
I pressed my fist to my mouth. Damn bastard.

He left me to hope again.

I knew in my gut that that wasn't going to happen, that was never going to happen, but I've pretty much established the fact that I never listen to my gut, and that I put to much faith, hope and trust in people. Or maybe it was just him.

I felt stupid standing here, so I willed myself to leave. It took me a minute, but I finally steeled my resolve to get up, grab my stuff and leave, when my phone vibrated against my hip.

Almost done.

With those two words, I sat back down faster than a block of lead would fall to the floor. With those two words, I didn't want to leave. I wanted to wait for him. Even though he made me look stupid, even though he infuriated me.

I sighed and pressed two knuckles to my forehead, trying to imagine myself attached to a hundred thousand dumbbells, which were the reasons why I couldn't get up—because I liked sitting, because I liked this bench, because I wanted to enjoy the nice day out. Not because of him. Never because of him.

My phone vibrated again, and I snuck a peek.

Sorry. Can't make it. Maybe next time.

My heart fell to the very pits of hell.