but while I was fixing the boot I had to wear on my foot from the bite, I couldn't help but worry about all of the stares I would get. These were the times when I longed to be in the city, where strangers didn't give a damn what you did.
I was stuck in one of those walking casts, usually for broken feet. I had to wear it because the shark tore a tendon that led into my foot, and they had to operate in a few places to fix my whole leg, including my foot. I was still in pain, but I had been out for about a month. Luckily, Max got me all of my homework and lent me his notebook to get notes.
But a entire month out of school, I didn't feel like going back. I didn't want to face Sean and Cami. I knew I was going to get hell from both of them. Max and I were in for a rude awakening.
As I walked out of the door to drive with Max to school, I spotted Sean coming out of Max's house. He looked at me like I was a ghost. He walked towards Max's car and met us there. "I thought you moved to New York?" He asked awkwardly. "Well, that's what Cami said," He added quietly. I clenched my teeth, and he pointed towards my foot with a confused look on his face.
"Cami told you bull!" I half shouted. I looked up at Max and asked. "You didn't tell him?"
"I haven't had much time," He said, laughing.
I laughed too, and turned back to Sean. "Speaking of bull, Sean. I got bit by a bull shark. That's why I was out for a month. I haven't been to New York since I moved here." I wasn't going to let Cami get to me, especially not through Sean.
"Oh, Jackie, I'm sorry." Sean was playing with his hands, a habit shown when he was out of words. I gave him a half-smile, and he returned it. We somewhat waved, and I guess we three figured the conversation was over.
Max pulled me towards the passenger seat door. Sean drifted towards his truck, and Max made a show of picking me up and putting me into the car. He proceeded to kissing me passionately on the lips. My hand went directly to his hair, and he played with one of my curls. We pulled away at the same time, laughing.
The drive to school seemed so short, with Max and I talking the whole time. But getting out of the car totally turned my good mood upside down. "Look what the sharks drug in." Came Cami's voice from the car hood next to ours. Sean was in her circle of "friends", sitting on the car or standing around it. I glared at Cami, and she smiled smugly back.
I felt Max's hand tensing, and looked around him to see his other hand in a fist. I rubbed his arm with my free hand, and he took his hand from mine, and placed his arm around my shoulder. I felt like he was protecting me, guiding me away from those bastards.
By lunchtime, I was used to all of the confused stares I had been getting, as well as the: "What happened?", all of the "How was NYC?", and especially the "Are you okay?!". Max met me at my locker, and we walked to the cafeteria together.
The cafeteria looked so much scarier since the last time I had been in it. I didn't know where to sit, and neither did Max, based on the fact that he came to my house everyday. Max put his arm around me once again, and sat me at a table just for us. He darted off to get our food, and I was left alone to be stared at and talked about.
I had been fixing my boot when I heard footsteps. From my view from under the table, I could see that it wasn't Max that was with me. The person that was here was a male, wearing ripped jeans and blue and white Nikes. I looked up to see Sean, staring at me with a weird look on his face.
"What do YOU want?" I asked fiercely.
"I wanted to say sorry." He said, looking down.
I raised an eyebrow. "Well say it and get it over with, I don't have all day." Lets just say that I wasn't in a forgiving mood today. Too many things had ruined my perfect mood, and I wasn't even willing to give him a chance. Poor bastard.
"I'm real-" He started.
"I knew you couldn't last," boomed Cami's voice. "Take some of your brother's balls and use them for crying out loud." She raised her eyebrows and gave me a smug grin, trying to hint something to me. I got the message, and couldn't truthfully give her the look back.
"Cami, leave now before I do something I won't regret," I said with a smile. I saw Max out of the corner of my eye coming towards us from the lunch line, two trays in hand. I turned my head, and Cami turned hers. Slipping me the finger, she knocked the trays out of Max's hands, grabbed his face, and kissed him smack on the lips. Max jerked his head away with a disgusted look on his face, but Cami got her point across. She smiled and began walking back to her table.
I ran- correction, tried my best to run at her. Instinctively, my right foot went up when I tried to kick her smack in the back. The black boot banged down hard on her right shoulder, and she staggered in her pink heels. I grasped my foot and fell to the ground clutching it. Max raced over to me, picked me up, and ran me out of the cafeteria as fast as he could. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, buried my face into his neck, and cried.