Hey! Many of you might know this story! It was originally posted as Lucifer's Angel, but I took it down to make some superficial changes to it and also a new name! And for those of you who have never read it, then enjoy reading!

Screams of terror, howls of pain, pleas of mercy and cries of despair, I smiled. I love the sounds that pitiful humans make once they realize they don't see the pearly gates of heaven but the fiery pits of hell. "Sir?" I broke from my thoughts angrily as I whipped my head to the left where a voice interrupted my thoughts.

"What?" I growled as I watched the demon soldier gulped nervously.

"Sir are you sure you don't want any bodyguards coming with you to earth?" I arched my eyebrow.

"Do you think I am incapable of making the journey myself?"

"N-n-no sir my lord Lucifer I-I…"

"You call me sir. Now leave me be. I have to prepare myself." Honestly how dare he think I am incapable of going to earth. I've been making the trip since the damn thing was

made long before he was ever alive.

I walked to my suite. The door opened automatically. This is another advantage of being the devil or king of the underworld; however you want to call me. I liked to be called sir to lowly demons and other beings. I do not like and if you have my respect (which very, very few do) my name is Lucifer

When I walked into my room I felt at ease among the crimson and black colors of the room. I looked around and I saw my mirror quickly. I walked to it having to make sure I look completely human before I leave for earth.

My looks have not changed since I fell from grace. My hair is still white blond and perfectly straight down my back. I have sharp sculpted features as the light silver in my eyes contrasts with my hair and light bronzed skin on a broad muscular body. The only thing not human is my black feathered wings once the purest white is now the darkest black. The anger was seeping into me again.

Calm down Lucifer you need to relax so the pain is not too great. This is another punishment I received….pain whenever my wings come and go there's pain. It tears up the skin around the base of the wings and reopens the scars and that causes even more pain. My upper back is a mangled mess of skin and tissue, the one imperfection on my body

"ARGGGGGG!" I roared in the room as they retracted in. No matter how many times I've done this it still feels like the same. The pain was blinding me. I stumbled around the room tripping over my feet and cracking my head against the corner of an end table. Black dots appeared before my eyes and I welcomed the darkness as it consumed me.

A/N…Thanks for reading now please review!! And stay tuned for Chapter Two!