Professor Stewart was at the head of the class lecturing on the importance of vocal projection. Ironically I could not hear anything at the back; as I had to sneak in after being late. Not that I was paying attention anyway. I was busy reliving my encounter with Slone. I could still feel his warmth, his soft mouth and hot tongue. My body ached for more. I had a euphoric smile pasted on my face. I was soon snapped out of my joyous haze to be greeted by my friend, Joan and brought back to reality.
"Tammy, earth to Tamsyn" she chirps in my ear. I love her to death and she is probably the closest thing I have to a best friend but I wish she wasn't so damn chipper.
She is a complete contradiction of my first impression of her. I met her when we had to partner up for a monologue presentation. To say I was scared of her would be an understatement. Although she can not be any taller then 5'2, she brings this intimidating gothic fairy style mixed with a gangster's intensity.
She and I both had walls up so the first couple of rehearsals were uncomfortable. Until one bad day, I had been off my meds for a couple days and was feeling anxious. I don't even remember what she said to piss me off but I blacked out and woke up in the hospital. Joan had a black eye and a sprained wrist; I was working a new short hair do and a busted lip.
Soon after, her tough exterior was melted by my sarcastic charm, I explained my secret and we've been friends since. She still refuses to tell me exactly what happened.
"Why where you late?" she questioned
"My brother got plastered last night and couldn't drive me" I replied
"Not an excuse, you could have called me" True I didn't even think of that, but I wouldn't change my morning for anything. Shoot. Can't let her catch me smiling. Her face scrunches meaning she's in deep thought, she's on to me.
"Oh well, just don't make me wait again, text me or something." She drops the subject but still has a quizzical gaze on me. "Why do you look so hot today? Your like walking sex, even Darien has his eyes on you, but you can't do anything because I wanna get in his pants first."
I laugh. As if I would want Mister Mc'Snobby 'I've been on Broadway'.
"Joan, that's gross" I say
"No, he's hot, when he doesn't talk. But seriously why are you all dolled up? It's not a holiday. Is it someone's birthday? Why was I not invited, I know you would never go alone. Do you have a date?" my eyes nearly popped out of my head and that's how she caught me.
"Oh. EM. EF. GE. YOU HAVE A DATE! I can't believe you waited this long to tell me." She squealed.
"Calm down you hyper pixy" I say realizing she is bringing attention our way. She inhales and exhales slowly but begins her inquisition once again but at a lower decibel.
"OMG who is it? Do I know them? Where are you going? Does he know?"
"Um" I stutter, wondering if I should tell her.
"Yeah you know him. It's….." I can still turn back and lie.
"It's Slone" I close my eyes waiting for a reaction. When I don't get one I squint one eye open and she her standing with her mouth wide open. She finally escapes from her shock induced coma to mummer a 'How' so I tell her all about my morning leaving no details out.
"You're going out with your brother's best friend?" I was stunned she only had that to say.
"Yeah, I guess, not really."
"Not really? You have a date with him, you got dressed up for him and you kissed him! How can going to lunch with him, after all of that, not be a date?"
"I don't know lunch is friend like. Maybe he's gunna say it was a mistake and gives me the 'it's not you it's me' speech and says that we can still be friends." I finally realize I had that feeling but I could never verbalize it.
"Oh puh-lease" she rolls her eyes. "You really think a guy not interested in you would risk his friendship just to fuck his friend's sister?"
"Well when you put it like that…"
"Of course I'm right, the only reason I haven't bumped uglies with your brother is cause of you" That threw me. "Don't act like you've never known I wanna jump his bones."
"Kay so let's just end this conversation before I break your arm again."
"Hey it was only a sprain" we laugh and get to the forgotten assignment.
I stand outside the auditorium, with Joan, waiting for Sloan to pick me up. I asked her to stay in case I got stood up. It wasn't too long after class, but I was still worried that he ditched our 'date'. That's when I saw the most peculiar thing. My brother pulling into the lot with a scowl on his face, and a guilty looking Sloane was sitting in the passenger seat.
"Tamsyn M. Kates!" Ben said. "What the hell are you doing? Going out with this…. This…. pervert" Wow I know I fucked up but 'pervert' really? I've been a best friend to Ben since freshman year in high school. Is dating his sister really that big of a deal to ruin it? I find myself looking back on the last few hours. What did I do?
I remember getting back to the apartment with a shit eating grin plastered on my face. I was only thinking about my last kiss with Sin. The erotic way her body naturally moved with mine, I know we would be great in bed together.
My dick still has not gone down so I sit on the couch and relive the tension. Grasping my dick in hand, I imagine Tamsyn lying on my bed with the sexiest come hither smirk playing on her lips. The thought provokes other similar ones, such as Tamsyn's lips on mine, Tamsyns lips around my cock. Enveloping the whole thing in her hot little mouth.
My dick wanted lubrication to mimic the damp interior of her mouth. So I shuffled to the bathroom with my pants around my ankles. On the way I glance at the computer desk and spied a picture frame. Ah ha, I had seen it so many times but now in desperate need of jack off material I grabbed the frame and took it into the bath room.
I remember the day it was taken. Ben and I just finished our freshman college finals and she had just graduated from high school. We took an impromptu road trip. We literally dragged the antisocial Tamsyn from the graduation ceremony to ocean city. She was still in her cap and gown. After her silent treatment, for kidnapping her and taunting her saying she had nothing else to do for she had no friends, we lay out on the beach in our under wear.
I stroke myself looking at her black strapless bra clinging to her supple breast. And the way her matching boy shorts hung low on her hips. You could see the scrolled writhing cemented from hip bone to hip bone. "It's hard to say where one ends and another begins" Oh, how I wanna lick across those words, and down her perfect thighs and back up the other one. I wanna hitch said thighs over my shoulders so she is completely open for me. With that image (both the one in my hands and in my brain) I cum, hard. Putting the picture on the sink I attempt to clean my self up.
"Dude, what the hell?" I freeze. "At least put a sock on the door or something" Ben says as he stands in the doorway with a hand over his eyes.
"Are you done? Cause I have to piss like a rhino" I mumble a sorry and race out of there. Not even getting to my room I hear him shout.
Shit. I'm screwed. I tell him about this morning, leaving the stuff out I know he wouldn't like. And I inform him of our date. He however is still freaked out at the situation and invites himself to the date. On the way I try to convince him not to tell her about the bathroom incident but he just stares at the road.
That is how I find my self facing Tamsyn with her brother yelling at her.
"Ben calm down, please" She gives him these puppy dog eyes that I know he can't resist. Hell I wouldn't be able to either. He inhales deeply.
"It's only one date, and it's not like I'm screwing his brains out" She shrugged. Apart of me was disappointed. But when he said ok my heart leaped.
"But I'm going with you to monitor." She looked mad but then got an evil look on her face.
"Great" she chirped. "It can be a double date" WHAT? One more person? Great, just fucking great. Our date has turned into… I don't know, but not the date I wanted. I notice everyone staring at me after my internal meltdown.
"What?" I ask.
"Are you ok with this?" oh no those damned puppy eyes.
"As long as I get to spend time with you it's all right" opps did I say that out loud? Those eye are dangerous, but it doesn't matter cause it wins me a smile.
"so where are you planning on taking me" Shit I knew I forgot something.
"Do you wanna go to Mick's?"
"You're taking me to McDonalds for our first date" she asked exasperated.
"NO! No, Mick's the bistro down the street. You've never been?" she just looks blankly at me.
"Oh you're in for a treat"