Vampire life


I was 16 when it happened my. My mother and i where coming home late from the store when we seen a young man on the sidewalk. My mother decided to pick him up, but something wasn't right about this man. For one he was really handsome, not something you really seen in the state of New Orleans. For two he looked as if he knew so much about here. You look into his eyes and you could knowledge in them like he has been here for hundreds of years not just 20.

This young man was wearing black long shorts and a really tight blue shirt. It really showed his muscles. I moved up to look at his face, and man was he handsome. He had really light brown eyes, and nice lips. His hair was a dark black and went to his ears.

Everything about this man was wrong and soon I would find out just how wrong he was. He stared at me while he told my mother thanks and where he would be okay to drop him off. He would walk the rest of the way he said. But my mother refused. She said she would drop him off at the door. Big mistake! That was just what he wanted to hear.

When we got to the door of the old barn about 10 miles from where we picked him up he said "come inside, I must pay you back for your kindness."

I was reluctant. I did not trust the man, but my mother for some reason did. Maybe it was because she had only seen the handsome features of the man, nothing more, but whatever it was it caused her death.

He took us inside like nothing was wrong, and brought us to the kitchen. From there he got us some drinks and talked to my mother. And after about 10 minutes he said that he wanted to show us his work in the basement. My mother fallowed. Big mistake number 2!

"Mom, something's not right with this guy." I whispered. "we shouldn't fallow him down there."

"Samantha stop!" my mother told me back in a whisper. "There is nothing wrong with this man, he's just being nice."

"Wow, even your mother doesn't want to believe you." I heard someone in my head say. "And you're telling the truth." This guy kind of sounded like the one my mother was fallowing. The creepy guy.

"What?" I asked. Mot out loud, just to the man in my head.

He must have heard me or something because he turned around to stare at me a bit scared now.

"What's going on? How can you hear me?" I heard.

"I don't know. This is scary." I told him. "get out of my dang head, I don't like this. And let me and my mother go, I want to go home!" I was started to get really scared, so I was yelling.

"Sorry, I can't do that" he told me, a bit upset that he wished he could let us go." You know too much, and I can't risk anything." And before I could say anything he turned around a bit in the neck of my mother, sucking her dry.

"Mom!" I yelled tears starting to run down my face.

He didn't look up in till he was done. That's when I took off running. I had just seen my mother die before my eyes; I didn't know what to do. So I ran. I ran up the stairs of the basement and around the corner with him not to far behind me.

"Come on." He said. "I don't have time for games."

I wouldn't speak; I just ran into one of the rooms and locked the door. I knew it wouldn't stop him, but it was all I had. As I locked the door I looked around the room, and seen it was a bedroom, probably a guest's room, so I ran to the bed, and went on my knees.

I prayed. I prayed that he would let me go, and that my mother would watch me from heaven above. I prayed for gods help with this man because I was so afraid. And when the man came in the room, I knew I was to be dead.

He stared at me while he walked into the room, locking the door behind him. I knew why he was doing that. No escape. I was stuck in the room, with the devil himself. I knew what was going to happen; I just hoped he would be quick with it.

When he started to walk to me on the floor my heart jumped, and I stared at him. Waiting.

"I need to talk to you." He said in my head.

"Then talk." I told him. "Just if your going to kill me like you did my mother, do it fast." I was trying to act like I wasn't scared but really I was terrified.

"ha." He laughed out loud. Guess he knew I was trying to act not afraid or something. When I heard his voice I jumped, scared to hear his voice, guess that also proves that he's not afraid of me.

"Okay, okay, Samantha." He said out loud now. Now I guess where talking normal instead of in my head. "How can you hear my thoughts? That's not supposed to happen."

"I really don't know, it just happened." I told him. "I don't know." I repeated again shaking my head.

"I don't know what's going on here; I've never done this before." He told me. "Though I've heard from others of my kind that…"

"There's more!" I interrupted in shock.

"Yea, there's more." He said. "But most of them hide, and or are on the run form humans."

"oh." I said. "Sorry."

It got quiet after that. To quiet, enough to make my heart jump afraid. I didn't know what was going to happen and was afraid to find out.

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked finally. Breaking the silence.

He smiled and it was the cutest smile I have ever seen, made him even more

cute then his body already showed he was.

"Someone's a bit in a rush." He said, slowly moving close to me.

I stared away from him, blood rushing to my cheeks my heart pounding against my chest. "Sorry, I just asked."

"You really shouldn't have don't that." He said moving closer to me, faster. And when he tilted my head up to look at him I saw his sharp bright white teeth.

I was scared. And knew what was going to come, so I closed my eyes waiting. Part of me screamed run, but the other part wanted me to stay. To feel his soft lips pn my neck, and his sharp teeth going gently in my skin.

And then I felt them. He kissed my neck at first feeling the pulse of my blood, then bit into me, sucking gently on my neck taking some of my blood with him.

. . . Victor

When I bit into her I felt something so odd. I heard her thoughts and everything she thought. It all came at me so fast. Like she wanted me to see it all.

Her mom, and dad. The little brother that she knows so little about and the boy she wished she could have. She wanted him to tell her father and brother that she loved them and always would.

Tears started to move down my face, but that wasn't hat stopped me.

What stopped me was her Destiny I seen she had. With me. I pulled away so fast looking down at her wondering if she had seen it too.

. . . Samantha

I looked up at him, when he had pulled away, wondering why he had stopped. Feeling blood run down my neck, and the horrible smell of tar.

"Why?" I asked starting to feel a bit dizzy.

He didn't answer. He just stared at me.

I knew something wasn't right with his eyes. They didn't show hunger from the blood running down my neck. They showed fear, and I could have sworn that I seen him back away a little.

"sleep." He said, and then ran out of the room closing the door behind him.

I kind of did want to sleep, but something wasn't right. One thing was that he never did finish killing me, and two he ran out of the room only saying sleep. How odd.

Getting off the bed I walked to the door, and opened it and moved to look for him. I went into every room but the basement, not dining him anywhere. Realizing then that I had to go down there, and feeling much dizzier as I walked to the door and down the steps.

When I got to the bottom, there he was staring at me.

"I thought I told you to sleep." He said angrily.

"You did, but I…" I said, starting to fall over.

In a rush of wind he was next to me holding me up. "Need to rest." He said.

"no." I said shaking my head. "I… Why didn't you kill me?" I asked my head spinning.

"I…" he started. But tat was all I heard before I passed out leaning against him.

. . . Victor

I couldn't hold onto her forever, so I picked her up and brought her back to the bed. I had to go get her some food. She would wake up in a few days, and I had to be gone when she did wake.

So after putting her back on the bed, I left. Left the only place I knew as home, and the one girl that had so much to live for now. She would soon find herself as the one monster she hated, and the one thing she would want to kill. ME!

So I left.

. . . Samantha

Dreaming, sleeping. Days and nights go by, and soon I would be the one of them, forever. One of those monsters that had killed my mother, one of those I wanted to kill. And I would kill him.

"You can not ill him my friend." A new voice said in my head. "I'm sorry, but it's against our law. Now sleep. You will need your strength." And then he was quiet, never to speak again.

So I slept, till I was needed again. Till I was fully one of them.