My brother's best friend

Ch. 1 Dirty little secret

Ever since I remember my older brother has protected me. Not only that but he befriended his little sister, something that is hard for any guy; let alone one in this family. I thought my childhood was normal but as I entered the kindergarten I realized I was nothing close to it.

I was always passed from school to school, trying to find one that could accommodate my "condition". In many ways I held my brother back by stringing him along. I'm so thankful that he understood and so guilty I made him grow up so fast.

My teachers were anything but understanding, I was constantly being sent to the principles office, and I was deemed the wild child. This was only at age 6. In my later years I had trouble making friends so I would never show up to school. If it weren't for my brother dragging my ass out of bed every morning and stalking me throughout the day I would have never made it out of high school or gone on to college.

I will never forgive him tough for turning down an Ivy League school to go to University of Maryland (UM) with me. Sometimes he can be so stubborn, hard headed, and stupid; I wonder why he gets straight A's, but I just realize he's being protective of me (and a little overbearing).

With out him I would have never gotten into UM, granted I major in theater and am on full scholarship. The Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies (TDPS) program is the only place where a girl like me could fit in. Typical jobs, that involve sitting and staring at nothing, are not right for someone…. as unique as me. But even with the drama geeks I still barely fit in.

"Tamsyn Kates!" A shrill yell pierces through my sound sleep; only one person could ever wake me up on the first try, my mother.

"Ugggh… go away" I add a please in there suddenly remembering who I'm dealing with.

"Get up or you'll be late, your 20 years old and you still need your mom to wake you up. Grow up, move out, and get a life!!" I know she's joking and really wants me to stay forever, but I feel a sharp pain in my heart knowing I'm pretty much trapped in my life. I get up and start the day. Anxiety meds? Check. Birth control? Check. Self esteem? I can't find it. Damn, where did I leave that? Looks like another great day…. NOT!

"Don't forget your meds Tammy" blah blah I start to ignore my mom. What does she think? I'm not incompetent I'm just depressed, among other things, but mot stupid!

"Where's Ben?" I ask. My brother and I drive to school everyday, but this morning he was no where to be found.

"I told you he slept over at a friend's house after the party" She repeated. At least someone in this family has a life. But now I not only have no self esteem I also have no ride. Just then as I begin loathing my existence my cell phone rings, it's Bens ring tone.

"You better be lying in a ditch" I answer saying. He shushes me.

"Keep it down I'm hung-over, I just called to say I can't pick you up today" Just as I'm about to rip him a new one for not telling me in advance he says

"Slone's coming to getcha" I freeze and my eyes widen.

"What? Are you crazy? My meds haven't kicked in. what if I go wacko on him?" I freak out. Slone Tate (Reeves) is my brother's HOT best friend, who I have had a crush on since forever.

"Chill it's a five minute ride, you can handle it" His soothing voice whispers into the phone. I take a deep breath. He yawns.

"Fine" I mutter "go back to sleep. Loser" He chuckles as we hang up. Great, just fucking great. So now my crush and I will be alone and I A) look like shit and B) have no idea how to act around him. I race back to my room to change into something that will get him too see me as more then his best friends little sister. Wait a minute I am not mentally stable enough to have a boyfriend!..... But that doesn't mean I can't have a little fun. A voice comes from with in me, popping the outrageous thought in my head. I decide to agree with her this time and put on my favorite red cleavage baring jersey dress, knowing full well that his favorite color is red. I run the brush through my long auburn hair and knotting it in a messy side pony. I highlight my face with makeup and hear him pull up in the driveway. I glance out the window and am completely unprepared for his graceful dismount from his motorcycle (red of course). Crap there is no way my mom will willingly let me ride to school with him. (Great all this work for nothing) I breeze downstairs trying to bypass my mom but she is already scowling at the front door. Before the doorbell even rings she opens it to greet Slone. Slone is one of my mother's favorite people but she has a hatred for motorcycles.

"Well isn't this a nice surprise? How are you?" She pulls Slone into a tight hug. He embraces her as if it were her own son.

"Hi Catherine" He says "I'm here to pick up Tamsyn" He rubs the back of his neck with is hand, that's his tell, now I know he's nervous; probably not wanting to lose my mothers good graces. Our eyes meet and for a brief second I feel an electric shock and I lack out. Oh not this again. Not now.

I awake from a dream I would like to get back to but the stench of vomit stirs me. Uggh. That's gross. It's not mine but I know I have to clean it. I pulled the short straw last night, meaning I would be the designated driver and would deal with the mess in the morning. I'm disturbed form my thoughts by a ringing, I'm not hung-over so the sound must be real. I stretch and find my idiot best friend hugging the toilet. I stride over to him and kick him awake.

"Bro your pockets ringing" I nudge him again with my foot. He moans something impossible to figure out. He reaches into his pockets, pulls out his phone and tosses it to me. I flip open the phone and read a text from his mom.

Where r u? R u taking Tammy 2 school 2day?

"Ay Ben your mom wants you to take Tammy to school. You Ok to drive?" I nudge him again as he mutters something like you do it or screw you. I don't know but I decide that Tammy shouldn't have to miss school because of her stupid brother wanted to get drunk. I search for his keys everywhere but the asshole must have hidden them to insure he would not drive drunk. Shit. I only have my bike here and Mrs. K hates the "death trap". I Grab an extra helmet and hop on. I'll think of an excuse on the way.

Once I kick the stand into place, I walk up the drive way and the door suddenly opens. I'm enveloped in a hug that constricts my breathing. Mrs. K is talking a mile a minute. Oh god how am I suppose to explain the bike.

"Hi Catherine" I breath "I'm here to pick up Tamsyn". I barely get the sentence out as I see a god giving angel descend upon the stairs. Those long sooth legs coming to a halt right in front of me, my heart skipped a beat (or five). I couldn't help but let my eyes travel further up to the hem of her short dress, the red fabric taunting me. Grazing over her petite frame my eyes want to settle on her supple breast but I force myself to look into the eyes of the angel. Slowly tearing my sight from her cleavage to the long line of her neck to the acute angle of her jaw and the plump mounds of her lips I make my way to the dark pools of her eyes and settle there. I feel something stir inside me like never before.

"Ready to go?" The words escape those wondrous lips and I snap out of my haze.

"Tamsyn?" I ask unable to grasp the situation. She cracks a seductive smile, one I've never seen before on her.

"that's my name Tam- Sin" she pronounces slowly cocking an eyebrow and emphasizing the sin. "See yeah moms, don't wait up" Her mom just throws her hands up saying something like not again and I'm gunna need a drink. I ignore the confusion I am faced with because a small hand grasps mine and tugs me out of the door.

"Let's get this show on the road" she says straddling my bike. I stand there and blink at her in amazement her sexy legs on either side of my bike, the hem of her dress rising and her wearing a wicked expression.

"Tamsyn?" I asked again

"You can just call me Sin, kay? Lets go Romeo" I still don't know what to think but I hand her a helmet and hop on the bike.

"Really? a helmet? I thought you were bad ass" She stares at me debating whether to put the helmet on or not.

"I am. But you can't be bad ass when you're in a coma. So put it on so I can take you to class" She shrugs and does as I instructed. I start my engine and tell her to hold on tight and oh god she does just that. She slinked her delicate arms around my waste and raised her hands up to my chests. I speed off, (hopping to escape the naughty thoughts I'm having of my best friends innocent little sister) this was a bad idea only making her grip tighter and my muscles ach for more of her attention. I slow down to pay more attention to the road and she relaxes into me, pressing her breast into my back. I hold back a moan as I feel her erect nipples poke me trough the thin fabric separating us. I larch to a halt when I realize the light in front of us is red. I lift the visor of my helmet and apologize for the sudden stop. I only see her smile as I turn back around the glare at the light. In an effort to comfort me she places a hand on my thigh. She doesn't stop there; her fingers slowly trace circles into my jeans. Suddenly my world goes blank and all I feel is her touch. Her right hand, still on my chest, is stokes my nipples till they match hers. That held back moan from before, escapes. I close my eyes as her hand agonizingly moves from my chest to my stomach to hip to the top of my zipper.


She goes ridged. As if not knowing where to put her hands, she intertwines them to ensure no further touching. Shit! Not only am I painfully hard, but her brothers' gunna kick my ass!

What the hell am I doing on the back of a motorcycle? And what in throbbing in my hand? OH MY FUCKING GOD!