"I knew that scripture wasn't hers" Temperance muttered to herself as she pressed down the clutch and smoothly shifted gears, swinging into her driveway. Running into the house, passed Ward who gazed at her silently, and up the stairs to the library.

The letter lay folded on the Grand Piano that Abigail played extensively, the paper was aged, the penmanship was fluid. Temperance collapsed onto the plush couch next to a lamp, her eyes searching the letter.

Dearest Sister,

You know I adore you, but I must get out of this stuffy medieval prison. I couldn't stand doing nothing but playing the piano; I felt like a princess stuck in a Locked tower. I must go, I love you dear sister. Please hurry.


"I should've known" Temperence hissed, rushing to the desk, she flipped on the desk lamp and grabbed a red pen from the drawer. Leaning over the letter she started circling the underlined words.

"He wouldn't take no for an answer Miss Lancaster." Wards deep, aggravated voice rumbled through Temperance's concentration, she lifted her head and grumbled.

"And of course you couldn't do anything about it now could you Ward." She rolled her eyes sarcastically, as she found Richard Connelly standing impatiently behind Wards massive stance.

Rubbing her eyes tiredly, Temeperance glanced at the clock. 1:15 a.m. "Thank you Ward, you can let Mr. Harvenshire pass; and get some sleep we have…somewhere…to go in the morning." She emphasized, leaning back over the letter, making sure she didn't miss any words that Abigail had hastily underlined.

"That's the first time I have ever heard him speak more than one sentece, and my name isn't Harvenshire." He growled, settling down in the couch, arm stretched across the back.

"I am quite aware what your name is, but not why you are here at one in the morning." She pushed away from the desk.

"I came to see why you ran out of my house in such a rush, you obviously know where Abigail is. And not that I care," he paused, "I disown her after what she did to me, but I still would like to know what was more important than me."

Temperance snorted, tying her hair up, "oh yes, your ego is pushing me from this room Mr. Harvenshire. Now please, I have to get some rest and prepare for another trip tomorrow. I have some things to see to." She waited for him by the door, watching him pointedly.

"Your leaving again? As I understand you just got back, where are you leaving to now?" He stood up and stretched, his plain grey shirt riding up, revealing a strip of toned abs.

Temperance forced herself not to look down and cocked an eyebrow, "It matters because? Oh right it doesn't. Now please, leave."

"Alright, I can see when I'm not wanted, nice meeting you Miss. Lancaster", he slipped passed her, and she shut the door behind him.