here you go. thanks the reviews. was a little disappointed i didn't get as many for that chapter as i usually do, but oh well!

thanks for the reviews, alerts, and faves.


Chapter 6

The drive though it took about five to six hours didn't seem as long as it usually did. My body was on high alert the entire time driving. My thoughts wandering back to the moment in the office only hours before. The feelings that Logan had created and invoked in me and my response to him. And what about Jared, Logan may have been single, but I was stll very attached with a boyfriend. Running a hand through my hair as I continued driving.

The valley I had grown up in was a welcome sight to me. I hadn't told my parents I would be stopping by but I was sure they wouldn't care. They hardly saw me or my siblings so the surprise visit would be more than welcome to receive me. Passing my old high school I got nostalgic, about what had happened during those days, how I had grown and gotten in some trouble, but also all the good times I had shared with my friends.

Leaving the small town I drove north on highway 395. I passed the familiar off shootings roads until I came across the light that I needed to turn at. Turning right I stared the drive up the road but it only lasted a few seconds before I turned left onto a road that connected with that road. I saw my childhood home. The red one story house was still as inviting as it always had been. Some of the horses were out in the two front paddocks. Parking the jeep I crawled out, not bothering with my stuff.

I didn't head straight inside but rather to the barn that was behind the house. It was a twelve stall barn with two tack rooms and two wash racks as well as cross ties along the stalls. Several nickers came from the stalls as I walked past a few of them. I really wanted to see my long time friend. But even before I got to the stall a black head was poking out over the stall door, ears pricked in my direction and a loud whinny was released. I laughed at the loudness of it. She still missed me!

I picked up my pace to make the final steps towards her. I wrapped her arms around the section of her neck that was over the door and I felt her bump her head into my back. I loved this horse!

"hey girl." I whispered into her ear. Scratching her neck and chest, as she extended her neck and nodding her head. I laughed at her antics.

After a few minutes catching up with my horse, I walked out of the barn, a promise to return later, walking back out into the sunshine I drew in a deep breath. I loved the freshness of the air here in small Minden, Nevada. Walking towards the house, I entered through the front door, already smelling mom's home cooking. I walked quietly through the house and into the kitchen. My mom's back was turned towards me and I saw her stirring something in a pot.

"Hi mom." I said, and I saw her back straighten and then turn around.
"Reg? Is that you?" she asked and I nodded my head, she sprang towards me engulfing me in a bear hug. "What are you doing here? Why didn't you call us letting us know you would be coming home?" she fired off questions and I just laughed.
"Spur of the moment thing. I needed to get away from the city and think." I answered and she nodded.
"Well I'm sure you have your reasons." her eyes twinkled and I knew later we would be having a talk. Which was fine with me. I loved getting my mother's advice. "Now come on, help me set the table. Your father should be home soon. He went out to the south pasture to check on the cows down there." I nodded my head and started to help her.

My family owned large plots of land throughout the valley. We raised cattle and did some growing of wheat and barley across the street, and then our horses of course! I had been around agriculture my whole life and I loved it. Who knew why I was in love with the city so much?

"Smells good honey!" I heard my dad's voice come through the house. I looked at my mom and smiled.

"In the kitchen honey. I got a surprise for you." she called back sending me a wink. I loved my mother. My father appeared in the kitchen entryway and I saw his composure loosen.
"Reg? What are you doing here? I can't believe it. My baby girls here." He replied before opening his arms and I rushed into them. I nestled my head into his large chest. I loved my parents. He laughed as he hugged me tightly. "I have my two favorite girls here with me! I'm a happy man!" he laughed and led us back into the kitchen.

Dinner was a grand affair in my opinion. I was so happy to just be home again. I had left my phone in my car and really I didn't care about it. My parents were here and I was with them. I hadn't felt this relaxed in such a while. We talked about my job but that topic had been briefed before we started talking about other things. Of course they asked if I had a new beau and I told them about Jared and they were pleased, but that wouldn't last especially when they would find out about Logan and our somewhat affair.

After getting my bags from the jeep, I wandered back to my old room. Pushing the door open it was just the same as it was when I had left for college. The bed was still up against the far wall. And the desk was next to it, with some space in between it. There of course was the closet and then I looked around at my walls. They were covered in awards that I had won, from soccer, my horse riding competitions from Rodea to my show jumping, as well as all the awards I had received during my years in the FFA.

Setting my bags down at the foot of the bed, I sat down on the edge of my bed and just looked aroudn the room. It had been almost a year since I had been home. I had come home last Christmas for a few days. I let my hand run over the comforter, the blue color inviting. I had truly missed being home, and apart of me felt like I was running home to mommy, instead of just calling mommy, but it was ok. I knew it was ok that I had come home.

I heard the door crack open a bit more and looked to see who was in the door's entrance. My mother stood there, just watching me. I gave her a small smile and she came over and sat next to me on the bed, her hand also running along the comforter.

"You know," she began. "You've never come home before, unless it was for a Holiday or something." she peered over at me. "so why all the sudden do you just show up? Not that I don't like having you here, its just.... unusual." she eyed from the corner of her eye. I frowned and laid back onto the bed, my feet just grazing the floor now.

"Mom, have you ever been a position so hard, you don't know what to do. Every decision up until now has been relatively easy but I dunno." I shrugged my shoulders on the bed.

"And what kind of position are you in?" She asked turning sideways to face me. I wanted to bury my face into pillows.

"Its, its hard..... to explain." I mumble. "I don't want you to be disappointed in me." I felt her hand run through my hair that was loose.

"I might not like your decisions but I would never be disappointed in you. Now what's this position?" I turned to look at her for a moment.

"You remember me telling you about Jared." my mom nodded and I had to look away. "Well, two weekends ago, Logan, my boss, asked me to attend a business function with him because his girlfriend couldn't make it, and I said yes." I paused.
"and what happened?" she asked. I had never told my mother that I was in love with Logan. It was kept secret.
"Well we went and at the beginning everything was fine, but then.. things started happening." I was starting to get embarrassed.
"What started happening?"

"He started to touch me, like a lover would do and then when he dropped me off he started kissing my neck and I asked him what he was doing and he said he was seducing me." I let my eyes drift to my mom's face. She had on a concentrated look. "I told him to stop and then after I got out of the car and went up to my apartment, I went over to Jared's like I said I would, and everything just got really confusing." I closed my eyes. "and then today," I let out a hollow laugh. "I go into Logan's office because I hear something and I go over to see if he's okay and instead of just talked to him," I paused, it was embarrassing to admit to my mother that I had almost had sex with my boss on his desk.

"And?" she asked, curious.

"Well one thing led to another and we almost.. you know.. did it..... on his desk." I flushed red and covered my face with my hands. "I can't believe it. I have a boyfriend and I nearly did it with my boss!" the tears started to leak down my face. I rolled to my side and curled myself up in a ball. I felt my mom's hand rubbing my back

"Oh sweetie." my mom said continuing to tub my back.

"Mom, I don't know what I'm going to do." I got out in sniffles.

"Well aren't you with Jared?" She asked and I nodded my head. "Then what matters. Just tell Logan, that he overstepped his boundaries and that his behavior was inappropriate." It would be so much easier if she knew how much I loved and longed for Logan.
"Mom... I don't know if I can do that." I whimpered.

"Why not?" she asked tilting my face so she could look right at me.

"Because I have feelings for Logan." her hand stopped rubbing my back.

"Reg, what do you mean you have feelings for your boss?" so I told her the story, the first day of how we met and then the four long years that I had pined over him and now when I had gotten a boyfriend, he was wanting to pursue me.

My mom just watched me for a few minutes, quiet and not saying anything and I was almost scared of what she would say when she finally did say something. I stayed curled up in a ball and flinched when she began to speak.

"Reg, I can't tell you what to do, because you are an adult, however, you need to make a decision because there are two guys that are involved and they need the truth. And I will say this, don't pick one or the other, just because you want to make that person happy. Make your decision based on your happiness." she laid a kiss to my hair before getting up off the bed and walking out of the room, closing the door quietly behind her.

The next days passed quickly and enjoyably. I didn't know if my mother told dad about my predicament, but I didn't worry about it. The days consisted of me sleeping in, and then heading out to the barn to ride my horse. It was a strange feeling riding again after not riding for so long, but it came back naturally. My parents had kept the jumps that I had used in my teen years to practice jumping, and luckily my breeches and boots still fit too.

But as the statement goes, all good things must come to an end, and I knew Sunday morning that I had to head back to San Francisco. I couldn't run away forever. When I checked my phone once I had gotten into my jeep, I saw I had tons of missed called and texts. I took a quick look through the texts which were Beth and Jared and then the calls, where Logan's name also appeared.

I closed my phone and wondered what on earth was I going to do.

a bit shorter, but thats what this chapter called for.

i don't know if i will update this weekend or next, i'm headed home for christmas this week so i might just skip this weekend and update the following weekend.

Please review and let me know what you think!! what's regan doing to do??

please review!
