Title: Stupefaction

Genre: Drama/Horror

Rating: M

WARNING: This fic is not for everyone, it can be considered very disturbing.

Summary: Did your grandparents have any enemies? God, he would want to say, my grandparents were against God; but he didn't. After a while he didn't say a word.

Thank you XxMayhemxX for being my beta!

He stared down at his shoes; the laces were smiling back up at him, yellow faces frozen in happiness. The police were surrounding him, asking silly questions which he didn't know how to answer. Did you see? They would ask, but see what? His grandparents were dead when he had gotten there, that was what he said, and that's what he saw.

He didn't really; he heard his grandmother's screams as he took the gun out on her, he felt his grandfather struggle against his larger frame. When he had left the house they were still alive; withering in pain, choking on their own blood. When he came back their bodies were cold and stiff, left in the pose that he had placed them in hours before. They died like all of the others; though they were not as honorable as he had hoped they would be. His last artwork was a young boy, and a better person than his grandparents.

He sighed and continued to stare at his laces, you keep my shoes on my feet, he mumbled. His hair fell over his eyes as he continued to look down. The paramedics had come and gone long ago, the officers were still persistent, still asked silly questions which he had already answered.

Did your grandparents have any enemies? God, he would want to say, my grandparents were against God; but he didn't. After a while he didn't say a word. They brought in doctors who said he had most likely gone into shock, it wasn't every day a person came home to find his grandparents murdered. Was he in shock? Most likely. He was in shock from watching his grandfather beg while his grandmother cried… they were cowards. It was a shock to find out.


XIVZ: I originally wrote this for my creative writing class back in '08, and decided to post it, I hope I didn't disturb anyone too much. Anyways, please review! This is my first attempt at horror and I want to know if I did a good job. Flames are always welcome.