"KAH-E-LEE! Take your eyes off of him. He's nothing but a jerk," Alex rolled her eyes at her best friend, who was staring at one of the most popular guys in the school, Josh. Scratch that. Most popular.

"You can't blame me," Kaylee insisted. "He's hot."

"And a player. No girl lasts more than five days with him," Alex insisted. Kaylee rolled her eyes and didn't say anything. Just kept staring in his direction, he was fidgeting with his sleeves, and looked like he was ready to fall asleep, and to Kaylee, that looked beautiful. "Once he had a girlfriend for two minutes."

Something was dazzling about his eyes, how they were bluer than the sea itself, and his hair was perfectly black and perfectly messy. She didn't know how something could be a perfect mess, but it was. He was attractive. No one could say otherwise. Not even Alex.

Josh could feel Kaylee's eyes, he turned around and looked at her, Kaylee suddenly got nervous and was about to look away, until he showed her his pearly white teeth. He turned back and told his friend, Drake, "She's hot."

"So she's next," Chuck said, ungluing his attention from his shoes. No one was actually paying attention to the lesson, because it really didn't make any sense at all to anyone, so it was only natural that when the teacher called on random people. As soon as Josh heard names being called, he sank lower and lower into the seat so he wouldn't be seen.

"A little lower Mr. Matthews I can still see you," she said, addressing Josh. He saluted her and kept going lower, trying to escape "the Deadly Point". Chuck laughed at this and the teacher instantly pointed to him. "You tell me, what's number four?"

Chuck looked down and said, "Uh, negative six?"

"Nice try. Ms. Wolfe?" she pointed to Alex.

"Positive thirty-six," Alex said simply, flashing a cocky smile afterwards.

"Correct. You need to tutor about half the class," she joked, drawing a new equation on the board. The bell rang right then. The teacher grunted, making some of the boys laugh and whistle. "Do that again and I will send you to the office. Dismissed."

Josh stood by the doorway, waiting for his target to approach him. Alex walked by him, basically shoving him towards the wall. Kaylee was about to go through but he put his hand on the other doorframe, blocking her, "Hello, there."

"Hi," she replied shyly, glaring at his bright blue eyes, almost getting lost in them.

"So," he said, leaning against the wall. "You want to... Go out?"

Kaylee blinked, "Like, now?"

"Why not?" he laughed, putting an arm around her. "Kaylee, right? Pretty name."

"Yes," she said, beaming. He knew her name! She realized she sounded desperate. "I mean, yes, I'll go out with you."

"Good, let's walk," he said.

As they walked through the halls, you could hear people whispering already. Kaylee barely even realized it, her eyes being set on Josh anyway, as he walked her through the hall all the way to her locker, leaving Alex in pure awe.

"I can't believe you're letting him play you!" she accused, pointing at Josh, the smile on Kaylee's face instantly disappearing. "And you! I can't believe you're such a jerk!"

"Relax, Wolfe," Josh tried to calm her down.

"No I will not calm down, Matthews!" she basically spat out his last name. "You know, you have some guts to be doing this to every girl and still have them drooling all over you. You're nothing but a guywhore."

"I'm not taking insults from you," he said calmly, taking his arm off Kaylee, and walking away.

"Great," Kaylee rolled her eyes. "Look what you did."

"Kaylee, I'm trying to save you from a broken heart," Alex conforted her, rubbing her shoulder.

"What if it's different this time?" Kaylee exclaimed. "What if he truly, truly likes me?"

Alex crossed her arms, "Look, if you want to do this, go ahead. I'm not stopping you. Just remember that I warned you. He's trouble."

"Fine," Kaylee said. "Let's go eat some lunch."

"Without your boyfriend."

"Without Josh."

"Her friend is a stunner," Josh smiled, fidgeting with his sleeves.

"You're going to play them both? They're best friends, it's dangerous," Chuck replied, crossing his arms across his chest. "You're about to get into some serious trouble."

"I've gotten slapped, kicked-- you know," he said awkwardly. "What can they do to me that I haven't already been through?"

"Hey," a girl said, sitting on Chuck's lap. She was his girlfriend of a few years. Chuck kissed her passionately, Josh glaring at them then turning away. Chuck always had to have everything. The girl, Maggie, pulled away and looked at Josh, pushing his face and forcing him to look at her, getting an annoyed expression she ignored. "Everything is fine, right?"

"Everything," he said, pulling his head away and looking to the a few tables in front where Kaylee was sitting with Alex.

"Which of them is Kaylee?" Maggie asked, turning around to look in the direction he was looking.

"How do you...?"

"You're really popular, Josh," she rolled her eyes. "Show me the girl."

"The blonde one," he said, pointing.

"Oh, the perky bottle blonde," Maggie sighed. "Haven't we been through this phase?"

"She's not bottle blonde," Chuck said. "I remember her from like, kinder. Her hair is literally like that. She's not going to last a week with you, bro."

Josh rubbed his arm and as Maggie said, "You know, the one with the dark hair... She's prettier... Wait, you're not planning on playing them both at the same time, are you?"

New story. Yay! Head Games is ending soon and I needed to start something else, so ta-da! It's not as cliche as it sounds, I promise. You'll see if you study Josh's behaviors very closely.