~AUTHORS NOTE~ I know that this is not a chapter to this book, and that anyone who was reading this was probably thinking this was a chapter, but this book is done so I'm sorry. You can check the second book called VAMPIRE LOVE. It is in the series of Vampire Life, and has been posted up on 12/20/2010 on Monday. I hope that everyone likes it and I hope to see everyone there.
LINK TO BOOK BELOW:(If you cant find it) .com/s/2874628/1/Vampire_Love
dont forget the FICTIONPRESS in the front of that. (Sorry it wont let me put that on there)
AND ALSO THANK YOU TO sexxyvampire08, angellover254 and xXLuna-maeXx for reviewing almost or all chapters. You guys are great, and I really appreciate it. I hope that you guys like the new book to the series of Vampire Life.