I stayed up an extra 30 minutes waiting for site upgrades to finish to post this...EXHAUSTED! ENJOY!
I contemplated lying. I contemplated distracting him and refusing to answer. Then I contemplated all the complications that could arise from that – and Riley and I had plenty of complications already.
"It's Mike's."
His face hardened immediately. "Typical," he muttered shaking his head with disgust. The angry, hostile version of his I had seen few times before reemerged. He looked away as though he couldn't bear the sight of me.
It made me laugh.
I laughed maniacally. The sound resounded in the empty lobby – a stark contrast to the virtually imperceptible whispters of before. The sound was sharp, almost painful, but it did work to recapture Riley's attention.
"You find this funny?" he spat.
"I find it hysterical," I countered a mean disposition appearing from nowhere and forcing me to glare back at his narrowed eyes.
"Men are so hypocritical," I proclaimed standing up and crossing my arms. "Do you not recall once telling me that you didn't care about me? Insulting me? Leaving me out in the cold to cry?" At this he flinched. "Then turning into the nicest boy in the world who just wants to dance, the boy who decides that now he likes me, now he wants to go out with me, hell, now he likes me enough to fight for me, but WAIT, he's still fucking my roommate!" Riley's eyes widened immediately at the vulgarity, but he stayed silent through the rest of my rant.
"You've hardly been mister consistent, but you're disappointed with me for spending time with an old friend. Amazing! Really. Just fucking amazing." It was my turn to shake my head in disgust. It helped that I was looking down at him. "You have no idea what's going on between Mike and me. And even if something was, you're in the same boat with Zooey. You wanna judge me? Fine. But don't play innocent."
"You done?" he asked in a flat voice. I nodded and he tugged me back to the couch by my wrist.
"I didn't sleep with Zooey," he stated. "After what she went through, I'd have to be a real ass to do that just for the sake of it, and I've already told you I don't reciprocate her feelings."
Shit. He had a point. I felt slightly ashamed, but I kept it covered. Instead I crossed my arms and pouted.
"There. I explained my side. Your turn."
I looked at him inquisitively, raising one eyebrow. "What are you blabbering about?"
He looked annoyed at my condescension, but answered "Are you in a relationship with him?"
"With Mike?" I snorted "No."
"Then what is it?" he demanded, his patience growing thing. To be fair, it had been a long night.
"That's not good enough."
And just like that we were back to fighting.
"So?! I don't owe you any explanations. We're not friends? We're not dating? And if I'm right, we are whatever you and Zooey are! Which is NOTHING evidently."
He looked like he wanted to wring my neck. "You are incredibly…" he stated in a cold whisper.
"Oh say it!" I rolled my eyes, "You know you want to," I teased.
"You're a bitch."
I could practically see the brick wall forming in between us again as we glared at each other, and I had to admit, I was glad. Riley and I STILL weren't anything. I was right. I owed him nothing. He was nothing to me. And it had nothing to do with Mike.
I think.
I grabbed my keys off the table and stalked off to my bed. Stupid ass.
A few sleepless hours later I woke up realizing how…yucky…yesterday had been. I replayed the night with Mike over in my head, but when I got to the part where I returned to the dorm, the shame started kicking in. What had I been thinking?
I was being stupid. He was actually trying to have a conversation, and I turned it into a battle.
Yesterday was not my finest moment. But it wasn't all my fault. Our relationship, or lack thereof, still didn't make sense to me. Last semester he said he didn't care about me, and now all of a sudden we changed groups and wanted to go out on a date. Why had he come to the parking deck last night anyway? Why did he want a date?
It didn't really make sense. The obvious answer, yes, existed, but his sudden change of heart was hard to trust. Not to mention the Zooey factor. And of course, Mike's reappearance did merit attention. But the heart of the problem remained, everything happened in reverse order. The liking should have preceded the dating which should have preceded the kissing. The whole thing happened wrong and that was proof enough.
Riley was fun to kiss. The only guy I'd ever kissed, but we didn't have a real relationship, and certainly not a healthy one. The hint of emotional connection was just a side effect of swapping saliva. Yes, that's it. Or at least that's what I convinced myself of.
Today I would apologize and clear that air, and that would be that.
Well, I tried to at least.
Riley grabbed my hands forcefully when I got into position after turning on the music.
"Oy…Easy," I cautioned surprised at what I thought was a thoughtless gesture. His face was stone, eyes empty. I should have known right then that this wasn't going to go well.
The tempo increased, and Riley yanked me forward causing a collision that I'm sure hurt me more than him. "Uff," I grunted.
So that's how he wanted to play…I glared at his narrowed eyes before roughly being turned out under his arm.
It seemed he was going to take is anger out in a more passive-aggressive way – emphasis on aggressive.
Well, two can play that game. When it was time for me to circle back to a neutral position, I intentionally stomped on his foot effectively ruining his ice façade.
The pattern was set, and what should have been a smooth, sexy routine quickly became borderline violent.
Every turn, dip, and lift became harsh. I kicked him and stomped on his feet, and he tossed me forcing collisions and twisted arms.
The upbeat salsa tone was punctuated with grunts and exclamations as we thrashed rather unprofessionally.
Our childish behavior caught the groups' attention and I was vaguely aware when the rest of the couples stopped dancing. However, Riley and I were too busy glaring at each other and ruining what should have been an easy routine to care.
He spun me outwards and grabbed my shoulder painfully to bring me back. In turn, I pushed against him roughly and kicked his shin.
Talk about sexual tension.
The tension built up until the finale of the dance Riley was supposed to dip me dramatically.
And he did. We both froze in position, the music fading away. The fellow dancers, somewhat uncertain of our antics, clapped slowly to break the tension.
And then, Riley let go and dropped me straight to the floor.
I fell the few feet onto the linoleum floors. My head caused an echoing thud and hurt immediately. From his position six feet above me, he smirked and walked away.
I sat up, propping myself off the floor with my arms. "Alright, let's um….take five," I called to the restof the group who all backed away looking confused.
Dusting myself off, I walked towards his turned back.
"Was that really necessary?" I asked when I was within earshot.
He didn't answer.
"Oh, the silent treatment again." Despite our previous tension, I was in a rather decent mood. I knew I had screwed up the night before and I still had every intention of apologizing, but deciding to do away with the Riley problem was relieving as well. Whatever his relationship with Zooey, it wasn't as though he had a more stable one with me. And when it came down to it, I didn't know anything about him or vice versa.
No, an apology was all that was necessary…if Riley could stop his caveman-like behaviors.
"Riley?" I tried again tapping on his shoulder.
He grabbed my hand off his shoulder and twisted my arm quickly turning to face me. Damn, did it hurt.
He didn't say anything but his facial expression demanded to know why I dared to bother him.
"Uh, ow." I managed to blurt. He released his grip immediately but his stony expression remained.
I sighed, rubbing my arm, I guess I deserved that.
"I'm sorry about last night," I started.
No change.
"I was unnecessarily combative and hostile."
"You wanted to know about Mike?"
If college didn't work out, Riley should really apply to Statute School.
"Well?" I was going to force him to react this time.
"Riley?" I tried again softly playing the game.
I raised my right hand to caress his cheek, and as I slowly moved it towards him his eyes followed narrowed suspiciously.
My fingers grazed his cheek lightly and his eyes fluttered close.
Then without notice, he grabbed both my wrist and pulled me into his chest painfully eyes open and full of what could only be called distrust.
"You should really stop doing that," I muttered more so to his chest than to him.
I sighed again. Why was talking to him always so difficult?
I pulled back as best as possible to look at his face. "Riley, do you still like me?"
He looked down but didn't answer.
His grip loosened, and I backed away.
The stale silence grew between us, but our interactions weren't private. Taking note of the audience, I grabbed his arm and turned to leave. Surprisingly, he followed obediently.
When we were outside in the abandoned hallway, Riley leaned against one wall, and I chose to lean against the opposite one. Call me paranoid, but my arms still hurt.
"So?" I asked again. "Do you still like me?"
He looked bored, but didn't answer.
"You shouldn't." I replied instead. "For numerous reasons, but the most pertinent being that….we just don't get along."
He quirked an eyebrow.
"No really, Riley. We're weird. That whole violent dance thing in there," I pointed at the game room where rehearsed "that was weird. The fact that we've made out before going out and before actually haven't a successful conversation, that's weird too."
Riley crossed his arms in silence.
"I'm sorry about being stupid last night, but honestly, I don't have to explain anything to you. You and I aren't …anything. Mike and I aren't even anything" I said more to myself than to him, "I don't trust you. I could never be with you. You keep asking me for a date, but how could I date you when I don't trust you. I don't even know if I like you. And let's face it, I annoy you. Why would you even want to date me? I'm a girl. I'm going to get attached. I'm going to get serious prematurely, and you don't want to deal with that. You don't know me, I don't know you. There's nothing to really like either. Let's just…stop this and attempt to have more…docile rehearsals?" I offered.
He rolled his eyes and walked away.
Well that was…something….
The rest of practice was uneventful and comparatively dull. Riley literally being robotic and the rehearsal was completed early.
I trudged up the stairs to my room feeling lighter. The complication that was Riley was gone. It was cause for celebration. No more confusion over the mixed signals and mixed feelings. No more struggling to figure out what was real and what was right.
I was almost euphoric. Now I could watch some TV while I massage my abused arms, and glide away to the blissful land of isolation.
At least that was the plan, but when I opened my door Zooey was entertaining company in the form of Mike.
"Uhm…" I said intelligibly from the doorway.
"Hey!" he greeted easily from the couch. "I've been waiting for you."
"Mike was just telling me about what you were like in high school," Zooey added completely back to normal. "I didn't know you were such a prankster."
"Uh…yeah…"I said still frozen. The Riley complication might have been over, but Mike was still around. Damn! How could I have forgotten?
Yesterday midnight meeting did not end with a game plan in sight. Despite his words, which continued for some time, I wasn't convinced. The cycle had gone on too long. Trust issues were understandable, weren't they?
I staggered in slowly, the door slamming closed behind me. "What are you doing here?" I demanded once words returned to me.
"I told you," he said with an easy smile "I've been waiting for you. We didn't really come to a conclusion last night, so I figured we could talk some more."
"Well, that's my cue to leave," Zooey chirped while I stood frozen staring down at him.
Neither of us said anything until he has gracefully exited the room.
Then: "I told you last night, that nothing was changed." I started aggressively.
"Ayla, I know, " he combated, "but what does that mean? Are you saying there's nothing left? Because that's crap."
"Why is that crap?" I demanded. "After everything that'd been said and done, how can you possibly think there's anything left?!"
"Because you still care about me," he stated matter-of-factly. I blanched immediately. Well, if you're going to count that. "And because I care about you," he finished.
"I'm not saying we're going to be best friends again, but I miss you. And I know you miss me."
"How do you know that?"
"You missed me six months ago, and six months before then, what would make now any different?" he said cockily.
"Things changed this summer, Mike. You said things that can't be unsaid."
"I didn't mean them," he explained.
"Ah! You can't do that!," I yelled, "You can't say crap and then take it back when it's convenient!"
"I think we both know, I do not wait for the opportune moment," he replied.
"Come on, Ayla," he said standing up. "I know you're mad at me, and you have every right to be. But I've changed. I can be a better friend now. The kind you deserve," he emphasized. "I haven't had a friend like you since you, and I think it's the same for you," he placed either hand on my shoulders.
I narrowed my eyes, shrugging off his grasp. "You didn't really expect it to be that easy did you?" I spat venomously. "You think you can just come back months later, after all is said and down and play the 'I've changed' card and we go back to being friends?"
His faced hardened. "I never claimed to be perfect, Ayla. I told you I would mess up, and you told me we'd get through it. That's what I'm trying to do. We both said 'forever', not just me. I might have quit on us before, but his here," he pointed at the two of us "this is you quitting, not me."
Damn. He was right. I looked down, considering his words.
He sighed. "Just think about it, Ayla. We were good friends. That's all I'm saying." He walked past me towards the door.
I heard him open the door and step out into the hall. "Call me when you figure something out," he said from the doorway. "You still have my number right?"
I nodded my back still to him.
"I bet you have it memorized," he joked.
I nodded again.
He chuckled. "Yeah, me too."
Tee hee! I bet people hated that. I know everyone wants more Riley and Ayla interactions, but Mike is an obstacle that has to be dealt with before she can be with Riley. To be fair, they really have no basis for a relationship of any sort. All in due time!
Sorry for the delay in posting, although this wasn't my longest. I got my wisdom teeth out this weekend, and it hurts like hell. Having your jaw stitched to your cheek is awkward. Really awkward. Also, my face is fat. On the plus side, I have the square face to pull off Frankenstein's monster for Halloween now.
Thank you to everyone who reviewed! I broke 150! Weeeeeeeeee! Here's hoping for 200!
I'd like to thank everyone who reviewed! It really is motivating and encouraging, even though sometimes it's all just rants about Mike ; ) . I replied below where it seemed sensible, but if I didn't mention you, I'm still grateful!
.brenda Sorry about the cliffhanger! Thanks for reviewing! I love seeing new names!
11cina24 aka cassbeastbomb Ah! This weekend while I was recovering from surgery I was reading some romance on here and I saw some other stories you had reviewed on and it was so exciting! Actually now I'm not exactly sure why, but I remember feeling excited!
Lullay Thank you for giving me some credit for updating soon! And you're the only one, I think, who actually likes Mike! Knowing the real Mike, I gotta tell you, dead on with our analysis. Ah! I like that you're getting deep and worked up! Keep reviewing!
Love Life and Covens Oh! I thought you were a new reviewer. I see you have a new name! Wee! I was on a roll! And then exams hit and my teeth of knowledge decided it was time to come out (they are huge…really, my surgeon guy gave them to me…ugh). As you may have noticed, the remainder of their conversation hasn't been detailed yet. But more was said…I totally get what you mean about how much he hurt her, but I think she's considering if it was worth it in the long run or not…
The-Angel-Illusion Riley's hard to write sometimes. I totally know what you mean. I don't want him to get all jealous and woe-is-me, but at the same time if he keeps up the statue bit nothing will work out…gah! If you kill Mike…hmm…honestly I think he could talk you out of it if you ever tried, so try to sneak attack him. Ooooh did you just start Team Riley vs. Team Mike? Hahaha awesome. Oh please do, the positive reinforcement is very useful!
SilverWolf338 New reviewer! Yay! Thanks! I will!
Lukas10 Hehehe that was a fun review…they both are idiots really. I should introduce a new male to take the lead…what do you think?
Storm Nelson New reviewer! Wee!
The Jet Black Hotel Mirror Thank you for that whole review. It's very encouraging and I'm glad to hear that you're connecting with the characters. Good to know it's not just me! Thanks!!!
Zethoa Thanks for the comment about the story being more real. I'm actively trying for that. Glad to know it's working. OMG I was trying to study as you were reviewing for each chapter, and it was hysterical reading your comments. Especially about the male PMS. Thanks so much for reviewing!
Jae Oh but Riley doesn't know what Mike wants…yet….
Lil'gurl aka Qiianer Your distaste for Zooey amuses me. She really hasn't done anything and yet no one likes her. Snort. Ain't that life?
TammyS3 Wee! T hanks for revieweing!
emmslay Thanks!! You're another one whose review I saw as soon as you posted. I'm glad I held your attention. I promise more intensity and sappiness is coming. (Better intensity and sappiness too).
Caitlinrawr Thanks!
Chng234 I saw another story you reviewed this weekend! Mike's hard to like, I know, but he's not all that bad. Ayla wouldn't be stupid enough to ever be friends with him if he was.
Casmar87 I saw your reviews on another story too! Tee hee! Thanks as always
Delusionment You should doubt that! She doubts it! And he doesn't have a really clear reason for liking her? I mean what's charming about a girl who talks a lot? Mike is a weakness for her…who knows….It didn't happen over the jacket, but a Mike vs. Riley rumble is planned for the future. Stay tuned. Oh, I didn't know what that was, glad you explained!
Knowledge is Power Your reviews are always entertaining. You're absolutely right about everyone suffering. I'm glad you picked up on that. So…she didn't take Mike, so hopefully your computer is intact. She didn't lie to Riley, so hopefully no cuss words coming my way, BUT Riley didn't leave her ass so I guess we have issues now? I have your stories bookmarked to read as soon as I can!