~this love is blasphemy~

by SailorIchigo

Thief though I am, shall I repent at last, to claim my share of paradise

Or have I paradise here with you, my spoils of war, my vice?

You have made a coveter of me;

A breaker of stone tablets;

I come down from the mountain

And I seek you out of habit.

Glazed as you are with the hue of the sun, how could I not worship you

When you were hewn from gold to please my weary view?

You have made an adulterer of me;

For if it is as the priests do say;

If I have had you only in my mind,

Then I have had you anyway.

If blood should flow and the rivers run red, would you love me still,

Though it meant you must always bend to my will?

You have made a murderer of me

For I will smite whoever touches what is mine

And you are mine, for I have won you

Through the might of my sword; by the breaking of nine.

If every word that trickled off my tongue were to give you false belief

Would you still kiss me then, and trusting me, sigh with relief?

You have made a liar of me.

I would say anything to give you hope

Though it would kill me;

My soul bound to this earth as surely as with rope.

For if there is balm in Gilead, how can it be of use to me

When all I want is you to be my Eden for eternity?