Name: Charlotte Kason
Date: 12/12/08
Millerville Child and Family Services
- 24-hour Crisis Hotline -
Protocols and Code of Ethics
1. When on duty you must be available to anyone at any time who is in crisis.
2. Listen without making judgments or expressing personal values.
3. Maintain confidentiality and a safe environment when answering a call.
4. Explore the person's thoughts and feelings and steer towards the pain that he/she is experiencing at this time.
5. Recognize that every person has the right to make his/her own decisions about their lives, including ending a contact and his/her right to commit suicide.
6. Explore each person's situation focusing on him/her, not with a predetermined course of action or solution that you think would be beneficial.
7. Treat every caller with respect and dignity.
8. Never terminate a call, even if you believe the person is joking or being untruthful.
9. Always remember to code your data immediately after the call and report suspicious activity to your direct supervisor.