Hello Fictionpressers! Excuse the short introductory note, as I just spent over an hour fighting with the fictionpress uploader editor and lost my other Introductory note. So....hello! Finally! I have basically returned after a biblical hiatus with this new little venture of mine. Unfortunately, any Forever Series fans will have to wait, as it too is on hiatus currently and will not be back in action until I'm able to contact the co-authors over the coming holidays. Anyways, a basic explanation on why I'm returning with this particular story. I've basically been wanting to write, but haven't found the time under all my assessment at all for the last few months. At the insistance of a few PMs via Fictionpress in those past few months, I have been requested to write a typical/cliche type story. Yes, ladies (and gentlemen?) I have gone to the dark side, and in an effort to: A) People please and B) Destroy evil plot bunnies and non-writing-induced depression, I am starting a werewolf centric melodrama. I know, its over done, cliche and blah, but the heartfelt requests I got were very sweet, and so I figured "Hey, what's the best way to get back into action then to give people what they want/expect?" So here it is. Hopefully, you guys enjoy. I'm sure once I get some things sorted, I'll be a little more able to write some more for you guys. As always with my pieces, feel free to give your comments/reviews. Don't be shy. Now, a special extended askance for anything YOU want to see in this story, I will take completely seriously and I hope you would be willing to contribute, seeing as I'm writing this purely for you guys out there. Any suggestions on non-dodgy titles (example: This one) would be welcomed as well. On one last note, I'm not American. Excuse me for that. So I will be using my Australian-English spelling etc. as well as pleading with you to ignore horrific errors in geography. Anyways, enjoy! Maddy P.S: I have never, ever written anything sexual before in my life. Ever. I have attempted to illude to the end incident of this chapter as delicately as possible (nothing explicit, just setting off the melodrama here) but I am aware there will be people out there who, as seems to be popular in this particular niche of fiction, are in search of a little bit here and there. By no means will I be writing anything "mature" as you might think, but I will attempt to ignore my inexperience and give you guys what you want.
Chapter 1
"I could really use a wish right now,
Wish right now, wish right now..."
"Airplanes" - B.O.B feat. Hayley Williams
For the first time in more than a week, my mind had fallen into a calm sort of daze.
Driving always had that effect on me. The soft hum of rubber against bitumen, the lulling whoosh of cars passing steadily either side, the endless stretch of road which fanned out on the curb of the horizon served as reason enough to hop into the metal sanctuary and disappear into the night.
Of course, most people weren't wearing their wedding dress to the airport, running from their supposed-future.
"Holly….you look gorgeous honey." My mother's voice welled slightly with emotion, her fingers intertwining within themselves as she tucked them under her chin proudly. I stared in the long mirror, the subtle dance of light from the large bay windows catching on the beading of my pristinely white dress. It really was a beautiful dress; I almost didn't feel worthy of standing in such a gathering of soft material and expensive, careful stitching. The dress was every little girl's dream, with its tastefully poufy skirt, flowing from a form fitting strapless bodice, just dusted by delicate crystals giving the appearance the night sky had lent its stars for purely its creation. The sweetheart neckline was complimentary to my slightly larger and fuller bust, not looking at all tacky like most outfits tended to look on my unfortunately curvy frame. The back was an intricate lacing of white satin ribbon, cinching my deceivingly (*cough* tummy tuck underwear*cough*) smooth waist inwards and finishing the look with an air of regality. I supposed it was a surreal moment, awaiting a wedding more than a year and half in the making. My dark, tawny brown hair swept into a waterfall of gentle tendrils was a far cry from my usually lazy ponytail, and the rare dusting of makeup to my face made it – dare I say – pretty? My green eyes sparkling in a way I thought only Photoshop could make models'. I bit my lip, curling it under teeth braces had spent years forcing to align, nervous butterflies tickling my insides. I'd always loved the Miller Estate. The historically preserved manor seemingly untouched by time or modern technology. Plucking my bouquet of tiger lilies from the dresser, I began the slow and steady journey towards the main hall, where guests had piled in to give their blessings. Stepping through the suit doors, I instinctively followed the trail my mind had traced months before whilst sealing the deal with the Estate's head-keeper. The mere beauty of the manor seemed to flare a sense of peace within me, the jumpy-stomach butterflies becoming more and more excitable by the minute. I was extra careful stepping down the dark cherry steps of the main entrance hall – being the klutz I was I would take no chances. The steady descent had me nervous, and nervousness + Holly, usually spelt '24 Hour Emergency Clinic'. Not today. I had promised Adam I wouldn't make a fool of myself, or him. I blushed unconsciously as I touched the ground, the dress smoothing along with me gently; encouraging every step. I wasn't going to lie. I was an old fashioned girl. Growing up in the family I did, it was a given. My mother intended to raise me right, even despite my father's walking out on us and her remarriage to Steve, whom I luckily loved. It had taken a while for Adam to even entertain the idea of shy little Holly, especially being friends with my older sister Nadine and her crowd – But even now, I couldn't fathom how he'd managed to promise me everything. Then why was I so nervous? I loved Adam. I knew I did. He was a bright star in the usually dull monotony of life, and he knew it. His arrogance made me laugh though, I had to admit. He may have been naturally hilarious despite, but I'd learnt to laugh with him. Especially at University, when I felt like a little chunk of coral in a wide ocean, he and my sister's friends had offered their support, despite the fact I was taking "Some nerdy little environmental and ecological science" courses. In fact, it was Adam who'd assured me I just needed time to adjust. I could remember our first kiss. It had taken me entirely by surprise, a slight peck as he had offered to give me a ride home after both our late night lectures, and seeing as my sister's didn't finish till later. He had grinned his adorably lopsided smile at me as I blushed, shielding my embarrassment with my impossibly large book. I had to admit, I didn't know what Adam had seen in me. My family knew him though, having grown up alongside us all these years. My mother had simply squealed at the mere thought I was going to die alone, as I'm sure her and Nadine always secretly believed, considering my complete inexperience and skittishness with males in general. I was careful though, no matter how frightened I was. I wasn't sure how our innocent yet electric lip-touches had led to us standing on the porch outside his house that night. I was terrified he'd leave me for the admission, but grateful he'd simply invited me to lunch the next day as if it had never happened. I was sure, he loved me then. Afterall, a guy as gorgeous and popular as him, willing to wait for a girl like me? It was unbelievable, like a fairytale. That Christmas, he'd casually announced the engagement to a jewellery store attendant whilst I was looking for those nice gold hoops my sister wanted to her birthday, sending my world into a spiral. It was a dream, it really was. My fingers danced along the tiger lily bouquet in my hand fondly, my lips twinging slightly in pain from smiling so hard. This was it then – I was no longer to live as plain, bookish, Holly McDermott. I would be Holly St. Croix, happiest girl in the world. The slight thump by the hall caught my attention, ripping me from happy reverie. I could see the large arch of the white doors ahead, my brow furrowing as the thumping by the doorway continued. It was…heavy, ominous. It sounded as if something was being rammed against them by hallway, whose doors beyond held my future happiness. Approaching the archway, the butterflies flared as I glanced at the clock overhanging the archway, finding myself in impeccable timing. The ceremony would start in 10 minutes, and thereafter I would be a 23 year old married woman. As I shuffled forwards, the thumping persisted, the small archway of the door becoming wider as I neared, the second set of large white doors remaining closed, the sounds of chattering guests beyond muffled, but present. As I stepped through the initial arch into the small sanctuary between, I could hear the telltale (well, Ok, I was guessing from movies here) sounds of two bodies in mid-passion throes of ecstasy. My head snapped to the side of the alcove, eyes locking on my Nadine's deep blue Maid-of-Honour dress hitched around her thighs, tailor-made black slacks pooled around the ankles of Adam's athletic legs as my elder sister was held against the wall, supported by the weight of his shoulders…
"Thanks Mum…" I let out a husky acknowledgement, my own throat reacting violently to her emotion.
"You really are sweetheart. I'm so proud." I turned in the dress, letting it drag slightly on the clean floor, moving to embrace her. My mother's rounded face was already puckering with the oncoming wrath of tears, her caramel bob of hair suiting nicely to her two piece beige suit.
"I love you Mum." I hugged her tightly, the same butterflies flaring spitefully at me.
"Come on. It's almost time." Mum gathered herself some, not wanting to look like a flustered hen at one of the most important family gatherings in her idea of history. She disappeared through the French doors to the suit, leaving me to glance one last time onto the green cascading lawns outside the grounds.
"I don't know how you even read that stuff…" He had accused me, in a half-mocking tone, "You need to get your head out of a book and come out some time…"
"Is this your way of asking me out?" I managed to squeak, only to have Adam's loud laugh fill the air around.
"Its working isn't it?"
"I knew some poor guy was going to get his heart snatched up." My mother and Steve had teased me across the kitchen bench, only to send me into a deep flush.
"Just be careful Holly…don't give too much of your heart to him." Steve had gently added, his warm fatherly eyes catching on mine.
"Holly…do you want to come up?" Adam shot me a wicked sort of grin as we stood stiffly out in the cold.
"Adam…you know I don't believe in that…" I managed to choke out, much to his probable annoyance, judging by the look on his face.
"Look Holly, I don't see the big deal…" Adam's hands fell on my shoulders, massaging them slightly as his gaze raked down my dark hoody and plain jeans.
"I want to wait…for someone special." I muttered, his blue eyes prickling.
"Aren't I special Holly?"
"No! I mean, yes, you are but…" I hesitated, "I always promised myself and my family I'd wait for a guy who was willing to marry me; who was at least promising a future together."
Adam nodded, as if he were suddenly regretful for bringing it up, his expression unreadable.
I couldn't exactly remember how I had gotten to the airport. All I knew was that some otherworldly force had possessed me to drive there, asking the desk attendee for Qantas to cash in two first class tickets to Rome for the cheapest, quickest flight to America.
Aboard the plane, my mind had been a wasteland. Barren of any thought as the cool air of the pressurized cabin pressed against my skin. The ache in my chest had long since dulled, replaced by a bleak span of nothingness.
I glanced briefly at the formal letter, never having even bothered considering it until I had breezed into my parent's home, plucking it from my desk as I hurriedly shoveled the suitcases intended to chaperone my honeymoon into my small car. The blue seal that marked its mute toned, textured paper looked stark, the large E.P.A logo dominating in its deep navy. Scanning the letter for the millionth time, it suddenly began to occur to me exactly what I had just done.