this was one of my first storys that i wrote its already prewritten but sadly not completed. i hope to put a new chapter every week if not every couple of days if people like it enough also if you have the spar time to read my other new story The Rose Garden Princess garenteed to be a little better then this one depending on who you are. I made all these characters up along with the characteristics also storyline i came up with. if you chose to use my story or characters in anyway posible i would like some credit and if you some how get published i would like full reconigtion not that i think anyone would get published off something like this. i hope you enjoy the first chapter of The Love that was Forgotten.

The Love that was Forgotten

Chapter 1: Evolet part 1

My name is Evolet I am a sixteen-year-old girl with dark brown long hair. Two years ago an interesting event happened to most of the worlds population they got powers not like super human only in some cases but they got powers like reading peoples minds or there hearts or seeing there future or past. Only 5% of the world's population didn't get any powers and I'm one of them. I'm a straight A student and very good athletic skills I've always been like this.

A couple days ago, I got a letter in the mail to participate in a contest for people who have all As and are athletes who are in high school. I'm guessing everyone else has powers except me. I hate being one of the only ones without powers. Right now, I'm waiting on the docks of New York City for this cruise ship there are five others around me all about the same age as me. As I see the boat arriving a boy with black hair and about three inches taller than me starts to walk toward me I stare at the ocean so I look deep in thought and hopefully he won't talk to me. "The ocean is beautiful today isn't it?" he asks me "yes it is," I say to him back.

"You should leave its to dangerous for a girl as yourself to be going on this cruse," he says to me "I can take care of myself just fine I know how to fight," I say to him back. The boat arrives and everyone gets on I keep my distance from them and enter the ship last. There are only seven people on board the ship I am the only girl. All the boys have to share a room while I'm all by myself in this room.

I decide to go to sleep its quiet and peaceful for the first five minutes or so and the boy's room gets really loud. I decide I will go to the outside garden instead of dealing with all that racket. I walk outside to the garden and I see the boy I was talking to on the dock looking at the ocean. He must of seen me from the corner of his eye because he turned to me and waved I start to walk over to him. "Hello sorry for not introducing myself earlier I thought we'd never see each other again. My name is Nathan," he says reaching out his hand to shake mine.

I notice that he's wearing black gloves on his hands but I don't mention it. I shake his hand and say, "my name is Evolet by the way," he lets go of my hand and walks out of the garden. I'm now the only one in the garden. It's quiet and has a lonely feel to it.

I stare at the quiet ocean. Suddenly I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around to see a gun pointing straight at me. I start to back up but hit the safety wall. Suddenly Nathan comes charging at the man with the gun the man was. Two shots go off one each going under each ear. I hear my hair hit the ground almost like in slow motion.

I can't even move from the shock. Nathan knocks out the guy then asks me "are you ok?" I start to talk but I can't stop stuttering so I stay quiet until I stop. "Yeah I'm not hurt but my hair could be better," I manage to say to him. I start to feel where my hair had been. Nathan takes off the jacket and puts it on my shoulders I grab it so it doesn't fall off.

"Let's get you to a first aid." He says to me as we walk away from the scene. "But I'm not hurt," I say protesting. "You haven't noticed yet your ear is bleeding," he says with a chuckle. "That isn't funny! Now that I think of it does hurt a little," I say almost touching my ear. "Not only that but you got yourself a pretty bad haircut I could try and fix it a little," he says to me.

"Your power is making hair grow?" I ask him but he gives me a weird look so I guess I made a wrong assumption. "No not even close I meant I could cut it evenly for you." He says to me. "So you have a power?" I ask him. "Yeah of course I've never met anyone…," He says I'm guessing he realized I don't have any powers. "So you don't have any powers?" he asks. "Not that I know of some people think I'm a late bloomer though. I can't see myself with powers either I don't really have any talents." I say to him to answer his question.

He grabs the first aid kit and we head to my room so we don't disturb the guys sleeping in Nathan's room. I sit down in a chair he hands me a cotton ball for my ear I put it on where I think the cut is. He stands behind me and I hear snips from him cutting my hair. Thirty minutes later, he hands me a hand size mirror. I look to see blood on some of Nathan's jacket that I forgot I had. "Sorry about your jacket and nice job on the hair cut thank you." I say to him.

He smiles "don't worry about the jacket and your welcome" he says to me. He leaves the room with the first aid kit. I lock the door after him. I turn off the light and lie on the bed. I go under the covers and close my eyes. I fall asleep from a long day, which only seems as incredibly to me as it sounds.

I wake up to the sounds of voices. I try to listen to them but the voices are muffled by the thickness of the door. I hear a knock on the door I don't open the door and I don't answer it. Another knock on the door my heart skips a beat "who..... is it?" I ask. "It's me Nathan," I sigh with relief and open the door. He walks in quickly and closes the door. "Something wrong?" I ask he nods, "we have to get off this ship now." He says seriously. I think to myself why is he helping me and why does he always were gloves on his hands all the time. I always question others without a second thought and I never stop to ask the questions and I come up with my own answers thinking that I'm right I hate that part of myself. "Nathan why do you wear gloves?" I ask him. "My power has to do with contact through the hands," he says taking off his left hand glove. "I'll demonstrate hand me your hand please," he says politely I put my right hand out he grabs it. His eyes close and I see a flashback of my past I'm with my parents and were walking in the park when I was six it was night and I see Halley's comet zooming through the sky suddenly Nathan lets go of my hand. "You were with your I think parents and you saw Halley's Comet together when you were six or seven," he says my mouth drops I'm amazed of all the powers I've seen his was the most amazing that I've seen in a long time. Nathan almost falls over but I catch him. "Are you ok?" I ask worryingly he nods and stands up, "I get a little weak after I use my power but I'll be ok." He says to me.

I feel bad now if I hadn't asked then he would not be so weak now. I put myself in front of the door and listen to see if anyone is out there. I slightly open the door and look around as much as I can. I step outside "Evolet get back here!" he whispers, "I'll be fine." I whisper back. I hear a cock from a gun Nathan grabs my shoulder and pulls me back into the room. "Do I always have to save your life," he says to me madly, "sorry I thought it was safe to leave." I say back. "Believe it or not there is a blind spot behind a door your lucky that he wasn't in front of the door or we would both be dead!" he says madly. I look down "I said I was sorry," I say seriously. "It's ok just be more careful next time we need a way out though the side of the boat won't work there's no ledge for our feet. I look up and see an air vent "will that work?" I ask he nods slowly not sure how it's going to work but willing to try. "I'll lift you up so you can open the vent." He says to me I nod. He lifts me up toward the vent I take off the guard easily and drop it on the ground. I climb in the vent, "is it sturdy to hold both of us?" he asks. "Yeah I think so do you weigh more than 200 pounds?" I ask joking. "Just pull me up will you." He says with a smile. I lift him up surprisingly he's light or maybe I'm just strong. "Well since were both up here after you," he says to me trying to be funny I roll my eyes.

I start to crawl forward just where my instinct leads me since its dark in there. Suddenly it feels like there's a drop in the vent like a slide that could lead to an eternal doom I stop but not quick enough because Nathan runs into me I fall as I do I scream. I start to slide down still scared out of my wits. I come to a stop slowly I stop screaming. "Evolet are you ok?" he asks, "yeah I'm fine Nathan," I answer. "I'm coming down then," he says.

I hear him come down I try and get out of the way but the vent is small so it's hard to move around and before I knew it he crashed into me. I landed on top of him, "are you okay," he asks me I nod and get off him quickly as I blush. "We should keep going," he says getting up I notice a slight blush on his cheeks I nod. I crawl forward we do this for almost 5 minutes and then I step on a guard for a vent for a hallway on the lower part of the boat I fall down on the hallway. I look up and see a man with a gun pointed at me I try to get up but I hurt my ankle from the fall. I guess it all ends here he cocks the gun I close my eyes. Nathan jumps down from the vent grabs me and takes us to the right side of the hallway as this happens the man tries to shoot us he misses me but I think he got Nathan because Nathan grabs his shoulder. He picks me up and starts running I can tell his shoulder still hurts because he's relying more on his left arm to carry me.

We get to the deck of the boat and we hide behind some tall wooden boxes, "let me see your shoulder," I whisper to him. He gives me a weird look like how did you know; he then turns towards me I look in my pants pocket I then grab the linen cloth. I look up and give him a weird look, "take off your shirt I can't treat a wound I can't see," I whisper to him. He takes off his shirt and I find the wound, "thanks by the way," I whisper as I wrap the linen cloth around the wound he flinches. "No problem," he whispers back I finish wrapping the linen cloth, "how's your ankle?" he whispers; now that I think of it my ankle really hurts, I grab it I don't want him to know if he does he'd probably go in harms way for me that's what he has been doing at least. "if it hurts just tell me," he whispers I nod,"it hurts a lot," I say slightly blushing. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out what looks to be a cell phone. He presses a button on the side of the phone, "Doc it's me Nathan I need to leave the cruise ship now bring your boat near the front deck of the ship," he whispers. I hear footsteps behind us,"move and I'll shoot I just want the girl," a man says to us.

The man signals for me to get up I try to get up but I fall down because of my ankle. "Pete grab this girl will you," the man says,"yes boss," Pete says back. Pete grabs me and throws me over his shoulder," let me go!" I yell. Nathan jumps up and tries to grab the gun but Pete uses his other hand to grab him and throw him toward some boxes, "Nathan!" I yell. I struggle to try and get away from Pete and help Nathan Pete puts me down for a second I struggle even more his boss then hands him a handkerchief he puts on my mouth I slowly get sleepy until everything goes black.

I wake up I'm tied up to a chair and my mouth is duct taped. The room is the dinning hall on the ship. I'm scared for my life why is it always me I never did anything wrong. I hear footsteps coming toward me, "finally you're awake," the man says to me. He walks closer and rips off the duct tape on my mouth it hurt. "Let me go!" I scream.

"No I need you for something I need you for your powers," he says evilly with a smirk. "Hate to break it to you but I don't have any powers," I say to him. "You may not know it yet but you do have powers their quite powerful actually," he says to me still with a smirk. As we were having this conversation I was trying to get my hands free it wasn't working out though. "I wonder where that boy you were with went off to the last time I saw him he was leaving on a boat," he says to me as he's turning around my eyes widen. Would he leave without me, would he come to save me, or is he even still alive. I don't care anymore if someone were to kill me now I wouldn't mind I feel alone in this world I have no good memories to share only the ones that hurt inside. "Do you realize now that no one cares about you no one needs you but I can reassure you I need you or at least I need your powers," he whispers in my ear with a smirk. "Now if I untie you will you join me to eat without a fuss," he asks me I nod.

He then unties me and leads me to a small room with one small coffee table and a couch. A man comes in and gives us both teas to drink. All I can think about is bad thoughts death, pain, and loneliness. "now all you have to do to give me your powers is draw an alchemy circle with your own blood," he says to me, "no I won't give you something I don't have and even if I did why would I give it to you you've done nothing for me," I say to him calmly. He slams his fist on the coffee table, "you will give me your powers if you like it or not you have no choice in the matter," he says getting a knife out of his pocket. He grabs my wrist putting the knife in the middle of my hand I use the other hand to try to get the knife out of his hand. He has a good grip so I'm struggling to get the knife out of his hand I then step on his foot which loosens his grip on the knife so I grab it. "Stay away from me or I'll kill you," I say sternly with the knife pointed at his neck. I run out of the room as I do I hear him calling for guards to come after me. I run to the front deck no one is there. As I'm about to yell Nathan's name someone grabs me and puts their hand over my mouth.

I turn around to see its Nathan he smiles with a look on his face that says glad your safe. I blush he pats my head. "What's with the knife?" he whispers, "long story," I whisper back throwing it in the water except it didn't splash I go toward the edge of the boat to find a boat right below us. I gasp I feel really bad especially because it landed right in front of someone with light brown hair and brown eyes, "sorry." I say nervously. "His name is Lucifer he's 17 and Doctor who is somewhere else is 21," Nathan says to me. "Then let's get out of here Nathan," I say to him he shakes his head, "I have some unfinished business to attend to," he says to me walking away. I'm curious what is the unfinished business he needs to attend to its none of my business though but I'm really eager to know what it is. I suddenly don't see Nathan anymore I turn around to see Lucifer, "hi I'm Lucifer Nathan wanted me to bring you on our boat," he says to me kindly I nod and follow him onto the boat.

Lucifer and I talk for awhile about life we actually have a lot in common. He met Nathan in an alley way Lucifer was getting beat up pretty bad but Nathan saved him, they've been friends ever since that day. One day Nathan had to go and Lucifer asked if he could join him Nathan accepted with a smile. "It seems like it was only yesterday," Lucifer says to me, I look down I have some good memories like that but it only reminds me of disaster. The Halley's Comet memory was when it crashed into the Pacific Ocean and caused a huge tsunami to hit the United States and sunk Hawaii and most of California and Washington. Its sunset now and Nathan still isn't back and Lucifer went inside.

I look up towards the cruise ship and see what I think is Nathan up there. I climb up to the cruise ship when I get up there theirs no one there. I decide to walk around a bit I sit behind some boxes and look up to see that the stars are out. I look at Orion and Pegasus and just the stars. "Beautiful isn't it." someone asks me I turn around quickly but no ones there. I get up and start to head back to the ship but before I knew it someone put a bag over head I scream but it's muffled by the bag I don't think anyone can hear me. I can't see anything I can barely hear anything because of the bag I'm being walked almost aimlessly. I'm then sat in a chair and tied to it the bag is then removed from my head. I'm in a white room with nothing in it except this chair and I. "let me go you bastard!" I yell. I wish I still had that knife it would be very useful right now. It's very quiet in this room very peaceful like nothing can touch you. I think I might go crazy if I'm in here any longer. The door opens and I see Lucifer opening the door, "Lucifer over here," I say to get his attention. He looks over, "finally I've been looking for you so has Nathan," he says as he unties me. "Thanks," I say to him he smiles.

"Sorry for getting kidnapped again," I say to Lucifer as I get up he just turns around like nothing ever happened. I don't know if he's mad at me or just glad I'm safe or both. "We have to go find Nathan if I know Nathan which I do he's still looking for you," Lucifer says as were walking down the hallway. I follow him while looking in every direction to see if it's safe I shake my head Lucifer knows what he's doing I shouldn't doubt him. I think anyone would doubt someone if it were a life or death situation which if you think hard about it life is everyday even in the safety of your home. Home I wish I had one.

We finally get to where the boat is I look at Lucifer he stares at me back quickly looking away as he blushes. I giggle, "You get on the boat I'll go find Nathan ok?" he says to me I nod even though I want to go help look he pats my head, "that's a good girl." He says running to go look. I go down to the boat. Is my mind that easy to read? I think it's just my facial expressions that give it away no one can really understand me. I look at the moon it's full tonight and it's beautiful. I think I'm alone in this world.

"Why do you feel that way?" someone says I look around and see a man he's an adult but looks in his early 20s. "I'm Doctor since no one knows my real name nor do I," he says smiling. "So why do you feel alone in this world and why do you think no one understands you," he says to me could it be he can read minds, "yes that's my power including being very good at medical science but back to your matter," he says smiling. I guess there's no reason to talk I think as I look at him no reaction maybe he can't read all thoughts there are flaws in powers kind of like a payment for being special. "You want to hear my life story it would probably take a lifetime to explain so I'll make it as short as possible," I say to him. "Only tell me what you want to tell me," he says back, "what if I don't want to tell you anything." I say, "You were just about to tell me everything so why change your mind?" he asks you think of all the people in the world you think he would know. "how do you know I wasn't going to lie and I'll let you dream something up," I say blissfully,"oh a cliff hanger," he says smiling with joy. He's probably thinking she'll be a hard nut to crack I'm pretty easy to break I'm physically strong but not mentally I look down. He pats my shoulder, "its ok no ones expecting you to be good at everything," he says I frown if only he knew...