"Why are you here?! Don't touch me!"

"Because I love you, Baby!" He reached for me again.

"You don't love me. You never really have, Drew. Go away and leave me alone."

"Baby please, I do love you!" He grabbed my wrist.

I whirled around, jerking my arm back quickly and hitting my elbow hard against the counter, but I ignored the sharp shot of pain that ran up my arm. For an instant Drew almost looked scared, but then he schooled his features back into the pleading look of a child. He was a child, or he acted like one anyway; and I had had enough of it.

I'm Maggie Keaton, and that "child" I was speaking of, is 19 year old Drew Wright. Drew is, or should I say was, my boy friend of 2 years. Drew and I started going out when I was 15. He was the high school heart throb and star player on the football and baseball team. All the girls wanted him, and he wanted me. I went from being a nobody in Freshman year, to Ms Popular in my Sophomore year. It was amazing! Everyone wanted to be my friend. I was invited to all the best parties, though I didn't go to most of them, I was invited just the same. Every girl wished she was me. And at first, I wouldn't have traded it for the world, but sometime in my Junior year, things changed, and now, what no one knows is, I would rather be anyone but me; and that I would give the world to be a nobody again. This is my story.

A/N: Ok, so what do you think? Is it worth perusing? It's just a random thought bubble I had at work and thought I would see where that first line took me! If you think this is a story worth my time, let me know please! And if you do think it's worth a shot, let me know what you think would be a good name for it, 'cause I'm clueless. Thanks! =D